

高行云 社会学理论大缸 2022-06-09


John Wilkinson, 2019, An Overview of German New Economic Sociology and the Contribution of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies MPIfG Discussion Paper 19/3



1 Introduction

2 An initial contextualization

3 Contributions from German economic sociology’s “old guard”

4 The institutionalization of German new economic sociology

5 What is economic in new economic sociology?

6 The New Spirit of Capitalism and French convention theory in German new economic sociology

7 Bourdieu and German new economic sociology

8 Economization and performativity

9 The economic sociology and political economy of money and fnance

10 Conclusion



德国的新经济社会学是研究货币及其在资本主义体系中的作用。与之不同,美国的新经济社会学,以市场结构分析为主,所以直到Zelizer写special monies才开始重视money这个议题,并且与Simmel《货币哲学》中对于货币的普遍性加以否定。但是,德国的脉络则是拾起来齐美尔的诉求。


例如,在较老一辈的新经济社会学家Deustchmann和Ganßmann那里,modern society is constituted by the relation between money, work, and consumption,甚至还继续发展Parsons的说法,Money – a symbolically generalized medium of communication? On the concept of money in recent sociology,



不过,就和Marx谈货币对比来看,德国的新经济社会学也有“新”:就是对于货币与资本主义关系,不是从abstract labor角度理解,而是human creativity来理解。involving a dynamic for growth and the production of ever more capital in the form of credit and debt. In contrast to Weber’s iron cage of rationalization as the characteristic of mature capitalism, Deutschmann, drawing on Durkheim, sees capitalism, via money, as being driven by a secularized search for transcendence.


与美国的新经济社会学对比来看,德国传统更喜欢将capitalism摆到台面来上讲。这种论战见德国大佬Streeck和美国大佬Fred Block之间的论战:


In Chapter 10 of his latest book, How Will Capitalism End? (2016), Wolfgang Streeck insists in his debate with Fred Block on the use of the concept of capitalism, while the latter, relying on Polanyi and the historical contingency approach of Krippner, see Capitalizing on Crisis (2012), defends the notion of “market society.” See Block (2012a), and his reply to Streeck in “There Was No Baby in this Bathwater: A Reply to the Critics” (2012b)



2. 大佬Jen Beckert

尽管中文世界几无介绍,但是马克斯-普朗克研究所(Max Planck Institute, MPI)已经成为德国新经济社会学的中心阵地。其中,又在Jen Beckert担任所长(2005-)最为有影响力。


他将uncertainity视为经济社会学的基础概念(而非 embededness),尤其体现为他的1996年文章:“What Is Sociological about Economic Sociology? Uncertainty and the Embeddedness of Economic Action,”


Jen Beckert所说的uncertainty是基于:Knight’s distinction between risk and uncertainty, Simon’s notion of bounded rationality, and Hodgson’s institutionalist critiques of rational action。这引导寻找第三条道路:a third way between Homo economicus and Homo sociologicus。一方面,Beckert借助更老一辈的Hans Joas对行动者的creative的实用主义理解,另一方面,又转向分析诸种social mechanism。其中,他认为资本主义最重要的机制在于fictional expectation.




最近有学者开始把Jen Beckert和Mark Granovetter, Harrison White, Neil Fligstein并列起来,见, Jan Sparsam’s dissertation was published as a book, Wirtschaf in der New Economic Sociology, in the Springer VS Wirtschaf und Gesellschaf series


3. 法国对德国有什么影响?

除了布迪厄、《资本主义新精神》作者吕克·博尔坦斯基,Michael Callon主张的performativity也颇有影响。他的核心观点是:a homology between economic theory and practice


这种影响体现在In the frst edition of the Handbuch der Wirtschafssoziologie in 2008 there was only a brief mention of performativity in the article on markets by Aspers and Beckert. In the second edition, in 2017, however, the theme merits a separate chapter。也有学者Benjamin Braun 研究中央银行等系统如何形塑了“预期管理”,导致了这种 homology


4. 德国新经济社会学有哪些建制?

establishing an Economic Sociology Section within the German Sociological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaf für Soziologie, DGS) and producing handbook-style publications (see Beckert and Besedovsky 2010)


the Economic Sociology European Electronic Newsletter- Economy and Society since 1956


the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)


In 2008, the Karl Polanyi Award was created for outstanding academic work


As from 2006, the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne played a

pivotal role in the consolidation of the Economic Sociology Section of the DGS



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