
每周全奖| 瑞典Södertörn大学招社会工作全奖博士生

One doctoral studentship in Social Work as part of the “Sustaining Civil Society in the Context of Multiple Crises: Hubs of Engagement in Central and Eastern Europe and Sweden” research project

Södertörn University is a higher education institution in Stockholm that conducts education, research and collaboration with the surrounding community for sustainable societal development. Education and research are conducted in the humanities, social sciences, technology and natural sciences. The university also provides police and teacher education programmes with intercultural profiles. A significant amount of our research is multidisciplinary and specialises in the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe. At Södertörn University we combine subjects, perspectives, people and experiences, searching for surprising syntheses, challenges and development.

The School of Social Sciences offers research and education in Business Studies, Economics, International Relations, Journalism, Political Science, Psychology, Public Law, Social Work and Sociology. The school specialises in how people interact, socially and psychologically, in terms of politics, economics, law, and the media. Research at the school ranges from individual wellbeing to interactions between nation states. We have nationally and internationally recognised researchers who head research projects in our strategic research areas, including the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship; Art, Culture and the Economy; Social Movements; Public Procurement and Political Psychology.

As a doctoral student in Social Work, you will join a research environment that offers multidisciplinary perspectives and an advanced curriculum. Doctoral students are affiliated with a Social Science research area called Politics, Economy and the Organisation of Society (PESO), encompassing the disciplines of Business Studies, Journalism, Political Science, Social Work, and Sociology. 

Social Work at Södertörn University is distinguished by its lively research and teaching environment. Our research fields include: families, children, and youths; ageing; disability; addiction; health; urban studies; segregation; civil society and social movements; the welfare state and globalisation; professions and organisations. Teaching and research staff in Social Work have a high level of involvement with national and international research networks. For more information on Social Work at Södertörn University, 
read here.

Doctoral studentship in the project “Sustaining Civil Society in the Context of Multiple Crises”

Södertörn University welcomes doctoral proposals in Social Work, to be conducted within the research project: “
Sustaining Civil Society in the Context of Multiple Crises: Hubs of Engagement in Central and Eastern Europe and Sweden”. The project runs from 2023 to 2028 and it is financed by the Foundation for Baltic and East European studies and located at the department of Social Work at the School of Social Sciences. The project includes Poland, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Czechia, and Sweden, so we strongly recommend that your doctoral research has a geographical link to the Baltic Sea region and/or the post-communist area of Europe, and either offers a comparative approach or includes other countries in the region, that are not yet included in the project.  


Description of the doctoral position
This doctoral position in Social Work includes admission to third-cycle education, i.e. doctoral studies, and employment on a doctoral studentship. The intended outcome is a PhD. The successful applicant will write their thesis as part of the “Sustaining Civil Society in the Context of Multiple Crises” research project. As a doctoral student, you will take doctoral courses, participate in research seminars, in national and international research activities and in the work of the projects research group. Your main task, however, is to conduct research and write a doctoral thesis. Supervisors will be assigned to guide you. The programme covers 240 credits, which is the equivalent of four years of full-time study. During this period, the position is fully funded. The salary is subject to an annual increase in accordance with university regulations. The position may entail other departmental duties within education, research and/or administration, but these may be equivalent to no more than 20% of full-time.

Entry requirements
The general entry requirements are:
1. a second-cycle qualification
2. fulfilled requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or
3. substantially equivalent knowledge acquired in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

The Faculty Board may permit an exemption from the general entry requirements for an individual applicant, if there are special grounds. (Ordinance 2010:1064)

Specific entry requirements
A qualified applicant has the equivalent of 90 credits in Social Work or a related field in Social Sciences and has successfully completed second-cycle studies in Social Work or a related field in Social Sciences, or who has attained the same qualifications outside of Sweden or has previously been awarded an equivalent degree. In exceptional circumstances, the Faculty Board may exempt an applicant from fulfilling the specific entry requirements.

Assessment criteria
During the evaluation of an applicant’s eligibility, special emphasis is placed on previously completed written academic work (in particular the Master’s dissertation, research papers, and research publications) that is submitted.

The submitted research plan is also important for the assessment process. The research plan should contain a preliminary subject for the applicant’s doctoral thesis, and briefly outline the purpose, aims, theoretical perspectives, methods, and timeline for the study. The research plan should further explicate the study's relevance to the research project and to social work. The research plan should also clarify which countries in the Baltic Sea region and/or the post-communist part of Europe the thesis will focus on.

The basis for selection among the eligible applicants to third-cycle studies in Social Work is stated in the 
General Syllabus for third-cycle programmes in Social Work. When assessing the applicant’s submitted academic texts, research plan, and other documentation, special emphasis is placed on:

  • independence and originality in the formulation and analysis of research problems;

  • theoretical and methodological awareness;

  • systematic organisation and stringency;

  • scientific maturity and critical attitude;

  • demonstrated ability to work within set time frames;

  • relevance to the research project that the thesis will be part of;

  • the proposed research project’s relevance to Social Work, and to the Baltic Sea region and/or post-communist countries in Europe.

 Admission and employment

This position includes admission to third-cycle education, i.e. research level, and employment on a doctoral studentship at the School of Social Sciences at Södertörn University. The intended outcome for admitted students is a PhD. The programme covers 240 credits, which is the equivalent of four years of full-time study. The position may be extended by a maximum of one year due to the inclusion of departmental duties, i.e. education, research and/or administration (equivalent to no more than 20% of full-time). Other grounds for extension could be leave of absence because of illness or for service in the defence forces, an elected position in a trade union/student organisation, or parental leave.  Provisions relating to employment on a doctoral studentship are in the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 5, Sections 1-7.

Date of employment: 1 September 2023.

General Syllabus for third-cycle programmes in Social Work: English version or Swedish version

Information about admission regulations including selection criteria, and third-cycle education at Södertörn University: English version or Swedish version

Application procedure
For more details, see 
this website under FAQ. Please use Södertörn University´s web-based recruitment system “ReachMee”. Click on the link "ansök" (apply) at the bottom of the announcement.

Your application must be written in English and must include:

- an application letter

- curriculum vitae

- degree certificate and certificates that demonstrate eligibility to apply for the position (if not written in English or Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, you must enclose translated versions)

- Bachelor’s essay and Master's dissertation in the field in accordance with the entry requirements (if not written in English or Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, you must enclose a summary of 5-6 pages, approx. 14,000 characters, to the copy of the dissertation)

- a research plan (project plan) of between 1500 and 3000 words (excl. references). The project’s relevance to the subject, the research project and the research area must be clear

- two references, with contact details. 

If available, a maximum of three publications may also be attached.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Application deadline: 13 February 2023 at 23:59

Further information
Dominika V. Polanska, Social Work, project manager, 
Eva Karlberg, Director of Studies (third cycle), eva.karlberg@sh.se
Lovisa Henricsson, Human Resources Officer, School of Social Sciences, lovisa.henricsson@sh.se

Welcome with your application!

On our website, sh.se/vacantpositions, there is an application template that the applicant needs to follow. Publications referred to must be attached to the application.

An application that is not complete or arrives at Södertörn University after the closing date may be rejected.

The current employment is valid on condition that the employment decision becomes valid.

Södertörn University may apply CV review.

Union representatives:
SACO: info.saco@sh.se
ST: st@sh.se
SEKO: Henry Wölling tel: +46 8 524 840 80, henry.wolling@ki.se

Södertörn University has made strategic advertisement choices for this recruitment. Therefore, we decline all contact with advertisers and other salespersons of advertisement.

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