
What is China Doing to Encourage Foreign Investment in 2023 ?

Wow! China to Encourage Foreign Investment with Favourable Policies

According to the annual Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2022, China will step up efforts to attract foreign investment in 2023.

After facilitation of the border entry and exit, more measures and policies will be carried out soon. For example,

Widening market access, promoting the opening-up of modern service sectors, and granting foreign-funded enterprises national treatment will be taken to attract foreign capital.  

Many Chinese provinces and cities like Beijing, Chongqing, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Sichuan, Hainan... have past the first peak of virus.

The director of National Health Commission emphasized that downgrading the virus management from Class A to Class B doesn't mean leaving it alone and that the government must take responsibility, including strengthening monitoring new mutations of the virus to ensure new infections DO NOT disrupt social order and everyday life.


But How about the Economyfor Domestic and Foreign investment ?

-- Foreign investors have increasingly raised concerns over the mounting challenges of operating in the world’s second-largest economy under zero-Covid policy.

Obviously, China has become increasingly attractive to foreign investors due to long-term development prospects and a continuously improving business environment.

The timely changes of China's pandemic control measures will promote a stronger economic recovery, also a strong rebound in foreign investment.

"We're glad that China's policies on pandemic control have changed, and we can see that China is ready to take the lead in the global economy once again," Jacques De Vos, executive director of CED Prometheus, told the Press.

The comment was made at a conference hosted by the International Department of Communist Party of China Central Committee and the National Health Commission of China, during which Chinese officials from various sectors discussed potential future commercial collaboration with international enterprises.

Many foreign companies have praised China's efforts to protect its citizens over the past three years, noting that its economic growth has been cheered by stability despite the pandemic.

China will also encourage foreign investmentand focus on

1) research and development, design, and modern logistics in the service industry, as well as in innovation and applications related to new energy, green and low-carbon technologies.

2)  supporting the real economy and expanding the use of foreign investment in key sectors for innovation-driven development — for instance, high-tech manufacturing and other strategic and emerging industries 

— it will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and bring growth opportunities to small and medium-sized businesses in the years ahead.

3) The policies aimed at facilitating the exchange of workers from foreign companies are also conducive to further shoring up the confidence of multinationals and speeding up the implementation of major foreign investment projects


The ministry data showed that the FDI growth rate in the high-tech sector was 32.3 percent between January and September. The figures for high-tech manufacturing and high-tech services were 48.6 percent and 27.9 percent, respectively.

Even though China is a major draw for FDI, its accumulated stock relative to GDP is still low. This means there is still room for improvement and more opportunities to expand and attract foreign capital.

For more policy of China ,plz consult us ! 

Sources: China Daily, The State Council Web, China’s Business Focus

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