

学位论文写作 学位与写作 2022-11-16



本文是论文英文句型系列文章的第二篇,前一篇是论文摘要中的基本句型。除非目标期刊的指南有特殊要求,引言需要交代背景(background)、需求(need)、任务(task)和构成(object of the paper)等四个要素。本文参考公开的一些文献,针对每个要素给出一些常用的句型。

部分句型直接使用文章“论文摘要中的基本句型”和文献【1-2】的句型,也有一部分经过改编而来。[1] Západočeská Univerzita, Fakulta Elektrotechnicka, Useful Phrases, AE III, Guidlines for Academic Wrting, How to write a paper,  November  4, 2013, http://en.fel.zcu.cz [2]  Wordvice,Useful Phrases for Writing Academic Papers   https://wordvice-wp-static.s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/01/Academic-Writing-Cheat-Sheet-English.pdf


[3] Abdullah Armağan, How to write an introduction section of a scientific article? TurkJ Urol. 2013 Sep; 39(Suppl 1): 8–9.[4] Bamidele, How to Write The Perfect Introductions for Your Articles https://www.writersincharge.com/writing-introductions/[5] Corrine Pratt, How to Write a Good Introduction, March 31, 2014,http://writing.msu.edu/how-to-write-a-good-introduction/[6]  How to Write a Great Introduction ,27 Dec 2017—Academic Writinghttps://edubirdie.com/blog/research-paper-introduction[7] The introduction In Scientific PapersScitable for Nature Education,https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/scientific-papers-13815490[8] Martyn Shuttleworth (Jun 24, 2009). How to Write an Introduction. Retrieved Oct 01,2018 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/how-to-write-an-introduction[9] Neil Patel, How to Write a Great Introduction,     https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/write-stronger-introductions[10]  Pat Thomson Writing theintroduction to a journal article: Say what the reader is going to encounterand why it is important. blogs.lse.ac.ukhttp://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2016/01/21/writing-the-introduction-to-a-journal-article/引言的举例取自文献【11,12】。其中,文献【11】的引言被文献【7】稍作修改后当作引言示范。

【11】Gamo F.J. etal, Thousands of chemical starting points for antimalarial lead identificationFrancisco-Javier Gamo , Nature, Vol 465| 20 May 2010| doi:10.1038/nature09107

【12】Wu ZN, Uniqueness of Steady state solution  for difference equations on overlapping grids,  SIAM J Numer. Anal. Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 1336-1357, August 19961



背景用于交代论文研究的问题的来源是什么,问题有什么重要性。尽可能以更广义的背景开始,以便吸引更一般的读者。最后收缩到具体的问题。 a)  ….. is an important component in ….. and plays a key role in …...b)  ….have/has been gaining importance in recent years …..c)  ….. plays an important/vital role in…..d)  ….. is an (increasingly) important issue for …..e)  In the last few years there has been a growing interest in …..f)  The issue of ….. in ….. has received considerable  attentions because of its importance in …...g)  ….. is a hotly studied topic due to the widespread  recongnization  of the importance of this problem in …... h)  Quite recently, considerable attention has been paid to ….i)  ….. is the leading cause of ….. that's  frequently observed in …...j)  ….. is a well-known phenomenon  characterized by …...k)  …..  is among the most widely used methods and  …..l)   ….. is a very effective method for…..m)  ….. is extensively/widely used in…..n)  …..have/has been utilized in many applications such as ….

背景举例 【11】

With approximately 243 million cases and 863,000 attributed deaths reported globally in 2009 (ref. 1), malaria is one of the most severe infectious diseases, primarily affecting the world’s most disadvantaged populations. Of the four typically recognized Plasmodium species causing disease in humans, Plasmodium falciparum causes most mortality, mainly in children below the age of 5, and Plasmodium vivax most morbidity, additionally representing a reservoir of latent infection that hampers current control and future elimination efforts (ref 2).

背景举例 【12】

The use of composite overlapping grids makes the treatment of complex geometries for numerical methods based on structured grids easy [2, 3, 8, 23]. In the overlap, the solution is doubly defined and may not be unique.




1  指出一个尚未或者很少研究的问题a) Unfortunaturely, …..  is little addressed (or not considered) due to the lack of (or owing to or for reason of) …...b) The problem with this approach is in that it ….. Although several studies have indicated that ….., little attention has been paid/given to ….. c) However, to the author´s/authors´best knowledge, very few publications can be found/are available in the literature that discuss/address the issue of ….d) To the author´s/authors´ knowledge, …..has/have been scarcely investigated from the point of view of …../from thetheoretical point of view. e) However, studies on ….. are still lacking.

2 指出对一个问题的研究考虑尚不周全
a) However, most of the previous studies do not take into account …..b)  The rapid changes of  ….. were not taken into account in previous studies. However,  these rapid changes are having serious effects…c) Little  information is understood about …..  d) What  is not yet clear is the impact of …..  on …e) Most  studies in the field of  ….. have only focused on …f) Nevertheless, there are still some interesting and relevant problems to be addressed.

3 指出先前工作的不足 a) The major drawback of this approach is …..b)  A key limitation of this previous research is that  it does not address the problem of …..c) However,  no  relationship between  … and   …  has not been  established.d) Regardless  of the progress in the area of ….., the major problem of ….. persists.e) Despite its long  success,  ….. has a number of problems in use, including questions  about the safety of prolonged use of…f) Results  of previous studies have proved inconclusive g) This approach may not be practical in all situations.

4 指出先前的工作存在相互矛盾a)  To  date there has been no consensus on how…b) Great conflict exists between the observations from various authors.c) Some  observers have drawn attention to the conflict in… d) The  controversy regarding  …..  lasts for many decades.e) The conclusion that …..  remains controversal. f) Debate about …..   continues.


No new class of antimalarials has been introduced into clinical practice since 1996 (ref. 3), owing to the intrinsic difficulties in discovering and developing new antimicrobials, as well as a relative lack of public and private resource commitment towards antimalarial research. Today, the last class of widely efficacious drugs, the artemisinins, is being compromised by the rise of P. falciparum strains with reduced clinical response to artemisinin-containing drug combinations (Ref 4–6). The genomics revolution has not yet led to new antimalarial medicines and target-based lead discovery has produced disappointing results, generally for lack of whole-cell activity as documented for antibacterials (Ref 7).


However, previous studies concerning composite grids have focused on the precision, stability, and conservation of the interface treatment [1, 2, 18, 19, 22, 25, 27]; the question of uniqueness has not been addressed




a) The objective/aim/goal of this paper/article/study is to propose (or to introduce or to elicidate or to explain) …...b) This paper is intended to present/propose/introduce a new approach to …..c) In this paper, we/the authors offer (or give a comprehensive account of )…..d) In this paper, we explore the possibility of …..e) In this study, a new technique that improves ….. will be suggested. f) Based on the approach presented in [3], the purpose of this paper is to ….g) This study aims to elucidate  … observed in  ….h) Here (or in this paper)  we study (or address or consider or concentrate on) ….i) This paper/article discusses (or deals with, analyses, considers, explains, describes, establishes a method for,  aims on, offer a solution to) ….. j) In order to ….., we present a novel method.k) Several issues arise when dealing with ….. using the past method (or theory or technique): 1) It is important to identify …..;2) It is key to predict …..;3)It is crucial to establish a relationship between …... and ….... To resolve all these issures,  we present an original approach which …...l) Even though  ….  has been improved in recent years, most improvements have been achieved by  …... Nonetheless, it is possible to further improve   …... With this goal, this work (explores,seeks to …..).


To secure that property in all chemical starting points for new antimalarial leads, we have tested the approximately 2 million-compound library used for high throughput screening at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) for inhibitors of P. falciparum’s intraerythrocytic cycle, the Plasmodium species causing the highest mortality and the parasite growth phase responsible for disease symptoms as well as being amenable to in vitro culture.


The purpose of this paper is to study the source of nonuniqueness and to examine the uniqueness for commonly used interface treatments to provide a guideline for choosing numerical methods on overlapping grids. Although it is developed for overlapping grids, the present theory can also be applied to analyze the uniqueness for more general boundary value problems (see, for example, Theorem 3.3)


a) To confirm this assumption, we studied the effects of a range of inhibitors of connexin channels . . . on . . .

b) To assess whether such multiple-coil sensors perform better than single-signal ones, we tested two of them — the DuoPXK and the GEMM3 — in a field where . . .

c) To form a better view of the global distribution and infectiousness of this pathogen, we examined 1645 postmetamorphic and adult amphibians collected from 27 countries between 1984 and 2006 for the presence of . . 



Object of the Paper


a) The problem is solved as follws. First of all, …... Secondly, …... Finally …...b) The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows. Section II describes/outlines ….., Section III discusses/analyses ….. . Section IV validates the hypothesis using experimental or numerical results.  Section V is conclusion. Some details about the experimental approach is provided in Appendix A.c) In Section II, ….. will be presented. Section III is devoted to ….. . Section IV presents ….. . The conclusion is reported in Section V.d) The proposed method is discussed in Section II and its performance is studied in section III.   Section IV shows an application of the method to the problem of   ….. . Finally, conclusion is provided in  Section V.e) In Section II, the physical (or mathematical) model is presented (or derived).  In Section III the phenomenon of  ….. is explained using the present model. In Section IV another phenomenon about  ….. is analyzed using both  ….. . Section V summarizes the results of this work and draws conclusions. 


Here we describe 13,533 compounds confirmed to inhibit parasite growth by more than 80% at 2 mM concentration. Only 15% displayed some cytotoxicity in that they inhibited proliferation of the HepG2 human hepatoma cell line by more than 50%at 10 mM. All of these proven plasmodial inhibitors, of which 82% were previously proprietary and thus unknown to the general research community, are hereby made public to accelerate the pace of drug development for malaria.

论文构成举例【12】The numerical method, including commonly used boundary treatment, is presented in section 2.Section 3 is devoted to problems with continuous  solutions. By using a normal mode analysis  on a linear equation, we show that the solution of a difference approximation on a strip is not unique if the corresponding resolvent equations have an eigenvalue equal to 1.   ….. . We apply this uniqueness criterion to two classes of interface treatments and prove that in most cases interface conditions defined on numerical fluxes lead to nonunique steady-state solutions while those defined on conservative variables ensure uniqueness.Section 4 treats the case of discontinuous solutions.  ….. In section 5, we compute  ….. In Appendix A, we provide a brief discussion on the relationship among uniqueness, stability, and convergence (to a steady state) and give a stability analysis in a weak sense for a flux interpolation condition.






