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五年级下 Unit1课文
五年级下 Unit1单词

Unit 1 Keeping Healthy 保持健康

Get ready. 准备。

What should you do? 你应该做什么?

What shouldn't you do? 你不该做什么?

eat too much candy 吃太多糖

eat too much meat 吃太多肉

go to bed early 早睡

exercise every day 每天锻炼

tired 劳累

drink milk every day 每天喝牛奶

drink too much juice 喝太多果汁

wash hands before eating 饭前洗手

eat with dirty hands 脏手吃饭

Please do you homework, Bill. 比尔,做你的作业。

Sorry, Mum. I'm tired. 对不起妈妈。我很累。

You are always tired. 你总累。

You should exercise every day and go to bed early. 你应该每天锻炼,早点睡觉。

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and number. 听并标数。

Tom, you're a little fat. 汤姆,你有点胖。

Do you often eat meat? 你经常吃肉吗?

Yes, I often eat a lot of meat. 是的,我经常吃好多肉。

I like to eat candy, too. 我还喜欢吃糖。

That's bad for you. 那样对你不好。

You shouldn't eat too much meat. 你不该吃太多肉。

You should eat more vegetables and fruit. 你应该吃更多蔬菜和水果。

You also shouldn't eat too much candy. 你还不该吃太多糖。

Oh, I see. Thank you. 哦,我知道了。谢谢。

Please do your homework, Bill. 做你的作业,比尔。

Sorry, Mum. I'm tired. 对不起,妈妈。我很累了。

You are always tired. 你总是很累。

You should exercise every day and go to bed early. 你应该每天锻炼和早点睡觉。

Hi, Andy. What's your favourite drink? 嗨,安迪。你最喜欢什么饮料?

I really like juice, I like sweet things. 我喜欢喝果汁,我喜欢甜的东西。

I often drink a lot of juice. 我经常喝很多果汁。

You know? We shouldn't drink too much juice. 你知道吗?我们不该喝太多果汁。

It's not good for our teeth. 对我们的牙不好。

You should drink lots of water and some milk every day. 你应该每天多喝水和喝一些牛奶。

It's lunch time, Miss Wu. 吴老师,现在是午饭时间。

Can we eat our lunch now? 我们现在能吃午饭了吗?

Sure. But you shouldn't eat with dirty hands. 当然。但是你不该用脏手吃饭。

Please wash your hands before eating. 饭前要洗手。

Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and say.  看,听并说。

Nurse: Hello, Frank. What's wrong? 你好,弗兰克。怎么了?

Frank: I've got a stomachache. 我肚子疼。

I often have stomachaches. What should I do? 我经常肚子疼。我应该怎么办?

Nurse: You should drink some water. Here you are. Do you eat alot of candy? 你应该喝些水。给你。你吃了很多糖吗?

Frank: Yes, I eat some after every class. 是的,我每节课后都吃很多。

Nurse: You shouldn't eat too much candy. 你不该吃太多糖。

Do you wash your hands before eating? 你饭前洗手了吗?

Frank: Not always. 不总洗。

Nurse: You shouldn't eat with dirty hands. 你不该用脏手吃饭。

You should always wash your hands before eating. 你应该坚持饭前洗手。

Frank: OK! 好!

Lesson 3 第三课

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

Dear Linda, 亲爱的琳达,

I always feel tired and sleepy. 我总觉得很累很困。

I sometimes sleep in class.  我有时在课上睡觉。

I like my teachers and I like all my subjects, but I don't get good marks.  我喜欢我的老师,我喜欢我所有的科目,但是我拿不到好分数。

At night I can't sleep, so I go on the computer or watch TV. 晚上我睡不着,所以我玩电脑或者看电视。

It's not good. What should I do? 这样不好。我应该做什么?

Worried 忧虑

Dear Worried, 亲爱的忧虑,

Many students have this problem. 许多同学都有这种问题。

You are going to be OK. 你会好起来的。

I have some advice for you. 我给你一些建议。

First, you should exercise every day. 首先,你要每天锻炼。

Play football or basketball with your classmates or do morning exercises. 和你的同学一起踢足球或打篮球或者做晨练。

Next, you shouldn't play too much on the computer or watch too much TV. 接下来,你不能玩太多电脑和看太多电视。

So turn off the TV and computer at 9 pm. 所以晚上九点要关上电视和电脑。

Try to walk more and help your mum do some housework. 试着散步更多或者帮助妈妈做家务。

Finally, you should go to bed before 9:30. 最后,你要九点半前睡觉。

Try these things. I think you'll soon feel better. 尝试这些。我觉得你很快就会感觉好起来的。

Linda 琳达

Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。

ea head头 bread面包 sweater毛衣 weather天气 healthy健康 heavy重的

B Listen, circle and repeat. 听、画圈并重复。





C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

It's cold today. I am wearing my sweater. 今天很冷。我在穿我的毛衣。

I'm hungry. I want some meat, some bread and a cup of tea. 我饿了。我想吃些肉、面包和喝一杯茶。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

Before I go to school I eat, 在我上学前我吃东西,

A meal of meat and bread. 一顿肉和面包。

I drink some nice hot tea, 我喝一些热茶。

And I clean my hands and head. 洗手和脸。

Fun Time 欢笑时间

A Good to know. 了解一下。

We should eat many kinds of food to be healthy. 我们为了健康应该吃很多种食物。

What should we eat? What shouldn't we eat? 我们应该吃什么?又不该吃什么?

We need only a little fat and sugar, such as oil, candy, ice-cream and cake. 我们只需要一点脂肪和糖,比如油,糖,冰淇淋和蛋糕。

We shouldn't eat too much. 我们不能吃太多。

We need some chicken, fish and meat. 我们需要一些鸡肉、鱼肉和猪肉。

We also need some milk and cheese. We should have some, but we shouldn't have too much. 我们还需要一些牛奶和奶酪。我们需要一些,但是我们不需要很多。

Fruit and vegetables are all good for us. 水果和蔬菜对我们很好。

We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. 我们需要吃很多水果和蔬菜。

We should eat a lot of these foods. They can give us energy. 我们需要吃很多这些食物。他们能给我们提供能量。

C Let's sing. 一起唱吧。

I've got a headache, a headache, a headache. 我头疼、头疼、头疼。

I've got a headache. 我头疼。

What should I do? 我应该怎么办?

You should have a rest and drink some warm water. 你需要休息一下,喝一些热水。

You shouldn't watch TV. 你不该看电视。

No TV for you! 不许看电视!

I've got a stomachache, a stomachache, a stomachache. 我肚子疼、肚子疼、肚子疼。

I've got a stomachache. 我肚子疼。

What should I do? 我应该怎么办?

You should see a doctor and drink some warm water. 那你应该看医生,喝些热水。

You shouldn't eat ice-cream. 你不该吃冰淇淋。

No ice-cream for you! 不许吃冰淇淋!

Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and number. 听并标数。

Mum, I'm hungry. Can I eat dinner now? 妈妈,我饿了。我现在能吃饭吗?

Yes, but you should clean your desk first. 好,但是你应该先清理书桌。

Oh, andook. Your hands are so dirty. 哦,看。你的手好脏。

Go wash your hands before eating. 饭前洗洗你的手。

OK. 好。

What's wrong, Nannan? 怎么了,楠楠?

I feel tired. 我觉得很累。

Do you watch a lot of TV every night? 你每晚看很久电视吗?

Yes, I do. I know I shouldn't watch too much TV. 是的。我知道我不该看太久电视。

You're right. We shouldn't watch too much TV. 你是对的。我们不该看太久电视。

We should go to bed early. 我们要早睡。

What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

Zhang Qiang. 张强。

What's wrong? 怎么了?

I have a toothache. 我牙疼。

Do you often eat candy? 你经常吃糖吗?

Yes, I like it very much. 是的,我非常喜欢。

That's bad. You shouldn't eat too much candy. 太不好了。你不该吃那么多糖。

You should brush your teeth, every day. 你要每天刷牙。

Lily, I think I'm too fat. What should I do? 丽丽,我觉得我太胖了。我应该怎么办?

What do you like to eat? 你喜欢吃什么?

I like to eat a lot of meat. 我喜欢吃很多肉。

And I like ice cream, too. 我还喜欢吃冰淇淋。

Hmm... well, I think you shouldn't eat too much meat and ice cream. 嗯……我觉得你不该吃太多肉和冰淇淋。

You should eat more fruit and vegetable. 你应该吃更多水果和蔬菜。

And you should exercise every day. 你应该每天锻炼。

Story Time 故事时间

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

It is a hot day. 今天很热。

Mrs Brown is walking by the sea. 布朗小姐在海边散步。

She sees a little green bottle in the sand. 她看到沙滩上有一个小的绿色的瓶子。

Should she touch it? 她应该碰它吗?

Should she shake it? 她应该晃它吗?

Mrs Brown takes the bottle and shakes it. 布朗小姐拿起瓶子晃了晃。

A little man with a gold hat comes out. 一个带着金色帽子的小男人出现了。

He says, "Thank you for helping me! I can give you three wishes. 他说:“谢谢你帮助我!我能实现你三个愿望。

You should choose carefully." 你要慎重选择。”

Mrs Brown says, "I am hungry. I wish for a big dinner." 布朗小姐说:“我饿了,我想吃大餐。”

She sees a big dish of beef and chicken! 她看到一大盘牛肉和鸡肉!

Mrs Brown says, "I wish for a new dog." 布朗小姐说:“我想要一只新狗。”

She sees a big black dog! The dog eats the dinner. 她看到一只大的黑色的狗!狗吃了大餐。

The little man says, "Be careful with your last wish! 小男人说:“要珍惜你最后一个愿望!

It shouldn't be big. It shouldn't be expensive." 它不应该太过宏伟。也不该太昂贵。”

Should she wish for a new house? 她应该许愿要新房子吗?

Too big. 太大了。

Should she wish for a new car? 她应该许愿要一辆新车吗?

Too expensive. 太贵了。

What should Mrs Brown wish for? 布朗小姐应该许什么愿呢?

She thinks hard. 她很仔细的考虑。

Not too big. Not too expensive. 不宏伟也不昂贵。

She turns to the little man, "I wish for good health." 她转过去对小男人说:“我想要健康。”


too much        太多

candy          糖果

go to bed           去睡

early          早

exercise          锻炼

tired          困倦的

drink           喝

before          在……之前

dirty         脏的

always         总是

stomachache        胃疼

headache          头疼

toothache        牙疼

a lot of       许多

sleepy        困的

subject     学科

mark        分数

advice     建议

more      更多的



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