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五年级下 Unit2课文
五年级下 Unit2单词

Unit 2 Special Days 特殊的日子

Get ready. 准备一下。

What special days do you know? 你知道什么特殊的日子?

January 一月

New Year's Day 新年

Jan 1st 1月1日

Februry 二月

March 三月

Tree Planting Day 植树节

Mar 12th 3月12日

April 四月

May 五月

Mother's Day 母亲节

second Sunday in May 五月第二个周日

June 六月

Children's Day 儿童节

June 1st 6月1日

Father's Day 父亲节

third Sunday in June 六月第三个周日

July 七月

my birthday 我的生日

July 5th 7月5日

August 八月

September 九月

Teacher's Day 教师节

Sep 10th 9月10日

October 十月

National Day 国庆节

Oct 1st 10月1日

November 十一月

December 十二月

Christmas Day 圣诞节

Dec 25th 12月25日

When is Tree Planting Day? 植树节是什么时候?

It's on March 12th. 是3月12日。

What do you do on that day? 你那天做什么?

We often plant trees. 我们经常种树。

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and number. 听并标数。

What is your favourite day, Bill? 你最喜欢什么节日,比尔?

My favourite day is National Day. 我最喜欢国庆节。

I always go to Tian'anmen Square on National Day. 我经常在国庆节去天安门广场。

What about you, Lily? 你呢,丽丽.

I like Tree Planting Day, on March 12th. 我喜欢植树节,在3月12日。

I often go to the park to plant trees. 我经常去公园种树。

And you, Joy? 你呢,乔伊?

My favourite days are Mother's Day and Father's Day. 我最喜欢的节日是母亲节和父亲节。

When are they? 它们是什么时候?

Mother's Day ia on the second Sunday in May. 母亲节在5月第二个周日。

And Father's Day is on the third Sunday in June. 父亲节在六月第三个周日。

I help my parents do chores on these days. 这几天我帮助父母做家务。

And What are your favourite days, Mike? 迈克,你最喜欢什么日子?

I like Christmas Day and New Year's Day. 我喜欢圣诞节和新年。

It's cold on these days. But it's fun. 这些日子很冷。但是很有趣。

And you, Yaoyao? 你呢,瑶瑶?

I like children's Day and Teacher's Day. 我喜欢儿童节和教师节。

They are on the 1st of June and the 10th of September. 他们在6月1日和9月10日。

Well, My favourite day is the 5th of July. 好吧,我最喜欢7月5日。

Why? 为什么?

It's my birthday of course. 当然因为是我的生日。

Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and number. 看,听并标数。

Alice: What are you doing, Binbin? 彬彬,你在做什么?

Binbin: I am going to make a poster for Tree Planting Day. 我要给植树节做一个海报。

Alice: When is Tree Planting Day? 植树节是什么时候?

Binbin: It's on March 12th. 在3月12日。

Alice: How are you going to celebrate it? 你怎么庆祝它?

Binbin: Before Tree Planting Day, we are going to read some books about trees. 在植树节前,我们要读一些和树相关的书。

Then we are going to make a poster about trees. 然后我们要做一张和树相关的海报。

On Tree Planting Day, we are going to plant trees with our classmates. 在植树节,我们要和同学植树。

After that, we are going to climb a hill and fly our kites. 在那之后,我们要爬山和放风筝。

We are also going to have a picnic together. 我们要一起野餐。

Alice: Wow. That sounds great. 哇。听起来不错。

Lesson 3 第三课

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

New Year's Day is a day for a party. 新年是聚会的一天。

People start the party on December 31st. 人们从12月31日开始聚会。

Then at 12 o'clock they say "hello" to the new year together. 12点的时候他们一起对新年问好。

Another special day is Children's Day. 另一个特殊的节日是儿童节。

On this day, many people give presents to children. 在这一天,许多人都给孩子们礼物。

Children like to play games and have fun. It's a great day! 孩子们喜欢玩游戏。这一天很棒!

On Teachers' Day, children say "thank you" to their teachers. 教师节,孩子们对他们的老师道谢。

They also help to clean the teachers' offices. 他们还帮助老师清理教师办公室。

Dads work very hard for their families. 爸爸为家里工作的很辛苦。

Children can thank their fathers on Father's Day. 孩子们在父亲节感谢他们的爸爸。

Some children make cards for their fathers. 一些孩子给他们的爸爸做卡片。

Mothers are very special, too. 妈妈也很特别。

Children can show their love to their mothers on Mother's Day. 孩子们能在母亲节向妈妈示爱。

They can make breakfast for them, or help them do chores. 他们能给她们做早饭,或者帮她们做家务。

Christmas is a special day in Western countries for all the family. 圣诞节对于西方国家和所有家庭来说都是特殊的一天。

People give presents to their friends and family.  人们给朋友和家人送礼。

Many people put Christmas trees in their homes, too. 许多人还把圣诞树放在家里。

Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。

dr drink喝 dress打扮 driver司机

tr train火车 tree书 trip旅行

B Listen, circle and repeat. 听,画圈并重复。






C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

Do you want to drink some water? 你想喝些水吗?

Do you want to travel by train? 你想坐火车旅游吗?

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

In my dream I'm on a train. 在我梦中我在一辆火车上。

I'm driving to the sea. 我开车去海里。

I travel through the countryside. 我经过一个村庄。

Come! Take a trip with me. 来吧!和我一起旅行!

Fun Time 欢笑时间

A Good to know. 了解一下。

The Dragon Boat Festival is a special Chinese festival. 端午节是中国特殊的节日。

On this day, people remember Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet. 在这一天,人们怀念一个著名的诗人,屈原。

Everyone eats zongzi. 每人人都吃粽子。

In the south of China some people have races in big boats, called Dragon Boats. 在中国南部,一些人有大船比赛,叫龙舟。

Halloween is on October 31st each year. 万圣节是每年的10月31日。

It is a special festival in Western countries. 它是西方国家特殊的节日。

Children like to wear costumes on this day. 孩子们喜欢在这天乔装打扮。

They sometimes dress up like monsters or famous people. 他们有事打扮的像怪兽或名人。

They go to people's houses to ask for candy. 他们去别人家要糖。

C Let's sing. 一起唱吧。

It's a day for children, 这是属于孩子的节日,

A day for you and me. 一个属于你我的节日

Children's Day is fun. 儿童节很有趣。

We can play games happily. 我们能开心的做游戏。

It's a day for mothers. 这是属于妈妈的节日。

They help us every day. 她们每天帮助我们。

Mother's Day is great. 母亲节很棒。

We show our love in many ways. 我们有很多种方式表达爱。

It's a day for fathers. 这是属于父亲的节日。

They work hard for me and you. 他们为你我辛勤工作。

Father's Day is cool. 父亲节很酷。

We say thanks for all they do. 我们向他们做的一切说谢谢。

Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and tick. 听和打勾。

This day is a special day for our family. 这一天对于我们家来说是特别的一天。

I often try to cook breakfast on this day. 我经常在这天做早饭。

I also often buy flowers. 我经常买花。

On this day I can say "thank you" to someone I love very much. 在这天我能向某个我非常爱的人说谢谢。

She will be happy on this day. 她会在这天变得开心的。

This day comes once a year. 这一天每年会来一次。

It is a special day for people around the world. 它对于全世界的人来说都是特别的一天。

We have a party on the night before this day. 在这天之前我们晚上举办一个派对。

People usually celebrate this day with thier family. 人们通常和家人一起纪念这天。

There's no special food for this day. 这天没有什么特别的食物。

We don't go to school on this day. Hooray! 我们这天不上学。万岁!

This is a special day in China, but not in America or England. 这是中国特别的节日,美国和英国没有。

In China, this day is in a Wang Holiday. 在中国,这天是王的节日。

It is often very cold on this day. 这天通常很冷。

We always celebrate this day with our family. 我们通常和家人一起庆祝这天。

It's also a good day for eating. 这一天也是一个适合吃好吃的的节日。

Especially dumplings. 尤其是饺子。

This day is for making the world better. 这一天是为让世界更美好而设立的。

We think about making it clean and green. 我们为了让它变得更干净绿色。

We often leave our schools and go to the hills. 我们经常离开学校去山上。

We work hard on this day for we help make the world better. 我们在这天很努力,为了让世界更美好。

Story Time 故事时间

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

Mother's Day. 母亲节

Mother's Day is tomorrow. 明天是母亲节。

Mary really loves her mother. 玛丽非常爱她的妈妈。

She wants her mother to have a very special day. 她想让妈妈度过特别的一天。

On Sunday morning, Mary wakes up at 5 o'clock. 周日早上,玛丽五点起床。

It's very early, but she has many things to do. 非常早,但是她有很多事要做。

First she gets some coloured paper. 首先,她拿了些彩纸。

She makes some beautiful paper flowers for her mother. 她给妈妈做了很多美丽的纸花。

Next she makes a card. 接下来她做了个卡片。

It is very pretty. 非常美。

The card says "I love you, Mum!" 卡片写道:“我爱你,妈妈!”

Then she makes breakfast. 然后她做了早饭。

Her mother likes eggs for breakfast, 她的妈妈早饭喜欢吃鸡蛋,

so Mary cooks some delicious eggs for her. 所以玛丽给她做了美味的鸡蛋。

At 8 o'clock, Mary goes to wake up her mother. 八点,玛丽去叫醒妈妈。

She says to her mother, "Happy Mother's Day!" 她对妈妈说:“母亲节快乐!”

Mary's mother starts to cry. 玛丽的妈妈开始哭泣。

Mary is very worried. 妈妈非常忧虑。

Maybe her mother doesn't like the flowers. 或许她妈妈不喜欢花。

Maybe her mother is sad. 或许她妈妈很伤心。

Mary's mother cries because she is so happy. 玛丽的妈妈哭是因为她很开心。

She knows Mary loves her and she loves Mary, too. 她知道玛丽喜欢她,她也爱她。


New Year's Day        新年

Tree Planting Day          植树节

Mother's Day        母亲节

Children's Day        儿童节

Father's Day          父亲节

Teacher's Day           教师节

National Day          国庆节

Christmas Day         圣诞节

birthday         生日

fitth(5th)        第五

tenth            第十

twelfth          第十二

twenty-fifth         第二十五

plant        种植

make a poster          制作海报

celebrate           庆祝

have a picnic        野餐

office         办公室

together       在一起

special       特别的 



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