
41人教新起点5年级下 Unit4课文单词音频+视频

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知识点: Unit4课文单词音频+视频

五年级下 Unit4课文
五年级下 Unit4单词

Unit 4 Last Weekend 上周末

Get ready.准备

What did you do last weekend?上周末你做了什么?

Cleand the window (过去式)擦窗子

watched TV (过去式)看电视

climbed a hill (过去式)爬山

visited grandparents (过去式)看望祖父母

danced (dance的过去式)跳舞

jumped rope (过去式)跳绳

listened to music (过去式)听音乐

rowed a boat (过去式)划船

played computer games (过去式)玩电子游戏

stayed at home (过去式)呆在家里

played the piano (过去式)弹钢琴

played chess (过去式)下棋

washed clothes (过去式)洗衣服

What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做了什么?

I visited my grandparents. 我去拜访了祖父母。

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and tick. 听并打勾。

Hi, Lily. What did you do last weekend? 嗨,丽丽。你上周末做了什么?

I climbed a hill with my friends on Saturday. 我周六和朋友一起爬山了。

On Sunday, I visited my grandparents. 周日,我拜访了祖父母。

I cleand the window for them and watched TV with them. 我给他们清洁窗户,和他们一起看了电视。

It was fun. 很有趣。

Sounds good. 听起来不错。

What about you, Joy? 乔伊,你呢?

On Saturday, I listened to music, rowed a boat with my mum and dad. 周六,我和父母一起听音乐,划船。

On Sunday, I danced in a dacing club and jumped rope. I was very happy. 周末,我在舞蹈社跳舞和跳绳。

That sounds wonderful. 听起来不错。

And how is your weekend, Bill? 比尔,你的周末怎么样?

I stayed at home. 我呆在家里。

On Saturday, I played chess with my father. 周末,我和爸爸一起下棋。

On Sunday morning, I played the piano. 周日早上,我弹钢琴。

On Sunday afternoon, I play computer games. 周日下午,我打电脑游戏。

It was fun. 很有趣。

B Chant and say. 唱和说。

What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做了什么?

I climbed a hill. 我爬山了。

[01:13.57]It was fun. 很有趣。

What about you? 你呢?

What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做了什么?

I stayed at home。我呆在家里了。

I cleaned the living room. 我打扫了客厅。

I washed clothes. 我洗了衣服。

It was boring. 很无聊。

What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做了什么?

I climbed a hill. 我爬山了。

I played chess. 我下棋了。

It was fun. 很有趣。

What about you? 你呢?

What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做了什么?

I cleaned the living room. 我打扫了客厅。

Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and number.  看,听并标数。

Lily: Hi, Binbin. How was your weekend? 嗨,彬彬。你周末过得怎么样?

Binbin: It was wonderful. 很棒。

Lily: Oh, really? What did you do last weekend? 哦,真的吗?你上周末做什么了?

Binbin: I watched a football match with my friends, and then we played football together. 我和朋友看了足球赛,然后一起踢足球了。

On Sunday, I played the violin in a music club. 周日,我在音乐社拉小提琴了。

Lily: That really sounds fun. 听起来很有趣。

Binbin: How was your weekend? 你的周末怎么样?

Lily: It was great on Saturday. 周六很棒。

I played badminton with Joy in the morning. 我早上喝乔伊一起玩羽毛球。

It was rainy in the afternoon. 下午在下雨。

I played in the rain. It was a lot of fun. 我在雨中玩。很有趣。

Binbin: Wow, that was cool. 哇,那很酷。

What did you do last Sunday? 你上周日做了什么?

Lily: I stayed in bed all day. I was ill. 我一直呆在床上。我病了。

Binbin: Oh, what a pity! I'm sorry to hear that. 哦,太遗憾了!我很抱歉听到这个消息。

Lesson 3 第三课

A Let's read.

On the weekend, I usually stay at home on Saturday morning and go to an English class on Saturday afternoon. 周末,我通常周六早上在家,周六下午去英语课。

On Sunday, I sometimes visit my grandparents and sometimes play with my friends. 周日,我有时拜访祖父母,有时和朋友一起玩。

But last weekend was special. 但是上周比较特殊。

On Saturday, I visited my friend Ann because it was her birthday. 周六,我拜访了朋友,安。因为是她的生日。

We danced and watched cartoons all morning. 我们整个早上跳舞和看动画片。

In the afternoon, we climbed a hill and rowed a boat in the park. 下午,我在公园爬山和划船。

On Sunday, I watched a football match with my dad in the morning. 周日,我早上喝爸爸看足球比赛。

My favourite team won the match. I was very happy. 我最喜欢的队赢了,我非常开心。

In the afternoon, I had a football match with my friends. 下午,我和朋友踢足球比赛了。

My team won the game. I was so excited. 我的队赢了。我非常激动。

I really enjoyed last weekend. 我真的很享受上周末。

Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。

ed cleaned打扫 played玩 rowed划

danced跳舞 jumped跳 washed打扫

shouted大叫 visited参观 painted画

B Listen, circle and repeat. 听,画圈并重复。







C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

I stayed at home and washed my clothes last Sunday. 上周日我呆在家和洗衣服。

Susan played basketball and danced yesterday. 苏珊昨天打篮球和跳舞了。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

I played football and rowed a boat. 我踢足球和划船。

I also jumped and shouted. 我跳和大吼。

Then I cleaned my bedroom, too. 然后还打扫了房间。

And then, of course, I rested. 然后,当然,我休息了。

Fun Time 欢笑时间

A Good to know. 了解一下。

These American children had a very interesting weekend. 这些美国孩子有很有趣的周末。

David went to a museum. 大卫去了博物馆。

He saw many old and interesting things. 他看到很多旧的和有趣的东西。

He took many photos, too. 他还照了很多照片。

David likes reading, so he really loved the old books in the museum. 大卫喜欢读书,所以他真的喜欢博物馆的旧书。

Jane and Susan went camping together. 简和苏珊一起去野营。

They walked up hills and looked at the trees and flowers. 他们爬山和欣赏树和花。

They cooked food and played games. 他们做吃的和打游戏。

They had a lot of fun.他们过得很开心。

Emma helped some old people near her home. 艾玛帮助一些住在附近的老人。

She went shopping to buy some food for them. 她去购物给他们卖了一些吃的。

She also cleaned their homes. 她还打扫了他们家。

She was very happy to help them. 她帮助他们很开心。

C Let's sing. 一起唱吧。

What did you do last weekend? 你上周做了什么?

On Saturday and Sunday, 周六或周日,

I listened to music and played football. 我听音乐和踢足球。

That's what I did those days. 那是我那些天做的事。

What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做什么了?

On Saturday and Sunday, 周六和周日。

I danced with my friends and walked in the park. 我和朋友跳舞,在公园散步。

That's what I did those days. 那是我那些天做的事。

What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做什么了?

On Saturday and Sunday, 周六和周日。

I climbed a hill and rowed a boat- 我爬山和划船——

That's what I did those days. 那是我那些天做的事。

Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and match. 听并匹配。

Hello, boys and girls. 你好,男孩女孩们。

How was your last weekend? 你上周末怎么样?

It was fun. 很有趣。

On Saturday, I visited my grandparents. 周六,我拜访了祖父母。

On Sunday, I stayed at home and watched TV. 周日,我在家看电视。

Good, what did you do last weekend, Mike? 很好,你上周末做什么了,迈克?

I played ping-pong with my firends on Saturday. 我周六和朋友一起打乒乓球了。

On Sunday, I stayed at home and played chess with my dad. 周日,我在家和爸爸一起下棋。

That sounds fun. 听起来很有趣。

What about you, Lisa? 你呢,丽萨?

On Saturday, I rowed a boat with my parents in the park. 周六,我和父母在公园划船。

On Sunday afternoon, I danced in the dancing club. 周六下午,我在舞蹈社跳舞。

Wow, you all had a nice weekend. 哇,你们都有一个美好的周末。

Story Time 故事时间

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

My Name Is Peanuts 我叫花生

Last Sunday, three boys went to the zoo. 上周末,三个男孩去动物园。

They see a big elephant. 他们看一个大象。

The three boys played in front of the elephant. 三个男孩在大象前面玩。

They acted silly. 他们做傻傻的动作。

The elephant got angry. 大象生气了。

A man saw the boys. 一个男人看到男孩了。

He took them to the manager's office. 他把它们逮到管理员的办公室。

The manager asked the first boy, "What's your name?" 管理员问第一个男孩:“你叫什么名字?”

The boy answered, "My name is Xiao Gang."  男孩回答:“我叫小刚。”

"What did you do?" He answered, "I tried to throw Peanuts to the elephant." “你做什么了?”他回答:“我在试着喂花生给大象。”

"Please do not feed the animals.You shouldn't do that again.You can go now."请不要喂食物给动物吃,你不要做第二次,你现在就可以走了。

Then the manager asked the second boy,"what's your name?"管理员问第二个男孩:“你叫什么名字?”

He answered,"my name is Li Ming."男孩回答:“我叫李明。”

"What did you do just now?" He answered, "I tried to throw Peanuts to the elephant." “你做什么了?”他回答:“我在试着喂花生给大象。”

"Please do not feed the animals.You shouldn't do that again.You can go now."请不要喂食物给动物吃,你不要做第二次,你现在就可以走了。

The manager asked the third boy, "What's your name?" 管理员问第三个男孩:“你叫什么名字?”

The little  boy answered , "My name is Peanuts."  男孩回答:“我叫花生。”


Cleand the window          (过去式)擦窗子

watched TV           (过去式)看电视

climbed a hill          (过去式)爬山

visited grandparents          (过去式)看望祖父母

danced           (dance的过去式)跳舞

jumped rope        (过去式)跳绳

listened to music        (过去式)听音乐

rowed a boat        (过去式)划船

played computer games            (过去式)玩电子游戏

stayed at home           (过去式)呆在家里

played the piano           (过去式)弹钢琴

played chess        (过去式)下棋

washed clothes           (过去式)洗衣服

boring        乏味的

badminton           羽毛球

won       (win的过去式)赢;获胜



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