
42人教新起点5年级下 Unit5课文单词音频+视频

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五年级下 Unit5课文
五年级下 Unit5单词

Unit 5 Have a Great Trip 美好假期

Get ready. 准备一下。

went to the beach (过去式)去海边

drank cold drinks (过去式)喝冷饮

swam  in the sea (swim的过去式)游泳

ate ice-cream (过去式)吃冰淇淋

went to the Stone Forest 石林

bought some gifts (过去式)买礼物

took photos (过去式)拍照片

saw flowers (过去式)赏花

Hello, Bill. How was your vacation? 你好,比尔。你假期怎么样?

It was great. 很棒。

I went to the beach. 我去沙滩了。

What about you, Lily? 你呢,丽丽?

I went to Kunming with my uncle's family. 我和叔叔一家去了昆明。

I felt very happy. 我觉得很开心。

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and tick. 听和打勾。

Hello. This is Lily. Who is that speaking? 你好。我是丽丽。谁在接电话?

Hello. This is Bill's speaking. 你好。我是比尔。

Hi, Bill. How was your vacation? 嗨,比尔。你假期怎么样?

It was wonderful. 很棒。

I went to the beach in Sanya with my parents. 我和父母去三亚沙滩了。

What did you do there? 你在那里做什么了?

I swam in the sea. 我在海里游泳了。

It was hot there. 那里很热。

So I drink cold drinks and ate ice cream. 所以我喝了冷饮吃了冰淇淋。

It was cool. 很凉爽。

What about your vacation, Lily? 丽丽,你假期怎么样?

I had a wonderful time, too. 我也过的很愉快。

I went to Kunming with my uncle's family. 我和叔叔一家去了昆明。

I felt very happy. 哦觉得很开心。

What did you do there? 你在哪里做什么?

I went to the Stone Forest. 我去了石林。

It's a beautiful park. 是个很美的公园。

We saw many beautiful flowers there. 我们看了很多美丽的画。

We took lots of photos and bought some gifts. 我们照了很多照片,买了很多礼物。

Oh, great. I want to see your photos in Kunming. 哦,很棒。我想看看你在昆明拍的照片。

OK. 好。

B Chant and say. 唱和说。

I think you had a wonderful vacation. 我觉得你有一个美好的假期。

Do you have any pictures with you?  你有照片吗?

Where did you go? 你去了哪里?

What did you do? 你做了什么?

I went to the beach. 我去了沙滩。

I swam in the sea. 我在海里游泳了。

I slept really late. 我睡的很晚。

I saw a nice tree. 我看到一棵很美的树。

I ate some tasty food. 我吃了很多美食。

I drank a lot, too. 我也喝了很多。

I took a lot of photos. 我照了很多相。

I bought a gift for you. 我给你买了礼物。

I went to Wuyi Park last summer vacation. 我上个暑假去了五一公园。

I climbed hills. 我爬山了。

I went to Wuyi Park last summer vacation. 我上个暑假去了五一公园。

I climbed hills and took photos. 我爬山和照相了。

Word Box 单词盒

climbed hills 爬山

took photos 照相

drank water 喝水

bought some gifts 买礼物

saw trees and flowers 看树和花

ate delicious food 吃美食

Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and number.  看,听并标数。

Ted: Hello, Emma. How was your summer vacation? 你好,艾玛。你暑假过的怎么样?

Emma: It was fun. 很有趣。

Ted: Where did you go? 你去了哪?

Emma: I went to Beijing with my parents. 我和父母一起去北京了。

Ted: What did you do there? 你在那里做了什么?

Emma: We went to Beijing Zoo and saw many lovely animals there. 我们去了北京动物园,看了很多可爱的动物。

We took lots of photos in Tian'anmen Square. 我们在天安门广场照了很多照片。

We also ate Beijing duck. It was delicious! 我们还吃了很多北京烤鸭。很美味!

We went to the Summer Palace. 我们去了颐和园。

I rowed a boat on Kunming Lake. 我们在昆明湖划船了。

I felt very happy. 我觉得很开心。

Ted: That sounds like a great trip. 听起来是场很棒的旅行。

Lesson 3 第三课

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

Wednesday, May 20th It was sunny and hot. 周三,5月20日。天气晴朗温暖。

We went to the park. 我们去了公园。

We rowed a boat there, and we made some new friends. 我们在那里划船,我们交了很多新朋友。

We climbed a hill together. It was wonderful. 我们一起爬山,很棒。

Sunday, June 21st It rained. 周日,6月21日,雨。

We visited an old friend. 我们拜访了老朋友。

We bought some gifts for him. 我们给他买了一些礼物。

We talked and watched TV. 我们聊天和看电视。

I was sad when we left. 分别的时候很伤心。

Saturday, August 25th 周六,8月25日。

It was cool. 很凉爽。

We went to Anderson Mall. 我们去了安德森商场。

In the morning, we swam and saw a film. 早上,我们游泳和看电影。

Then we had some French fries and hamburgers for lunch. 然后我们中午吃了一些薯条和汉堡。

We were very happy. 我们很开心。

Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。

le apple苹果 maple枫树 bottle瓶子

le turtle龟 table桌子 bubble气泡

B Listen, circle and repeat. 听,画圈并重复。





C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

May I have a bottle of apple juice, please? 我能喝一杯苹果汁吗?

My pet turtle eats meat and green vegetables. 我的宠物龟吃了肉和绿色蔬菜。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

This is a turtle, 这是一只乌龟。

A little purple turtle. 一只小的、紫色的乌龟。

It's sitting on a table, 它坐在一个桌子上。

With a little purple apple. 还有一个小的、紫色的苹果。

Fun Time 欢笑时间

A Good to know. 了解一下。

My uncle Larry loves travelling. 我叔叔拉里喜欢旅行。

He went to China two years ago. 他两年前去了中国。

He visited the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck! 他参观了长城,吃了很多北京烤鸭。

He also went to the United States. 他还去了美国、

He had a great time at Disneyland. 他在迪士尼乐园玩得很开心。

He met Mickey Mouse there! 他在那里遇到了米老鼠。

Last year he went to Australia. 去年他去了澳大利亚。

He saw the Sydney Opera House and the beautiful beach there. 他看了悉尼歌剧院和美丽的沙滩。

He bought a toy kangaroo from the zoo, too. 他还从动物园买了一个玩具袋鼠。

He also went to Canada. 他还去了加拿大。

He climbed the CN Tower there. 他爬了CN塔。

It was very tall, and he could see a long way. 它很高,他能望的很远。

He bought a DVD of the beautiful countryside there. 他在那买了一个美丽乡村的DVD光盘。

C Let's sing. 一起唱吧。

Where did you go this holiday? 你这个假期要去哪?

Was it to Beijing or to Harbin? 北京还是哈尔滨?

I went to Sanya, and I had fun. 我去了三亚,过的很愉快。

Here are the things I did. 以下是我做的事。

I swam in the sea, 我在海里游泳,

I saw many fish, 我看了很多鱼,

I bought many gifts, 我买了很多礼物,

So I felt good. 所以我觉得很棒。

I sat on the beach, 我坐在沙滩上,

I played on the sand, 我在沙子上玩,

I ate delicious food, 我吃了美味的食物,

So I had fun. 所以我很开心。

Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and number. 听和标数。

Hi, Yaoyao. 嗨,瑶瑶。

Where did you go in the vacation? 你假期要去哪?

I went to Qingdao with my family. 我和家人去青岛了。

I had a wonderful trip there. 我在那玩的很开心。

What did you do there? 你在那做什么了?

We visited my uncle's family. 我拜访了叔叔一家。

And we talked a lot. 我们聊了很多。

We took a lot of photos together. 我们一起照了很多相。

We swam and play in the sea. 我们还在海里游泳嬉戏。

We ate a lot of sea food there. 我们在那吃了很多海鲜。

We also bought some presents for our friends. 我们还买了很多礼物给朋友们。

That sounds great. 听起来不错。

Yes. All of us felt very happy. 是的,我们都觉得很开心。

Story Time 故事时间

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

The Best Camper 最棒的野营者

John's family has a dog. 乔恩家有一条狗。

His name is Quick. 他叫小快。

He's very fast. 他跑得非常快。

Last summer, John's family went camping. 上个夏天,乔恩家去野营了。

They left Quick at their neighbour's house. 他们把小快留在了邻居家。

John's family put their bags in the car. 乔恩把他的包放在车里。

Quick jumped in the back of the car. 小快跳上车后备箱。

The family got to the camp site. 全家人一起到了野营地。

They unpacked the car. 他们卸了车。

Quick jumped out. 小快跳出来了。

He was very happy. 他非常开心。

John and his sister Anna played beside the river. 乔恩和他妹妹安娜在河边玩。

Anna fell into the water. 安娜跳进水里。

Quick ran over and pulled her to the bank. 小快跑来然后把她拉上岸。

John's father took some pictures. 乔恩的爸爸照了一些照片。

He dropped the camera into the river. 他把相机掉进河里了。

Quick swam over and brought the camera back. 小快游过去把相机捡了回来。

John's mother wanted some branches and sticks. 乔恩的妈妈想要一些树枝和树棍。

Quick collected them and took them to her. 小快把它们收集好带给她。

Then she cooked dinner. 然后她做了晚饭。

They had a wonderful time there because of Quick. 它们因为小快在那里过的很愉快。

Quick was very helpful. 小快非常有用。

They were happy to have Quick with them. 他们很开心有小快在。

He was the best camper. 他是最棒的野营者。


went to the beach       (过去式)去海边

drank cold drinks        (过去式)喝冷饮

swam          (swim的过去式)游泳

ate ice-cream       (过去式)吃冰淇淋

the Stone Forest         石林

bought some gifts        (过去式)买礼物

took photos       (过去式)拍照片

saw flowers         (过去式)赏花

slept         (sleep的过去式)睡觉

delicious       美味的

felt happy       (过去式)觉得高兴

sad       悲哀的

left       (leave过去式)离开

French fries         法式炸薯条

were     (are的过去式)是






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