
HR-services breathe a sigh of relief

Sophie & Denis LegalTips 2020-01-23

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Optimization of Business Environment
Implementation Regulation on Foreign Investment Law of the PRC
In order to achieve the objectives of the Foreign Investment Law (FIL), which came into effect on 1 January 2020, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the PRC has undertaken amendments to three particular departmental regulations as follows:

*Regulation on the Administration of the talent intermed;
*Interim Provisions on the Administration of Sino-foreign joint venture talent intermediary agencies*Interim Provisions Regulation on the Establishment and Administration of Sino-foreign joint venture or cooperative employment agencies.
As a consequence of these changes, the restrictions on foreign investment in human resources services have been removed, which is in line with the principle of equal treatment of domestic and foreign investors.
为贯彻落实2020年1月1日实施的《外商投资法》精神,人力资源社会保障部,对《人才市场管理规定》《中外合资人才中介机构管理暂行规定》《中外合资中外合作职业介绍机构设立管理暂行规定》三件部门规章进行了专项修订,按照内外资一致的原则,取消了人力资源服务业外资准入限制。Overview of the three main changes:1. Cancellation of the requirement that both Chinese and foreign investors must have over three years of experience when applying for the establishment of foreign-funded talent intermediaries and employment agencies.2. Cancellation of the requirement that a foreign investor’s capital contributions shall proportionally not be less than 25% and that a Chinese investor’s capital contributions shall proportionally not be less than 51% in any JV entity.3. Cancellation of the restriction on setting up wholly foreign-owned HR-services companies.三个主要变化概述:新修订的三件规章取消了申请设立外资人才中介机构、职业介绍机构必须中外方合资者都须具有三年以上从业经验的规定;取消了外方投资者出资比例不得低于25%,中方合资者出资比例不得低于51%的规定;取消了不得设立外商独资的人力资源服务机构的规定。
In addition, the three newly revised regulations further lower the threshold for the approval of foreign-invested HR-services companies and simplify the approval process. The approving authority for the establishment of foreign-funded talent intermediaries and employment agencies will be downgraded from the provincial level to the county level or above.The provisions that foreign-funded intermediary institutions and employment agencies must be approved by the Ministry of Commerce have been removed.
The provisions regarding the establishment of branches of foreign-funded talent intermediaries and employment agencies, changes in registered capital, share transfers, shareholder changes, etc. must be approved again by the initially examining authority have also be removed.
此外,新修订的三件规章进一步降低了外商投资人力资源服务机构审批门槛,简化了审批程序。将设立外资人才中介机构、职业介绍机构的审批权限由省级调整至县级以上人力资源社会保障行政部门;取消了外资设立人才中介机构、职业介绍机构须经商务主管部门批准的规定;取消了外资人才中介机构、职业介绍机构设立分支机构、增加或者减少注册资本、股份转让、股东变更等变更事项须经原审批机关批准的决定。Tap "Read More" to know more

