
Official Reply on Online IP Infringement Issues

LegalTips LegalTips 2021-05-29

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The Official Reply from the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law to Online Intellectual Property Infringement Disputes, is promulgated on 12 September 2020 and shall come into force as of September 14, 2020.  The highlights are as follows:
I. Where an intellectual property right holder claims infringement upon its rights and applies for preservation, requiring the relevant network service provider or e-commerce platform operator to promptly take removal measures such as deletion, blocking and disconnecting links, the people's court shall conduct an examination and render a ruling in accordance with the law.一、知识产权权利人主张其权利受到侵害并提出保全申请,要求网络服务提供者、电子商务平台经营者迅速采取删除、屏蔽、断开链接等下架措施的,人民法院应当依法审查并作出裁定。
II. Upon receipt of a notice issued by the intellectual property holder pursuant to the law, the network service provider or the e-commerce platform operator shall promptly forward the notice of the intellectual property holder to the relevant network user or the business operator using the platform, and adopt the requisite measures based on the preliminary evidence of the infringement and the type of service; where the network service provider or the e-commerce platform operator does not adopt the requisite measures pursuant to the law and the intellectual property holder claims that the network service provider or the e-commerce platform operator should bear joint and several liability with the network user or the business operator using the platform for the escalated portion of the damages, the people's court may uphold the claim pursuant to the law.二、网络服务提供者、电子商务平台经营者收到知识产权权利人依法发出的通知后,应当及时将权利人的通知转送相关网络用户、平台内经营者,并根据构成侵权的初步证据和服务类型采取必要措施;未依法采取必要措施,权利人主张网络服务提供者、电子商务平台经营者对损害的扩大部分与网络用户、平台内经营者承担连带责任的,人民法院可以依法予以支持。

III. Where the network service provider or the e-commerce platform operator does not receive a notice from the intellectual property holder stating that the intellectual property rights holder has lodged a complaint or filed a lawsuit within a reasonable period from the declaration of non-infringement which is forwarded pursuant to the law, it shall promptly terminate the removal measures it has adopted, such as deletion, blocking and disconnecting links. The delay caused by such special circumstances beyond the control of the right holder as notarization and certification, etc. shall not be included in the aforesaid time limit, but the time limit shall not exceed 20 working days.三、在依法转送的不存在侵权行为的声明到达知识产权权利人后的合理期限内,网络服务提供者、电子商务平台经营者未收到权利人已经投诉或者提起诉讼通知的,应当及时终止所采取的删除、屏蔽、断开链接等下架措施。因办理公证、认证手续等权利人无法控制的特殊情况导致的延迟,不计入上述期限,但该期限最长不超过20个工作日。
IV. Where the e-commerce platform operator terminates the requisite measures due to malicious submission of a statement and causes the intellectual property holder to suffer damages, and the intellectual property holder requests for the corresponding punitive compensation pursuant to the relevant provisions of the law, the people's court may support the request pursuant to the law.四、因恶意提交声明导致电子商务平台经营者终止必要措施并造成知识产权权利人损害,权利人依照有关法律规定请求相应惩罚性赔偿的,人民法院可以依法予以支持。
V. Where the contents of the notice issued by an intellectual property holder does not match the objective facts, but the intellectual property holder asserts in the lawsuit that the notice is submitted in good faith and requests for waiver of liability, and is able to prove so, the people's court shall uphold the assertion upon examination and verification pursuant to the law.五、知识产权权利人发出的通知内容与客观事实不符,但其在诉讼中主张该通知系善意提交并请求免责,且能够举证证明的,人民法院依法审查属实后应当予以支持。

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