

“The Myth of Informality: Housing Problem and Urban Governance in

India, Brazil and China”


     01 Speaker




     02 Information





     03 Abstract

Urbanization is one of the most momentous global trends in the 21st century. While over 50 percent of the world’s population lives in cities today, the number is expected to reach 70 percent by 2050. In the process of rapid urbanization, one third of the world’s urban dwellers live in informal settlements, the majority of them in cities of the Global South. Characterized by insecure tenure and substandard living conditions, these unplanned residential areas not only present major policy challenges but also defy our understanding of what constitutes a city. What explains the prevalence and persistence of informal settlements in the Global South, and how does the state respond to the “informal mode of urbanization”? In this lecture, Professor Yue Zhang addresses these issues by examining the production and governance of different types of informal settlements in India, Brazil and China. Drawing on comparative historical analysis and extensive fieldwork in,Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Guangzhou, the study reveals that informality is not residual; it could be understood by its structural origins. It also demonstrates how different models of urban governance affect state intervention in distinct ways and generate contrasting patterns of spatial and social transformation. The study has implications for understanding state building, governance, and citizenship in the Global South.


     04 Bio

Yue Zhang is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Global Asian Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a Co-Editor of Urban Affairs Review. Her research interests lie at the intersection of comparative and urban politics, with a focus on the political economy of development, urbanization and urban governance, transnational migration, and arts and cultural policy. Zhang is the author of The Fragmented Politics of Urban Preservation: Beijing, Chicago, and Paris (University of Minnesota Press 2013; Chinese translation 2018). Her other published work has appeared in The China Quarterly, Journal of Urban Affairs Review, Cities, and Land Use Policy, among others. She has received fellowships and awards from institutions including the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Andrew W. Mellow Foundation. She has conducted policy analysis for the World Bank, UNESCO, Asia Urbs, and other organizations on issues pertaining to metropolitan governance, the welfare of migrant workers, and cultural heritage preservation. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Politics from Princeton University and her B.A. degree in International Relations from Peking University.

张玥,普林斯顿大学政治学博士,北京大学国际关系学院学士,现任伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校政治学系长聘副教授,Urban Affairs Review联合主编。主要研究方向为比较政治学与城市政治学,近年来一直致力于关于城市化与城市治理的实证研究。其专著The Fragmented Politics of Urban Preservation: Beijing, Chicago, and Paris (University of Minnesota Press, 2013) 获美国政治学会“最佳城市政治学图书”提名,中译本《城市碎片:北京、芝加哥、巴黎城市保护中的政治》由北京大学出版社于2018年出版。曾在The China Quarterly, Journal of Urban Affairs, Cities, Land Use Policy,以及《比较》《中国治理评论》《中国城市评论》等中外核心学术期刊上发表论文数十篇。其研究获得伍德夫•威尔逊国际学者中心和安德鲁•W•梅隆基金会等机构的支持。曾为世界银行、联合国教科文组织、和欧洲委员会的城市可持续发展与文化遗产保护项目提供咨询。


新媒体编辑 | 朱婧茜

审核 | 周伟

