

点击关注👉 投资海南 2022-07-23

海南自贸港最新政策系列 ——FTP Policy Focus Series 促进非国有博物馆发展Encouraging the Development of Non-State-owned Museums 今天为大家推送的是海南省人民政府办公厅于2022年3月18日发布的《海南省人民政府办公厅关于海南省促进非国有博物馆发展的意见》。
 Today we focus on the Opinions on Encouraging the Development of Non-state-owned Museums, which was issued by the General Office of the Hainan Provincial People's Government on March 18, 2022.

 海南省人民政府办公厅关于海南省促进非国有博物馆发展的意见琼府办〔2022〕17号 Opinions on Encouraging the Development of Non-State-owned Museums Issued by the General Office of the Hainan Provincial People's GovernmentQiong Fu Ban [2022] No.17 各市、县、自治县人民政府,省政府直属各单位:
People's governments of all cities, counties, and autonomous counties; all entities directly under the People's Government of Hainan Province,
For the purpose of implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the conference celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Hainan Special Economic Zone, the construction of a high-level free trade port with Chinese characteristics, further mobilizing social forces to promote the high-quality development of non-state-owned museums in Hainan, according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics, Regulation on Museums, Interim Regulations on the Registration Administration of Private Non-Enterprise Units, Guidance On Accelerating Museum Reform and Development Issued by Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and Other Eight Ministries (Wen Wu Bo Fa [2021] No.16) and other relevant laws, regulations, provisions, and combined with the actual conditions of construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port, the following opinions are hereby put forward. 


I. The Importance of Non-State-owned Museums
非国有博物馆是指以教育、研究和欣赏为目的,收藏、保护并向公众展示人类活动和自然环境的见证物,由社会力量利用或主要利用非国有文物、标本、资料等资产设立,经登记管理机关依法登记的非营利组织。博物馆是保护和传承人类文明的重要殿堂,是连接过去、现在和未来的桥梁,在促进世界文明交流互鉴方面具有特殊作用。鼓励社会力量兴办博物馆,对于激发社会力量积极参与我省博物馆事业发展、丰富博物馆门类、引导和鼓励社会资源向文物文化领域聚集,助力海南自由贸易港和国际旅游消费中心建设具有重要意义。 Non-state-owned museums refer to non-profit organizations that collect, protect and display to the public witnesses of human activities and the natural environment for the purpose of education, research and appreciation, and are established by social forces by using or mainly using assets such as non-state-owned cultural relics, specimens, and materials, and are registered by the registration administration organs in accordance with the law. The museum is an important sanctuary protecting and inheriting human civilization, and a bridge connecting the past, present and future, thus playing a special role in promoting the exchange and mutual appreciation of civilizations. Encouraging social forces to set up museums is of great significance to stimulate the active participation of social forces in the development of museums in Hainan, enrich the museum categories, guide and encourage the gathering of social resources in the field of cultural heritage, so as to help the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port and international tourism consumption center. 


II. General Requirements
(A) Guiding ideology. 
Guided by Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, upholding the people-centered approach, we shall strengthen the cultural inheritance and innovation, enhance innovative transformation and development, implement the new development philosophy, and actively integrate the museum industry into Hainan’s overall economic and social development. Adhering to the idea of "government-led, social-funded, international and cluster development", we shall give full play to the role of non-state-owned museums in attracting high-end tourism consumers, driving the development of modern service industries, enriching public cultural services, and inheriting Chinese excellent traditional culture, so as to further promote Hainan's construction of the cultural exchange platform of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. (二)基本原则。
1.坚持正确方向。非国有博物馆开展社会服务,应坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向和贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众的原则,丰富人民群众精神文化生活。举办陈列展览应当遵守有关法律法规和公序良俗,展览主题和内容应当坚持社会主义先进文化的前进方向,坚持维护国家安全与民族团结、弘扬爱国主义、倡导科学精神、普及科学知识、传播优秀文化、培养良好风尚、促进社会和谐、推动社会文明进步的要求,传承中华优秀传统文化,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,增强文化自信,促进中国特色社会主义文化繁荣发展。 2.坚持统筹协调。统筹不同区域、层级、类型非国有博物馆发展,提高非国有博物馆内部管理和外部治理水平。优先发展能够丰富我省博物馆门类,体现区域特色、行业特性以及民族(民俗)文化的各类非国有博物馆。鼓励龙头企业开办行业博物馆。
(B) Basic principles. 1. Adhere to the correct direction. In carrying out social services, non-state-owned museums shall adhere to the direction of serving the people, serving socialism and staying close to reality, close to life, close to the masses, so as to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the people. Display exhibitions should be held in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and public order and good customs, the theme and content of exhibitions shall stick to the forward direction of socialist advanced culture, adhere to the safeguarding of national security and unity of all ethnic groups, promote patriotism, advocate scientific spirit, popularize scientific knowledge, spread excellent culture, cultivate good morals, promote social harmony, promote the progress of social civilization, inherit the excellent Chinese traditional culture, promote socialist core values, enhance cultural confidence, and promote the prosperity of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. 2. Conduct overall planning and coordination. Coordinate the development of non-state-owned museums in different regions, levels and types, and improve the internal management and external governance of non-state-owned museums. Priority should be given to the development of various types of non-state-owned museums that can enrich museum categories, reflecting the regional characteristics, industry characteristics and national (folk) culture of Hainan. Leading enterprises are encouraged to open industry-specific museums. 


 III The Main Tasks

1.经行业主管部门认定属于非营利性项目的,可按照国家划拨用地目录采取划拨或协议出让、作价出资、招拍挂等方式供地。鼓励利用符合国土空间规划的农村集体土地进行非国有博物馆建设。以划拨方式取得土地使用权的非国有博物馆,不得擅自改变其土地性质和用途,不得以划拨土地使用权抵押。非国有博物馆因故终止的,其用地由国家依法收回。 (A) Secure land supply for non-state-owned museums.
1. For projects determined by the competent departments of the industry as non-profit projects, they may use methods such as allocation or agreement transfer, capital contribution, bidding, auction and listing to acquire land in accordance with the national catalog of allocated lands. The rural collective lands in line with the spatial planning of the country are encouraged to be used for the construction of non-state-owned museums. Non-state-owned museums having acquired land use rights by way of allocation shall not change the nature and use of their land without authorization, and shall not mortgage the right to use of the allocated land. Where a non-state-owned museum is terminated for any reason, its land shall be reclaimed by the State in accordance with the law.
2.在符合保护、修缮和建设控制要求的前提下,鼓励各市县利用古村落、古建筑、景点景区集中设立非国有博物馆。鼓励在城市更新改造过程中,利用有一定价值的历史建筑群设立非国有博物馆。鼓励利用工业楼宇、废弃工厂、商业建筑群等集中建设非国有博物馆。各市县出台当地可用于非国有博物馆建设的建筑物清单,若为国有建筑,以低于同类建筑物市场价的价格租赁给非国有博物馆出资运营主体。 (B) Increase support for venues.
2. Under the premise of meeting the requirements for protection, repair and construction control, cities and counties are encouraged to use ancient villages, ancient buildings, and scenic spots to set up non-state-owned museums. In the process of urban renewal and transformation, it is encouraged to use historical complexes of a certain value to establish non-state-owned museums. We also encourage the use of industrial buildings, abandoned factories, commercial complexes, etc. to construct non-state-owned museums. Cities and counties can issue a list of local buildings that can be used for the construction of non-state-owned museums, and if they are state-owned buildings, they will be leased to non-state-owned museum-funded operating entities at a price lower than the market price of similar buildings.
3.给予建设补贴。新建、改扩建非国有博物馆出资在2000万元及以上,经行业主管部门按照国家和我省相关建设标准认定,符合开放条件的,给予单个项目不超过出资总额5%的一次性项目建设补贴,最高补贴额度不超过2000万元。同一非国有博物馆或利用同一地块新建、改建、扩建的,只能享受一次性补贴。 4.予以定级奖励补贴。对在非国有博物馆运行评估工作中,被评定为国家三级博物馆的非国有博物馆,给予一次性补贴800万元。对被评定为国家二级博物馆的,给予一次性补贴1000万元。对被评定为国家一级博物馆的,给予一次性补贴1500万元。定级补贴按从高不重复原则执行。 5.其他财政支持。支持符合条件的非国有博物馆纳入财政支持的博物馆免费开放经费补助范畴。非国有博物馆的用水、用电和用气,参照国有博物馆收费标准执行。非国有博物馆建设需缴纳的城市基础设施配套费符合规定的实行减半征收。企业或个人通过公益性社会组织、县级以上人民政府及其部门等国家机关向非国有博物馆提供捐赠,属于符合法律规定的公益慈善事业捐赠的,按规定享受税收优惠。充分发挥文化发展专项资金作用,培育和扶持非国有博物馆发展。对非国有博物馆建设资金国内贷款部分,适当给予贷款贴息支持,贴息期限最长不超过3年。 (C) Strengthen financial support.
3. Subsidies for construction. For the new construction, renovation and expansion of non-state-owned museums with an investment of 20 million yuan or more, if they meet the conditions for opening up after being approved by the competent department of the industry in accordance with the relevant construction standards of the state and Hainan, a one-time project construction subsidy of no more than 5% of the total capital contribution for a single project will be given, and the maximum subsidy amount shall not exceed 20 million yuan. The same non-State-owned museum or the use of the same plot of land for new construction, reconstruction and expansion can only enjoy a one-time subsidy. 4. Graded incentive subsidies. In the evaluation of the operation of non-state-owned museums, a one-time subsidy of eight million yuan will be given to non-state-owned museums that are rated as national third-level museums, 10 million yuan to national second-level museums, 15 million yuan to national first-class museums. The grading subsidy is implemented on the principle of non-repetition from a high reward. 5. Other financial support. We shall support qualified non-state-owned museums to be included in the scope of free opening fund subsidies for museums supported by finance.The charging standard of water, electricity and gas of non-state-owned museums shall be implemented by referring to that of state-owned museums. The urban infrastructure supporting fees required for the construction of non-state-owned museums shall be halved in accordance with the regulations. Where enterprises or individuals make donations to non-state-owned museums through non-profit social organizations, people's governments at the county level or above, their departments, and other state organs, and donations are ones for public welfare undertakings that comply with the provisions of law, they shall enjoy preferential tax treatment in accordance with regulations. We shall give full play to the role of special funds in cultural development, and cultivate and support the development of non-state-owned museums. As for the domestic loan for the construction of non-state-owned museums, the discounted interest shall be appropriately given with a discount period of no more than 3 years. (四)鼓励全产业链发展。
6.鼓励非国有博物馆全产业链发展,创新发展各种产业形态。支持非国有博物馆采取合作、授权、独立开发等方式进行文化创意产品开发,面向社会提供知识产权许可服务。支持符合条件的企业、项目纳入扶持文化发展专项资金范围,依法合规落实税收政策。鼓励非国有博物馆与旅游业融合发展。 (D) Encourage the whole industrial chain development.
6. We shall encourage the development of the whole industrial chain of non-state-owned museums, encourage the development of the whole industrial chain of non-state-owned museums and innovate and develop various industrial forms. We shall support non-state-owned museums to carry out cultural and creative product development through cooperation, authorization, independent development, etc., and provide intellectual property licensing services to the society. We shall support qualified enterprises and projects to be included in the scope of special funds for supporting cultural development, and implement tax policies in accordance with laws and regulations. The integrated development of non-state-owned museums and tourism should also be encouraged. (五)提升陈列展览质量。
7.鼓励非国有博物馆举办面向全球的临时展览、全国性展览和世界性巡展,鼓励非国有博物馆引进境外专题展览。允许境外文物艺术品在办理完成保税出区手续的状态下,参加国内展会。符合《海南省人民政府办公厅关于印发海南省促进经济高质量发展若干财政措施的通知》(琼府办〔2021〕65号)支持条件的专业展览,可按规定享受补贴。 (E) Improve exhibition quality.
7. We shall encourage non-state-owned museums to hold global-oriented temporary exhibitions, national exhibitions and world touring exhibitions, and introduce overseas special exhibitions. Overseas cultural relics and artworks are allowed to participate in domestic exhibitions after conducting the bonded exit procedures. Professional exhibitions that meet the support conditions of the Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Hainan Province on Printing and Distributing Several Financial Measures for Promoting High-quality Economic Development in Hainan Province (Qiong Fu Ban [2021] No.65) can enjoy subsidies in accordance with regulations. (六)落实对口帮扶工作。
8.各市县要按照推进国有博物馆对口支援民办博物馆工作的要求,协调区域内国有博物馆以自愿、无偿的方式,“一对一”持续帮扶非国有博物馆的藏品保护、陈列展览、科学研究、人才培养等业务活动和规范化管理。在非国有博物馆职称评定、专业人才引进和培训、馆际交流、学术办馆等方面参照国有博物馆的政策执行。 (F) Implement pairing assistance of state-owned museums to non-state-owned museums.
8. Cities and counties shall, in accordance with the requirements of promoting the pairing assistance of state-owned museums to private museums, coordinate state-owned museums in the region to continue to help non-state-owned museums in collection protection, display and exhibitions, scientific research, talent training and other business activities and standardized management in a voluntary and gratuitous manner. In the evaluation of non-state-owned museums’ titles, the introduction and training of professional talents, inter-library exchanges, academic establishments, etc., the policy of state-owned museums can be referred to. (七)推动非国有博物馆集群发展。
9.支持海口、三亚和儋州等中心城市规划建设高水平非国有博物馆集群,博物馆集群项目建设应符合国土空间规划相关要求,并按相关规定依法供地。 10.集聚一批文化附加值大、产业动能足、科技含量高的高水平非国有博物馆,加快建成世界级知名文化旅游目的地和世界级文化艺术品交易中心。用足海南自由贸易港优惠政策,支持集群内集聚国内外知名拍卖行,评估鉴定、物流仓储服务、艺术投资、保险金融等服务机构,打造全链条一站式综合体。 (G) Accelerate the cluster development of non-state-owned museums.
9. We shall support Haikou, Sanya and Danzhou and other central cities to plan and build high-level non-State museum clusters, construct museum clusters in accordance with the relevant requirements of land spatial planning, and the lands shall be acquired in accordance with relevant regulations. 10. We shall gather a number of high-level non-state-owned museums with great cultural added value, sufficient industrial momentum and high scientific and technological content, and accelerate the construction of world-class well-known cultural tourism destinations and world-class cultural and art trading centers. We shall make full use of the preferential policies of the Hainan Free Trade Port to support the gathering of well-known auction houses at home and abroad, evaluation agencies, logistics warehousing services, art investment, insurance and financial services in the cluster, so as to create a full-chain one-stop complex. 


IV. Guarantee measures

(A) Strengthen internal management in accordance with the law. Non-State-owned museums should strictly abide by relevant national laws and regulations, policies, technical standards and norms, the ICOM Code of Ethics, establish and improve the corporate organizational structure with the Board of Directors (Council), the Board of Supervisors as the core, improve the museum’s constitutions and development plan, sound accounts and archives of collections, and promote the confirmation of the legal person property rights of museums in accordance with laws and regulations, conduct self-management and scientific operation, and undertake the corresponding social obligations. We shall also strengthen risk prevention and control, and further enhance the safety of cultural relics, and shall not acquire collections of unknown or illegitimate origin. (二)进一步明确管理权责。县级以上民政部门是非国有博物馆的登记管理机关,负责非国有博物馆的成立、变更、注销登记;对非国有博物馆实施年度检查;对非国有博物馆违反社会组织登记管理相关法律法规的行为进行监督检查,并依法予以行政处罚。县级以上文物部门是非国有博物馆的业务主管部门,负责非国有博物馆成立、变更、注销登记前的审查;监督、指导非国有博物馆遵守宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,按照章程开展活动;负责非国有博物馆年度检查的初审;协助登记管理机关和其他有关部门查处非国有博物馆的违法行为;会同有关机关指导非国有博物馆的清算事宜。 (B) Further clarify management rights and responsibilities. Civil affairs departments above the county level are the registration administration organs of non-state-owned museums, responsible for the following matters: the establishment, modification, cancellation of registration of non-state-owned museums; the annual inspection of non-state-owned museums; supervision and inspection of the violations of laws and regulations relating to the registration administration of social organizations of non-state-owned museums, and administrative penalties in accordance with the law. Cultural relics departments above the county level are the business authorities of non-state-owned museums, responsible for the following issues: establishment, modification and cancellation of registration before the review of non-state-owned museums; supervising and guiding non-state-owned museums to comply with the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, and carry out activities in accordance with the museums' constitutions; preliminary examination of the annual inspection of non-state-owned museums; assisting the registration administration authorities and other relevant departments to investigate and punish illegal acts of non-state-owned museums; and guide the liquidation of non-state-owned museums together with relevant authorities. (三)健全信息公开制度。非国有博物馆应按年度建立和公布年度报告,报告内容包括藏品情况、展览活动情况、资产管理使用情况和接受、使用捐赠、资助的有关情况等,主动接受社会监督。 (C) Build a sound information disclosure system. Non-state-owned museums shall establish and publish annual reports, including reports on the collections, exhibition activities, asset management and use, acceptance and use of donations, funding, etc., and take the initiative to accept social supervision. (四)充分发挥智库作用。建立非国有博物馆专家治理模式,非国有博物馆专业委员会应配合相关部门做好对非国有博物馆的服务和管理工作。建立高水平文博智库,定期举办文博高峰论坛。 (D) Give full play to the role of think tanks. We shall establish a governance model for non-state-owned, and the professional committee of the non-state-owned museum shall cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in the service and management of non-state-owned museums. We shall also establish a high-level cultural and museum think tank, and hold regular cultural and museum forums. 海南省人民政府办公厅2022年3月17日 The General Office of the Hainan Provincial People's GovernmentMarch 17, 2022





