
7 ways to gain effectiveness

Zenith Services ZenithServices 2020-04-03

1) Interpret effectively and achieve your goals

A goal, either it is professional or personal, is vital for success. Setting goals, is, for most people, the best way to get things done. However, for a long-term project or a big objective, having goals may be frustrating, as not achieving them in the way we want can be quite discouraging.

Effective people tend to make a distinction between goals and systems. A system covers the steps achieved to fulfill your goals. As an example, if you are a runner, your goal is running a marathon and your system is your training schedule. 

Focusing on systems whether than on goals is will make your achievements more rewarding. Keep in mind that goals are good for planning while systems are good for actually making progress.

2) Set your priorities, manage your time

Not having any interest for time or priority management may have a poor impact on your efficiency. Every day, try to make a quick list of the important things you need to accomplish at work or in general. This will force you to focus on completing the most important tasks first.

Setting yourself deadlines is also a great way to become more effective. Think of Parkinson’s law: “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”. As an example, allowing yourself an entire day to do a 2 hours task will extend time you will actually take to accomplish it. Having personal and realistic deadlines is by far the best way to avoid wasting time.

3) Think Win / Win

Effective people are most likely to have a win-win mindset, meaning that they are always looking for a third alternative to the “me or you decision”. Try thinking of your relationships as an emotional bank account. By proactively making deposits, you ensure that the emotional funds will be there when time comes to make withdrawal.

Like during negotiation, finding the solution that is best for all parties involved is one of the best ways to become effective.

4) Renew mind and body

Our body and our mind have a real impact on effectiveness. Indeed, it is necessary to adopt good attitudes. It is important to consider several aspects such as mental or physical.

After a good night of sleep, people will feel the best to begin their working day. To be more focused and to have a clear mind are important factors. The same applies for food, healthy food is best during a working day. Moreover, practice some leisure such as sports or reading before working allows to be more relaxed and more inclined to work.

It is a proven fact that after 90 minutes of brain activity a break is necessary for concentration.

All of those aspects cannot be neglected. We need to take the time to renew ourselves. 

5) Be empathetic

Each person thinks differently, have a different point of view or behave differently.

It is important for everybody to adapt their behavior to the people you are facing. It is an essential quality for working together. Thanks to empathy, we will adapt our communication, words, way of working and management.

For a leader, the empathy will allow him to manage well his team and to use everyone’s strengths to achieve common goals. People will feel more confident and of course will be more effective.

6) Be proactive

We can define proactivity as taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens. It means taking control and making things happen which means not enduring the situation. If you are unsuccessful it is because you chose to let something make you that way.

Proactive people will be actors which means they will do the necessary in order not to fail. They will take initiatives; they will assume their choices and will be responsible. Those actions are ensuring opportunities and positive results.

7) Reflect on your knowledge

Whatever the job you want to do, requirements (knowledge and skills) are needed. Once your future job is determined, you have to compare those points with your own qualities (knowledge, skills) and recognize your weaknesses. 

Knowing and recognizing your deficiencies in certain areas will lead you in the right direction to achieve your goals.

The purpose of this work is to find out which qualities you have to improve or to develop for being in line with these job requirements.


About Zenith Services


Zenith Services is a management consulting firm, working with SMEs and startups in China, providing its clients with advice and tailor-made solutions in strategy, recruitment, business operations, project management, and accounting. We are fact-driven and action-oriented. We work with our clients to build the capabilities that enable organizations to achieve sustainable advantages.

Our mission is to protect and enhance enterprise value by

identifying, anticipating and solving critical business problems.

We believe that the most effective way to add value to a customer is to become his partner. No matter the challenge, we focus on delivering practical and long-lasting results. Our solutions give executives the tools they need to make essential business decisions with greater certainty.

