
Up to 2 million yuan of subsidies for high tech companies

Zenith Services ZenithServices 2020-04-03

How can Shanghai high-tech enterprises obtain qualifications for incubation?

If you are already a high-tech enterprise in Shanghai and would like to improve your business in terms of technological innovation, science-tech results transformation, team building... In order to move to a national high-tech company, then some qualifications for incubation are needed. 

First of all, you must be a technology-based company who respects simultaneously the conditions A to H.

(A) For resident enterprises of non-high-tech enterprises, they must be registered for more than one year. 

According to China's Enterprise Income Tax Law, the term "resident enterprises" refers to enterprises established in China in accordance with the law or established in accordance with the law of the foreign country whose current administration is China. The term "current administration" refers to the location where the main decisions of the company's business management are made and formed, in particular the location of the board of directors of the enterprise or the business decision-making meeting where the board of directors is involved in.

(B) Through the ways of independent R&D, transfer, grant, merger and acquisition methods, the company acquires the ownership of intellectual property that plays a core role in the technical support of its main products (or services) and responds to one of the following quantitative requirements:

1) There is no less than one thing about the first type of intellectual property right (e.g.: inventive patents (including national defense patents), new plant varieties, national crop varieties, national new drugs, national first-class Chinese medicine protection varieties, exclusive rights for integrated circuit layout design, etc.)

2) There are no less than three things about the second type of intellectual property right (e.g.: utility model patent, design patent, software copyright (excluding trademark), etc.)

(C) One of the technologies that play a central role in supporting the company's main products (or services) is: "high-tech fields supported by the state", a new generation of information technologies supported by Shanghai's strategic emerging industries , high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials and biology, new energy vehicles, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, digital creativity and other strategic emerging industries, new models and new formats combining science and technology with industrial development.

(D) The proportion of scientific and technical personnel engaged in R&D and related technological innovation activities of enterprises compared to the total number of employees in the current year shall not be less than 5%.

(E) The company's total R&D expenditures over the past three years (actual years are less than three years, calculated based on actual operating hours) account for no less than 3% of the total sales revenue.

(F) The income of high-tech products (or services) in the past fiscal year accounts for not less than 40% of the total revenue of the enterprise. 

(G) The evaluation of enterprise innovation capacity accounts for no less than 70% of the qualified score of national standards.

(H) No major safety, major quality accident or serious environmental violation occurred in the year prior to the creation of the company.

The reason why the conditions are so strict is that you can get a lot of help during the two-year incubation period as follows: from January 1st, 2019 to December 31st, 2020, incubating companies can obtain one-off incubation support. The supporting amount is determined on the basis of R&D expenditures of 10% of the previous year, and the subsidy range is between 200 000 CNY and 2 000 000 CNY. The aim of this help is to increase business training and improve company's innovation capabilities.

If your company meets those conditions, then you are able to apply by submitting materials through the Shanghai Government Service platform: 


The list of confirmed companies will be published on the following official website for 5 days. If there is no objection, the above companies will be qualified for incubation. The official website of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission is:


The above content is derived from the “Detailed Implementation Rules for the Incubation of High-tech Enterprises in Shanghai (Trial)”:


Our local consultants can help you to assess the eligibility of your company, prepare the required documentation and finally apply to be incubated and to benefit from this subsidy. For more information, please contact us at: info@zenith-services.cn


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Zenith Services is a management consulting firm, working with SMEs and startups in China, providing its clients with advice and tailor-made solutions in strategy, recruitment, business operations, project management, and accounting. We are fact-driven and action-oriented. We work with our clients to build the capabilities that enable organizations to achieve sustainable advantages.

Our mission is to protect and enhance enterprise value by identifying, anticipating and solving critical business problems. We believe that the most effective way to add value to a customer is to become his partner. No matter the challenge, we focus on delivering practical and long-lasting results. Our solutions give executives the tools they need to make essential business decisions with greater certainty.

