
Let’s go on a SIGSwalk!

Tsinghua SIGS 2023-08-31
New students, we are excited to welcome you this week! Before you arrive, we want to introduce you to the must-see spots on campus.
Our school mascot Miao-Miao is ready to take you on a tour! Check out SIGS’s answer to the Citywalk trend below.
But wait…

Q: Who’s Miao-Miao?

A: Miao-Miao is the SIGS mascot. And his name is very special.

Our mascot’s name is the character miǎo (pictured above) duplicated. It is made up of the character for water (水, shuǐ) replicated three times.The first shuǐ represents Tsinghua. The first character of its Chinese name (清, qīng) contains a radical meaning water. The second represents Shenzhen. Its first character (深, shēn) contains the same radical. The last shuǐ represents the Greater Bay Area.Just as Tsinghua SIGS ties these three places together, so does Miao-Miao.

Q: What’s a Citywalk?

A: Citywalk is a recent popular trend in Chinese cities. Young people leisurely stroll the streets of a city appreciating cultural spots.

Now that we are all caught up, let’s take our SIGSwalk. Miao-Miao, lead the way! 

Main (Gate 1) Entrance

This is where our tour and your journey at SIGS start!

Stone Tablet

When Tsinghua SIGS was officially unveiled on March 29, 2019, a new chapter of collaboration between the city of Shenzhen and Tsinghua began.
The Tsinghua motto “Self-discipline and Social Commitment” is inscribed on the back of the tablet in Chinese.


Nearby the stone tablet is the sculpture Junzi, completed in 2021. It is a piece of Tsinghua history on the SIGS campus.
The sculpture depicts Liang Qichao, a scholar from Guangdong province, who delivered a speech on November 5, 1914, at Tsinghua entitled “Junzi” (meaning “a person of virtue” in English). His speech inspired Tsinghua’s motto “Self-discipline and Social Commitment.”


Our campus’s sundial located behind the stone tablet is an ancient time-keeping device. It was gifted to the school in 2005 by the Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen. It is the same as the one in front of Tsinghua’s Auditorium in Beijing.
“Actions speak louder than words,” a phrase that represents Tsinghua’s spirit, is inscribed in Chinese and Latin on the sundial.

I Love Tsinghua

This LED structure is a favorite spot for photos on campus.

Solar Trees

Near the ponds on campus, you’ll find these white tree-looking structures fitted with solar panels at the top. They are the product of collaboration between art and science fields and reflect our campus’s interdisciplinary culture. 
It’s also a great spot for a picnic!


At the ponds, you can relax and reflect. Here, you will also find our campus’s famous black swans, ducks, turtles, and various wildlife.

The ponds are the perfect place to observe nature on campus.

Exhibition Hall

Located on the 1st floor of the Information Building, here you can find rotating exhibitions on school history, photographs taken by students, faculty, and staff, etc. 

24-hour Book Café

The 24-hour book café is a great place to study. The café also offers delicious food and drinks during the day.
Don’t forget to take a photo in front of the spiral staircase which features our campus’s signature second primary color Vitality Orange.

Dasha River Ecological Corridor

The Dasha River Ecological Corridor is a waterside biking and walking path running directly south of campus. It is the perfect place for a relaxing stroll, bird-watching, or capturing the sunset.


at International 

Building (Section 1)

This newly opened building complex on the east side of University Town includes dorms, a dining hall, classrooms, laboratories, and a beautiful garden.


Our SIGSwalk ends here, but your explorations of campus are only just beginning!
Welcome to SIGS!

Special | Let’s go on a SIGSwalk!

Written by Alena Shish
Edited by Yuan Yang
Layout by Li Xinyu

