
5 Depressing Stats About Chinese Mobile Phone Users

ThatsSuzhou 2019-06-22

By Ryan Gandolfo

A new survey has come out that reveals Chinese people are seriously addicted to their phones. Surprised? We didn’t think so. Reports have surfaced in recent years showing a disturbing trend in how much people use their phones on a daily basis, and it doesn’t seem to be improving anytime soon.

China Youth Daily’s survey center wenjuan.com recently unveiled some depressing findings for Chinese mobile phone users after conducting a survey, which compiled questionnaires from 2,004 respondents ranging from 19 to 59 years old.

Image via Giphy

Here are five staggering stats that show just how glued Chinese people are to their phones:

1. 12 hours

2.3% of respondents admitted to using their mobile phones more than 12 hours a day. We weren’t even sure that was possible…

2. 54%

Nearly 54% of survey participants confided that they struggle to focus without having their mobile phones around (wasn’t it supposed to be the other way around?). More than half responded that they believe their phone addiction has had a negative impact on communication, driving a wedge between them and their families and friends.

3. 77.8%

What has everyone glued to their phones you ask? Well, according to survey results, 77.8% of respondents mainly use their powerful handheld device for social networking apps like WeChat and Weibo. Meanwhile, over 60% noted browsing information as the top reason to tune into their phone.

4. 84.7%

According to the survey, 84.7% of respondents spend, on average, over three hours each day on their mobile phones. By our simple calculation, that amounts to over 45 days a year spent looking at a tiny screen.

5. 93%

This high percentage shows the number of respondents who believe phone addiction is a serious issue that many face in modern society.

The impact is quite profound, with the habits of phone-obsessed individuals having major implications for others. In April, a 4-year-old girl suffocated to death inside her father’s car after he was distracted by his phone. The father was lambasted online for paying more attention to his phone than his own daughter, who was left in the vehicle for nine hours. Last year, one student in Hunan dropped out of school in October after a teacher confiscated her phone. The 10th-grader wrote the teacher a chilling letter, threatening to take her own life if her phone wasn’t returned to her.

It’s important to note that this issue spans far beyond the Middle Kingdom, with several countries around the world logging similar daily phone activity.

READ MORE: China Has More Active Mobile Phones Than People

[Cover image via Black Mirror/Netflix]

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