
​Huili charity in action Ⅱ

上海惠立学校 上海惠立学校 2022-07-15

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Kindness is a key Huili Value. One particularly powerful way to put that value into practice is through charity. Last week, we explained why charity and community outreach are so important in helping our pupils grow to become globally minded citizens of the world. 

▲Click to read "Huili charity in action"

This week, we are going to share some of the great our pupils, parents, teachers and the wider Huili Community are doing to make a difference to help others. 

Elevating people through kindness

The ‘Elevating People Through Kindness’ programme was launched by the FOH Charity Fund. It supports high-quality charitable programmes to be carried out on campus and provides our pupils with opportunities to make a difference in their community.


Organic farm: learn how to solve real-life problems

The Huili Organic Farm was the first programme to be subsidised by the FOH Charity Fund. It is an opportunity for pupils to learn what goes into producing the food they eat — from tilling the soil and planting seeds to crop management techniques and ultimately harvesting. They also learn the importance of environmental stewardship.  

▲Huili pupils and teachers on the organic planting class

This year, the Huili Organic Farm has become a partnership model combining charitable action with education. It has grown from a small rooftop garden to a real organic farm, and our children are learning how to run it like a social enterprise. Their earnings from selling vegetables will go to a good cause.

▲Pupils in group discussion 

in the Huili farm partnership programme

As stakeholders, pupils are compelled to reflect and address environmental problems. Additionally, they learn to approach social problems with an enterprising mind. Our pupils also plan to establish a ‘Huili Commune’, a non-profit group that focuses on sustainable development.


Special Olympics United School

Recently, our pupils invited children from the Fudu School for Children with disabilities to participate together in Huili sports and cultural activities.

They also visited the Fudu School to experience first-hand their counterparts’ school life. This activity made them gradually build connections.

▲Huili School Shanghai visiting Pudong Fudu School

This programme has yielded mutual benefits for our pupils and their peers at Fudu. Pupils at Fudu have opportunities to learn from Huili art teachers and interact with our pupils who are eager to share the Huili experience with them. Likewise, our pupils gain a wider perspective while learning empathy and the Huili Value of Kindness.

Youth grant-making

Our youth grant-making initiative teaches our pupils the value of due diligence in charity work. They investigate and analyse charitable organisations and decide which ones are worthwhile recipients for donations.

This April, our pupils formed a team and started identifying social issues that were important to them.

They narrowed a broad list down to migrant workers, education, culture, art and sports and people with disabilities. They then formally invited charitable organisations to apply for funding.

In nearly two months, they collected 35 funding applications and shortlisted four charities to visit, evaluating and submitting proposals to the council. Eventually, they selected two projects for funding: ‘From the Mountains’ and ‘Support for Migrant Children’.


‘From the Mountain’ programme

This programme supports the cultural development of China's ethnic minorities, inviting local craftsman and art teachers to teach children local music, dance, handicrafts, painting, language and writing.

▲Pupils in presentation in the Huili 

intangible cultural heritage programme 

The Huili Junior High School grant-making project will fund the 'From the Mountains' charity's 10th anniversary performance. Several pupils have committed to being coordinators of this event and are even volunteering to perform.

Through these activities, they will get to learn more about China's rich and diverse cultural tapestry as they engage in cultural exchange and cultivate their own creativity.


Supporting migrant children

Migrant children in China live much of their young lives separated from their parents, who live in major cities to earn money that they can remit to their home villages.

This can have a considerable impact on their mental health, which is all the more compounded by the fact that migrant children live in underserved areas.

The Huili Junior High School grant-making project is also helping to solve this problem by working to make mental health services more available to these disadvantaged children.  

The Friends of Huili Charity Fund connects individuals to the community. With their support we are able to make a positive impact on our community.

How can our parents get involved?

Support our school's charity education as a parent volunteer.

Work with our school to develop charitable projects.

Encourage your child's long-term involvement in charitable service in an area that interests them.

Take on core roles such as school project manager and help to promotion and implement of projects.

Learn about social issues and future trends and explore them with your child.

Charity work is the first step for Huili pupils in making positive changes in their lives. It builds character while they help to improve the lives of others. 

Huili Admissions Offic

Thank you for your interest in Huili School Shanghai.

Huili Secondary School will host a parent information session in the near future. If you would like to enrol your child in grades 6 to 9, please scan the below QR code to register. 

*A successful registration is subject to final confirmation by the school*
Date: To be announcedLocation: Huili School Shanghai, No. 235 Linyao Road, Pudong, ShanghaiPlease call 021-3177 5080 or email admissions.hss@huilieducation.cn to contact our admissions office. We warmly welcome like-minded parents to join the Huili family. 

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