
现场回顾 | Finder:洞穴之外

FinderYifei FinderShanghai 2023-03-26


13 August / 八月  @44KW

海报 / Poster:YIFEI / ZIDI

海报 / Poster:RayX

Line up  

8.13 @44KW

 YUEN HSIEH 謝宇恩 [DVJ] / Yuki [Live] 9.30pm - 10.30pm
 秦然 [Performance]     10.30pm - 10.50pm
 PSYCHICNOVA 10.50pm - 1.00am
 XDD                                       1.00am - later
 周子正 [Installation] 









Finder: 想要通过行为表演,现场live、Dj、Vj等结合的形式将自身的想法实施进行。每个月在ALL Club举办派对活动。这是由两位来自不同领域的艺术家Yifei (visual) /  Zidi (performance) 共同发起的新兴项目,活动将尝试不同艺术媒介进行表达,主要涉及声音,影像,行为表演,装置。演出活动中由表演和After Party组成,我们会不定期的邀请DJ,表演艺术家,音乐人,乐队以及各个领域的艺术家参与其中。

FinderEdgeRomance want to implement their own ideas through live performances, live, Dj, Vj and other forms. Party events are held every month at ALL Club.

This is an emerging project initiated by two artists from different fields, Yifei (visual) / Zidi (performance). The event will try to express different art media, mainly related to sound, video, performance, and installation. The performance consists of performances and After Party, and we occasionally invite DJs, performing artists, musicians, bands and artists from all field to participate.

全世界心怀鬼胎的艺术家们,联合起来,让想象力再度夺权!Finder意在挑衅日易固步自封的艺术审美习惯。它似乎难以被定义和招安,可能在你眼里,是一个处在各个领域边缘地带的派对活动,也可能是一个多语境实验的行为事件,也可能是一个昙花一现的大忽悠。但确定的是,它现在为人民群众忙活的一件大好事儿———反抗传统的话语权,融化各艺术领域的边界。把看似严肃的表演艺术带进处于风口浪尖的亚文化暴风眼。也把地下俱乐部文化和音乐带入传统的美术馆,画廊。长期蛰伏于拆迁大队Finder单位工作学习的Zidi和Yifei带各个领域心怀鬼胎的艺术家,焚烧每个领域的红宝书,解放生产力。妄图让想象力再度夺权The artists of the world who are ill-intentioned: unite and let the imagination regain power!Finder is a group of artists provoking recent phenomema- an artistic aesthetic that blends themes of psychology, technology, and the human body. Finder's performances are difficult to be categorized. One could see it as a multi-context experiment, or even something like a short lived flicker of light that returns to darkness in its absence. From all the dissonance that surrounds us daily,it is important for the people to resist the discourse of power and to melt those boundaries of various cultural media. One of our task  is to bring the seemingly serious performing arts into the stormy subculture of the savage. Vice-versa it also brings underground club culture and music into traditional art galleries. Therefore, Zidi and Yifei, who have long been crouching in the Finder unit of the demolition brigade, .They carry artists with ghosts in various fields, burn red books in every field, liberate creativity, allowing the imagination to regain power.

 Finder: 往期活动回顾 

现场回顾 | Finder:第一声钟响

活动回顾 | Finder: 胡蘿蔔的夜晚活动回顾 | Finder: 英特纳雄耐尔活动回顾 | Finder: 环形废墟现场回顾 | FINDER 7.20  Zaliva-D&FINDER Showcase
现场回顾 | Finder:边缘浪漫 开幕派对

