
4/28 · 3F | New Noise

SYSTEM SYSTEM 系统 2023-04-27

New Noise

4/28 · 3F

New Noise致力于将不同风格的国际音乐现场带到中国。4月28日,主理人Jef将带来他的私藏黑胶分享;吴卓玲用她独有的充满灵性又富有先锋气质的音乐激发舞池;thruoutin将大自然的声音与奇怪的温情电子音乐和中国民乐结合,碰撞出不一样的观感;Kaishandao保真与低保真的声波宇宙,为开放的舞池提供一个养分与经验多元的新语境。


22:00-23:30 Jef(Vinyl Set)

23:30-00:30 thruoutin(Live Set)

00:30-02:00 吴卓玲(Live Set)

02:00-late Kaishandao(Live Set)


Jef是现居于成都的比利时人,New Noise厂牌的主理人,以及每年成都国际唱片店日的主办人。2016年在成都开的New Noise唱片店以欧美独立黑胶为主,目前是全国最有影响的唱片店之一。这两年New Noise还发行了秘密行动与日本乐队MONO的黑胶。本次演出Jef将和我们分享他20年以来收藏的黑胶唱片。


Jef is a Belgian based in Chengdu, the head of the New Noise label, and the organizer of the annual Chengdu International Record Store Day. New Noise record store, which opened in Chengdu in 2016, is mainly based on independent vinyl in Europe and the United States, and is currently one of the most influential record stores in China. In both years, New Noise also released Covert Ops and vinyl from Japanese band MONO. For this show, Jeff will share with us his 20-year collection of vinyl records.


集活力音乐人,音乐制作人和“小计划”(Small Projects)共同创始人等多重身份于一身,是成都最具标志性的独立艺术家之一。她丰富的阅历扩展了自己的思考纬度,其独有的充满灵性又极具感染力的音乐不断将独立之声推向前沿。


Singer-songwriter, musician, producer and front woman of livetronic band Wednesday’s Trip, Wu Zhuoling is a prolifc artist deeply involved with all elements of live performance and producing. With her extensive experience and talent, she has become one of the most iconic female indie artists in China.


来自美国新奥尔良的电子音乐家、DJ兼音乐制作人thruoutin已在中国居住十三年。他创造的音乐风格非常多元化,其中还有奇怪的温情电子音乐与中国民乐的结合。在他的DJ sets里面他喜欢播放影响他自己作品的音乐, 例如抽象夜店音乐footwork、gqom、bass 音乐、minimal house、deconstructed club,还有氛围音乐。在他的音乐里你可以听到多种艺术创作思维,尤其是对大自然的采样和物理电子声音的钟爱。他曾经在北美洲、欧洲和亚洲有过巡回演出。除了个人独立发行专辑之外,他还与多家唱片公司都有过合作。“燃音乐”和“京味儿”等都曾发行过他的音乐。


American-born electronic producer and multi-instrumentalist, thruoutin, has been based in China since 2009. His work varies from project to project but often revolves around the combining of different genres with a focus on organic and digital sounds. He has extensively toured through North America, Europe, and Asia; releasing music on several labels along the way. Most recently he has put out work with Beijing labels RAN Music and Jingweir as well as performing on Boiler Room China and playing at festivals such as Wetware and Zhangbei. The musical works of thruoutin are best listened to on Bandcamp where there is a comprehensive collection of EP’s, splits, and albums. There are three recommended releases: Contingent of Outlying Territory (Ran Music), thruoutin & YTAMO split [JW020] (Jingweir), and 杏树台 Apricot Station (Senzu Collective). Aside from his solo work, thruoutin also runs the audio studio Brevity of Motion Sounds where he is responsible for production, recording, mixing, and mastering for artists and brands around the globe. Since 2020 thruoutin has been conduction a series on monthly lists on Currents FM titled Mixes for Inside of the Home which showcases up-and-coming, underground music from within China and throughout the greater China area.


在新西兰一座孤立而迎风的山边出生长大,又在当代中国的音乐节奏中快速融合,Kaishandao找回失落的文化背景,创造出一系列有着复杂起源的高辨识度声响和古怪的不完美之音。受到后朋克,实验音乐,碧昂丝和保利中心低音炮的影响,开山刀的现场用棱角分明的鼓点在 minimal,techno 和后朋克的边缘试探着;一些四处收集的卡带音频共同组成了这个无法定义的叙事片段。在2017年的实验现场“不辣不辣”中宣告了她的存在。自那以后,她在全国各种场地,俱乐部和音乐节演出,并在 Boiler Room 和 NTS 直播演出。


Born and raised on the edge of an isolated and windward mountain in New Zealand, and quickly blended into the rhythms of contemporary Chinese music, Kaishandao recalls a lost cultural context to create a series of highly recognizable sounds and quirky imperfections with complex origins. Influenced by post-punk, experimental music, Beyoncé and Pauly's center subwoofer, the scene of the Knife Kaiser is tentative with angular drums on the edges of minimal, techno and post-punk; A number of cassette audio collected everywhere make up this undefinable narrative fragment. Her existence was announced in the 2017 experimental site "Not Spicy Not Spicy". Since then, she has performed at various venues, clubs and festivals across the country, and has performed live in Boiler Room and NTS.






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