
4/29 · 2F|AOKI takamasa 青木孝允

SYSTEM SYSTEM 系统 2023-04-27

ReCharge:AOKI takamasa

4/29 · 2F


AOKI takamasa rhythm variation 06

他迄今为止发表的专辑由于多样性且不断向前滚动的创作而被不同的行家以及乐迷赏识,并分别被收录在各大重要的厂牌下,包括日本独立厂牌PROGRESSIVE FORM,坂本龙一的厂牌Commmons半野喜弘的个人实验电子厂牌Cirque,德国著名电子厂牌Raster-Noton,柏林厂牌Stroboscopic Artefacts,瑞士电子厂牌Svakt,英国厂牌FatCat Records等。

4月29日,SYSTEM和ReCharge联合邀请,跟随AOKI takamasa的独家黑胶DJ set,探索感知的边界,进入一个充满声音奇迹和灵感的世界。

AOKI takamasa




Born in 1976. Osaka based.

Since releasing his debut album, SILICOM (2001), AOKI has worked both internationally and domestically as a producer, live performer, DJ and photographer. Based in Europe from 2004, returning to Japan in 2011, AOKI continues to produce, mix and remix for international and domestic artists. 






How long has it been since your last performance in China? What is your impression of the electronic music scene in China?



My last performance in China was as a DJ at 44kw in Shanghai on April 20th, 2019, so it has been exactly four years since then. To be honest, I am embarrassed to say that I don't have much knowledge about the electronic music scene in China. However, I will make a conscious effort to research more about it in the future.


You perform all over the world, how do audience reactions and feedback differ based on different cultures/climates/religions?



As far as I know, I don't feel much difference between the audiences from different parts of the world. However, I do feel that Asian audiences (especially Japanese) tend to be a little more shy about dancing compared to Western audiences.


Japan has a deep history with electronic music. What are your memories of the experimental electronic music scene in the 90s? (Who were your peers, what experiences did you have, etc.)


当时,我有幸与各位艺术家如Yoshihiro HANNO、Fumiya Tanaka、Tsujiko Noriko、Taeji Sawai、Nao Tokui、kohei、yoshiki、Ryoichi Kurokawa等一起工作。难以一一列举,但是我与每位艺术家一起工作都有着美好的经历。我很感激那个时期的一切。


I feel that at that time, due to the development of computers and software, it became possible to create "sounds" that did not exist before. I consider myself very fortunate to have experienced the exciting era of the late 90s during my early twenties, when I was particularly sensitive to new experiences.

I had the honor of working with respected artists at that time such as Yoshihiro HANNO, Fumiya Tanaka, Tsujiko Noriko, Taeji Sawai, Nao Tokui, kohei, yoshiki, Ryoichi Kurokawa, etc. It's difficult to name everyone, but I had wonderful experiences working with each artist. I am grateful for that.


IDM and glitch music do not have "composition" per se, but I think music develops from internal logic. What is the logic/hint when you create your own music?

FUNK,Mother Earth Gaia,和宇宙。我的所有创作灵感都来自这三个方面。我希望地球文明能够尽快摆脱疯狂的货币体系,并在没有战争、阴谋或控制的情况下实现真正的觉醒。我根据这个想法创作音乐。


FUNK, Mother Earth Gaia, and the universe. All of my inspiration for my work comes from these three things. I hope that Earth's civilization can break free from the madness of the monetary system as soon as possible and achieve true enlightenment without war, conspiracy, or domination. I create music based on this idea.


Could you please give us a brief explanation about your latest album to date? Has your music taste changed since its release? Also, have your devices or routines related to music production evolved?





Currently, I am not working on a new album, but I plan to start production for one in the near future. I have released relatively recent works on bandcamp, which can be found at the following link: https://aokitakamasa.bandcamp.com. I have also recently released a 12-inch EP from the Moscow label HAZE.

My music taste has remained unchanged since then, with FUNK as its foundation, but it is constantly evolving around that FUNK axis. Currently, I aim to create music that allows my audience to immerse themselves in a stress-free, comfortable, and sticky groove, and that can contribute to the peace and awakening of the entire human civilization.

Compared to the past, I have gradually transitioned to a setup that focuses more on hardware devices for production. I believe my production routines have become more minimal and conscious of dance music than before.


Could you briefly introduce your studio?



My studio is located in Osaka, Japan. It is set up with a balance between software and hardware, with the computer as the centerpiece, and the appropriate devices placed in their respective places


I understand that you are also a photographer. Does photography expand the dimensions of your expression?



I am not sure if it expands the dimensions of my expression, but I consciously take photos with a minimal perspective, as if an alien came to Earth for the first time, with a fresh view of everything in mind, and aware of the present moment. I hope that those who see my photos can be released from their daily stress, and that is why I share them. Thank you for this opportunity.

