
5/2 | Hit The Ground Running

SYSTEM SYSTEM 系统 2023-04-27

Hit The Ground Running



SYSTEM特邀国际嘉宾Lucy不拘泥于风格非大家所定义的电子音乐家,他的唱片作品以三部高度沉浸式的个人专辑三部曲《Wordplay for Working Bees》、《Churches, Schools and Guns》和《Self Mythology》为特色,每一部作品都照亮了Lucy的技术技能和探索动力。

同场DJB用Ravey Techno 和 Hard Trance 编织成⽹,招捕信众,蛊惑人心;来自乌克兰的Prymara,将带来纯正的HardBass音乐。


21:30-23:00 updxyl

23:00-12:30 DJB

12:30-02:30 LUCY

02:30-late Prymara b2b Ben NRG


Lucy(Luca Mortellaro)是当代最杰出的声音探险家之一。他并不受传统的电子音乐家、制作人或DJ的观念所限,通过调和深层个人感受与神秘元素,以及协调技术与生物领域的发展,进化出了自己独特的音乐风格。由此,他成为了一位罕见的艺术家,既能让观众感到满意,又能向他们介绍他们尚不熟悉的元素,并因此将他们推出他们的舒适区。

自2009年创立Stroboscopic Artefacts唱片公司以来,他们为其他具有独特审美感和高水准质量控制的艺术家提供了一个一贯引人入胜的论坛。

无论是作为制作人、DJ、表演者还是Stroboscopic Artefacts的策展人,Lucy对创造性演变和变异的热情显然吸引着新听众,并给予现有支持者继续关注的新理由。


Lucy (nee Luca Mortellaro) is one of the pre-eminent sonic adventurers of their time. Not bound to conventional pre-conceptions of what an electronic musician,producer, or DJ must be, Lucy has evolved their distinct sound signature by reconciling the deeply personal with the esoteric, and by harmonizing the spheres of technology and biology. In doing so, they have become rare as an artist, in their ability to please an audience while also introducing them to elements they were not yet familiar with and thereby pushing them out of their comfort zone.

After founding the Stroboscopic Artefacts record label back in 2009, they have provided a consistently intriguing forum for other artists who share this unique aesthetic sensibility and high level of quality control 

Whether they are acting in the role of producer, DJ, performer, or Stroboscopic Artefacts' curator, Lucy's clear passion for creative evolution and mutation is something that continues to attract new listeners, and keeps giving their current supporters new reasons to continue tuning in.


DJB 成⻓于成都和北京两地的俱乐部场景。他卖力劲舞,是舞池里少不了的熟⾯孔,自诩为“专业气氛组”;作为成都派对组织“Seafood 海鲜”的初创成员,他也以设计师身份委身幕后,长期描绘着派对生活的视觉模样。

随后,DJB 开始将这份热爱投⼊到 DJ 台上。他偏爱疾速、⾼能、纵欲的俱乐部舞曲,善用Ravey Techno 和 Hard Trance 编织成⽹,招捕信众,蛊惑人⼼。滚滚向前的低音、情绪激越的旋律和诡变多端的律动,他在台上兴风作浪,台下便立马落入狂躁和骚动的漩涡之中。

近期,他在招待所俱乐部主持的系列活动“东三环”担任驻场,毫无保留地释放着他的能量。Wigwam, .TAG, Heim, Oil 等俱乐部也能发现他矫健的身影。


DJB was raised in the community of Chengdu and Beijing’s club scenes. He’s a familiar,energetic presence on the dancefloor. For years, as a founding member of Chengdu’s‘Seafood’ party collective and through his devoted work as a designer behind the scenes,he has shaped the appearance of Chinese club culture.

Then DJB brought this passion, energy, and experience to the DJ booth. His taste inclinestoward high speed, high energy, high sensuality club tracks. With an adept hand hemixes ravey techno and hard trance into a rhythmic web to bewitch his followers andconquer their hearts. Commanding an indefatigable rolling bass, intensely moodymelodies and slyly changeable groove, he lures you in. Find yourself falling into theintoxicating, wild, and sensuous whirl of his creation.

In recent times he’s become a resident of Zhaodai’s ‘East 3rd Ring’ parties. Yet hisbeckoning beat can be heard at Wigwam, .TAG, Heim, Oil, and other clubs across China.





Founder of bdsm rave project Hydra and supporter of local artists & performances. “Purveyor of fast, hypnotic rave and a grooves.” That’s how Marko describes himself as a DJ.  Never afraid to go too fast, his emotive musical selections are his own therapy.  Having grown up on eclectic combination of electro, synth-infused 90s music and old good European rave mixtapes. Marko ended up with quite a mixed spectrum of musical influence.  Today, this translates into sets where he picks apart and infuses together all the pieces of this music that he loves best: melodic synth work, ethereal backdrops, hard basslines, and speed from old good European raves… all on top of a pronounced hypnotic atmosphere that bring spirit of rave.


Ben NRG,VOID 常驻 DJ、404 活动创始人,Hi-NRG, acid, techno 的忠实粉丝。来自伦敦的 Ben NRG 在其家乡运营着False Persona, Donny Rotten与Fiesta Soundsystem 钟爱的唱片厂牌:Green House。曾为 Chaos in the CBD, DJ Boring与Skream 等音乐人暖场。其身份从仓库派对与秘密 Rave 场所的组织者到演出嘉宾,Ben NRG已然成为英国俱乐部场景中的熟悉面孔,上海则是他下一个目标。


Ben NRG, VOID resident and 404 founder, a Lover of acid, techno, Hi-NRG. Originally from London and had a previous residency at DJ Mag's best small club in the UK supporting the likes of Chaos in the CBD, Peggy Gou, DJ Boring, and Skream. Where he also started a London based record label Green House featuring the likes of False Persona, Donny Rotten & Fiesta Soundsystem. From organizing and playing warehouse parties to secret location raves fka familiar face in the UK  is in Shanghai to switch things up.




upDXyl does not limit himself with one genre. Finds himself in electro, breakbeat, garage, minimal, breaks. From local parties at hometown to multiple clubs in China. Hosting it's own radioshow on SHCR with non 4 on the floor music.





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