








西雅图中文电台将于2022年11月19日星期六在西雅图中国海景大酒楼举办2022年华盛顿州华裔小姐大赛,欢迎参加。2022年华盛顿州华裔小姐的优胜选手,将直接参加包括全球亚裔小姐大赛在内的全美国或者全球的顶尖赛事的总决赛。另外本次大赛的前三名,将分别获得$1,000, $500和$300的奖学金。

Chinese Radio Seattle will host the 2022 Miss Chinese Washington State Pageant at China Harbor Restaurant in Seattle on Saturday, November 19, 2022. Qualified Chinese girls are welcome to participate. The winners of the 2022 Miss Chinese Washington State competition will directly participate in final competitions of USA or global pageants including Miss Asian Global. In addition, the top three in this competition will receive scholarships of $1,000, $500 and $300 respectively.

  • 活动(Activity):2022年华盛顿州华裔小姐大赛 (2022 Miss Chinese Washington State Pageant)

  • 时间(Time):2022年11月19日星期天晚6点 (Nov 19, 2022 Saturday at 6:00pm)

  • 地点(Venue):中国海景大酒楼(China Harbor Restaurant,2040 Westlake Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109)

  • 票价(Ticket):(访问:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022miss-chinese-washington-state-pageant-tickets-437321910607,或者扫描以下二维码,含丰盛晚餐, Please visit the link or scan the QR code below to buy tickets, dinner included),个人票:$65/人 (individual tickets $65/per person),团体票:$600/桌 (group tickets: $600/table)

  • 咨询(Contact Information):电话 Tel 206-619-8698, 206-953-6901, Email: crsradio@gmail.com

 参赛报名暨广告、赞助信息(如下)(registration information, sponsorship information are below)


As one of the most influential Chinese media in Washington State, Chinese Radio Seattle will host the 2022 Miss Chinese Washington State Competition in Washington State, USA, and send the winner(s) of the contest to participate in the Miss Asian Global and other competitions.

华盛顿州华裔小姐总决赛的参赛流程 (Register to participate)

1) 网上报名(点击本文左下角“Read More”,或者扫描以下二维码),并发自我介绍和3-5张高清照片到(Please click 'Read More' on the left botton corner of this post, or scan the QR code below to enroll, and send self-introduction and 3-5 high-resolution photos to): crsradio@gmail.com , subject: Miss Chinese Washington

2) 支付报名费200美元 Pay the registration fee of $200 (Zelle/Paypal: crsradio@gmail.com, 用于参赛排练、培训和比赛化妆等费用,请在留言里注明参赛者的中英文姓名 the fee covers rehearsal, training and competition makeup costs, please indicate the names of the participants in Chinese and English in the message)

3) 报名截止日期(deadline for registration):2022年11月5日 (Nov 5, 2022)

4) 排练与培训:2022年11月(具体时间、地点另行通知 Rehearsal and training: November 2022 (the specific time and place will be notified separately)

5) 总决赛:2022年11月19日星期六晚6点,地点:西雅图中国海景大酒楼(由评委现场打分,当场评出优胜者)Final competition: Sunday, November 19, 2022 at 6 pm, location: Seattle China Harbor Restaurant (pageants will be scored by the judges onsite, the winners will be announced onsite)

6) 决赛前三名(2022年华盛顿州华裔小姐大赛冠军、亚军、季军)将获得西雅图中文电台颁发的后冠、绶带和获奖证书,并分别获得$1,000、$500、$300的奖学金,现场还将评选和颁发最佳人气奖和最佳才艺奖等奖项(The top three finalists (Champion, 1st runner-up, and 2nd runner-up of Miss Chinese Washington State Competition in 2022) will receive the crown, ribbon and award certificate issued by Chinese Radio Seattle, and will receive scholarships of $1,000, $500, and $300 respectively. The competition and award will also be conducted on-site, and the winners of the Best Popularity Award and the Best Talent Award and other awards will also be annouced onsite.)

7) 华盛顿州华裔小姐大赛的优胜者将代表华盛顿州参加包括全球亚裔小姐在内的全美国或者全球顶尖赛事,并由大赛组委会协助培训。The winner of the Miss Chinese Washington State Competition will represent Washington State to participate in the 2023 Miss Asian Global Pageant competition or other top pageant competition in USA or globally, we will help train the pageant to prepare for the competition.


华盛顿州华裔小姐大赛选手参赛基本条件(The basic requirements for the contestants of the Miss Chinese Washington State Competition):

  • 年龄在16至29岁(截至11/2022时的年龄)的未婚女性 Unmarried women aged 16 to 29 (age as of 11/2022)

  • 五官端正、身体健康 Keep fit and be in good health

  • 高中以上学历 With education of high school or above

  • 居住在美国的华裔(至少有1/8华人血统),至少略懂中文 Chinese descendant living in the United States (at least 1/8 of Chinese descent), with at least a little knowledge of Chinese Language

  •   — 必须具备一项才艺,如唱歌、跳舞、乐器等 Must have a talent, such as singing, dancing, musical instruments, etc.

2022年华盛顿州华裔小姐评委(由5-7名华盛顿州知名业内人士担任,名单将于比赛现场公布)2022 Miss Chinese Washington State Judges (5-7 well-known artists, experts, or specialists in the area from Washington State will be the judges, and the names will be announced at the competition site)



  • 冠名赞助商:$8,000, 出现在所有相关宣传中(包括网站报道、YouTube及微博视频、社交媒体、参赛选手推介等),给冠军颁奖,冠名商的名字伴随冠军选手

  • 协办赞助商:$5,000, 出现在所有相关宣传中(包括网站报道、YouTube及微博视频、社交媒体、参赛选手推介等),给亚军或者季军颁奖

  • 白金赞助商:$2,000, 出现在节目单、网站报道、社交媒体等

  • 黄金赞助商:$1,000, 出现在节目单、网站报道、社交媒体等

  • 节目单内页整页彩色广告:$800,出现在节目单中以及网站报道中

  • 节目单内页半页彩色广告:$400,出现在节目单中以及网站报道中

广告及赞助联系:电话:206-953-6901, Email:crsradio@gmail.com


西雅图中文电台(Chinese Radio Seattle)成立于2012年5月,其听众来自全球190多个国家,多年来致力于促进中美两国的文化和经贸往来,是美国华盛顿州最有影响的中文媒体之一。西雅图中文电台是2016年西雅图市长穆雷访问中国的唯一随行媒体、2017年华盛顿州州长就职典礼唯一到现场报道的中文媒体、也是西雅图国际电影节唯一指定中文报道媒体。2017年9月2日、2019年6月16日、2021年9月23日分别被西雅图市长Ed Murray、贝尔维尤市长John Chelminiak和金县执行长Dow Constantine命名为“西雅图中文电台日”。2020年西雅图中文电台获美国人口普查局“信得过合作伙伴”称号,2020-2022年新冠疫情期间成为美国华盛顿州卫生部、华盛顿州商业部、西雅图-金县卫生部合作媒体、斯诺霍米什县合作媒体,2021年起成为金县政府合作伙伴。西雅图中文电台自成立以来,每年举办西雅图华人春节晚会,还是华盛顿州华裔小姐大赛、华盛顿州青少年才艺大赛、北美脱口秀大会、华盛顿州AAPI小企业高峰会等重大活动的主办方。


# 西雅图中文电台 #


收听频道:1150AM (或者HD-3 98.9FM) 

网上收听:1150kknw.com/listen | http://tunein.com/radio/KKNW-1150-s33547/

手机App(Apple): Chinese Radio Seattle | 西雅图中文电台

或者下载Tunein Radio(找到1150 | kknw)

电台地址:3650 131st Avenue SE Suite 550, Bellevue, WA 98006



Facebook: Facebook.com/ChineseRadioSeattle

微信公众平台: SeattleChineseRadio | SeattleToday

Twitter: @ChineseRadioSea





# 西雅图中文电视台 #



