
陆绍阳:Narrative Time and Narrative Viewpoints in Films

JCFS Journal JCFS Journal 2022-10-23


About the Author

陆绍阳 Shaoyang Lu

Shaoyang Lu is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University. He is a member of the 2018-2022 National Teaching Guidance Committee for Journalism and Communication Majors under the Ministry of Education, the Deputy Director of the Central Cultural Work Committee of the Jiu San Society, and the Chairman of Working Committee for Theoretical Comments of the China Film Association. He has served as the judge of the China News Award, the China Film Golden Rooster Award, the National Social Science Fund and the Social Science Fund of the National Radio and Television Administration. His academic work The History of Cotemporary Chinese Cinema: Since 1977 won the second prize of Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievements Award and the Excellent Textbooks Award of Beijing Municipal Education Commission. His theses won Literary and Art Review Award of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles three times. He has presided over the project“Research on the Achievements and Problems of the Film Industry since the Full Implementation of the Industrialization Policy of Chinese Films” supported by National Social Science Fund, the key projects “Research on the 60-year Revolutionary Historical Themes since the Founding of New China” and “ ‘Top-level Design’ of Chinese Film Development” supported by the Social Science Fund of the National Radio and Television Administration, etc.


To Cite This Article:

Lu, Shaoyang. "Narrative Time and Narrative Viewpoints in Films About Revolutionary History During the ‘Seventeen-Year Period’ (1949–1966)" Journal of Chinese Film Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2022, pp. 57-70. 



Abstract and Keywords

摘    要:   叙事时间和叙事视角是电影叙事学重点考察的内容。“十七年”时期的革命历史题材电影在叙事时间上,主要涉及对时间的选择、时间顺序的安排和时距(时间的变形)三个方面,创作者基本遵循秩序,显得规范、工整,渲染、突出重点情节和段落。这一时期影片的叙事视角主要采用全知视角,以及限制视角和全知视角相结合的方式,创作者选择让叙述者隐身在作品背后,强化“视觉幻象”,靠情节自身的推动力向前发展。这样的叙事方式是由时代性的意识形态及其审美取向决定的。

关键词:  “十七年”电影; 革命历史题材; 叙事时间; 叙事视角

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Abstract: Film narratology focuses on narrative time and narrative viewpoints. In films about revolutionary history produced in China’s “Seventeen-year Period” (1949–1966), narrative time chiefly involved choice of time, sequencing, and time spans (deformation of time). The creators basically followed the temporal order, so those films seem neat and standardized, giving prominence to the key plots and components. The narrative viewpoint of the day was chiefly omniscient, or a combination of the limited and omniscient viewpoints. The creators chose to let the narrator hide behind the text, so as to strengthen the “visual illusion” and promote the plot development through the plot itself. This narrative technique was decided by the ideology of the times and its aesthetic orientation.

Key words: films in the “Seventeen-year Period”; themes of revolutionary history; narrative time; narrative viewpoint


A Glimpse of the Article

Narrative is premised on the transformation of events, or transitioning from one event to another. Along the way, something unexpected happens. Narrative is “a way of organizing spatial and temporal data into a cause-effect chain of events with a beginning, middle and end” (Branigan 1992, 3). Narrative implies temporality, so the French narratologist Gérard Genette proposed that narrative is a game between the narrator and time. The unique charm of films is to compress or extend time and space using artistic means. Therefore, one of the core issues that film creators need to resolve is how to arrange time in text. Only when time is rearranged can the narrative exist.



1.Narrative Time in Films About Revolutionary History During the “Seventeen-year Period”

Narrative time is formed through the comparison between the actual time of the story and the time in the text.

We can explore narrative time in the films about revolutionary history during the “Seventeen-year Period” (1949-1966) through three aspects: choice of time, time sequence, as well as time span (deformation of time).



1.1 Choice of Time

A narrator is usually constrained by a film’s running time, so he (or she) has to condense the infinite time in the real world into a finite time frame. Therefore, the first issue the narrator must address is the choice of time. The following four principles can be followed in deciding which time period should be chosen or retained.

First, keep the time which will bring out the theme; second, keep the time associated with plot development; third, keep the time tied to the characterization; fourth, keep the time that is closely related to real life and will provoke more reflection from the audience. And some time frames, though seeming quite unrelated to plot development, can also be included as an organic part of the text because they can reflect folk customs, religions, beliefs or shape the characters’ personality in a more multi-dimensional manner.

1.1 时间的选择


第一,保留跟表现主题有关的时间;第二,保留跟情节推进有关的时间;第三,保留跟塑造人物有关的时间;第四,保留跟现实生活密切相关、能够引发观众更多思考的时间。有些时间段虽然看上去和故事情节的推进没有直接的关联,但通过它可以反映民风、民俗、 宗教、信仰等,可以更立体地表现人物的性格,它也可以成为文本时间的有机组成部分。

1.2 Ordering of Time (Sequencing)

Time is irreversible and in reality, moves forward in a linear fashion. Since events occur in a chronological order, narrators can present the story according to the time pattern of the events themselves, which is a relatively simple and common method. There are two oft-used options taken by narrators in handling the variable factor of time, namely chronological order and analepsis.

Chronological order: Chronological order is a common approach to handling time sequence in conventional movies; that is, the narration of the story according to the original chronological order of the events. This sequencing, consistent with the audience’s usual aesthetic experience, does not require them to move through different temporal experiences and is easier for them to identify with. This is a worry-free method for both the creator and the audience.

Chronological disorder: Chronological disorder comes in two forms: analepsis and flashback. Analepsis is a narrative time sequence by which a protagonist recalls the story in a relatively complete way. Generally, the narrative flow is not intentionally interrupted in the process of analepsis (though some narrators present the key elements of the plot before telling the story from the beginning).

1.2 时间的顺序(时序)




1.3  The Deformation of Time

The time span is described by Genette as the deformation of time. It can also be regarded as the pace of narration. Genette pointed out that the time span refers to the relationship between the actual duration of events and the length of their narrative texts. When analyzing the narrative art of the film, the pace of narration incorporates three main techniques: the omission of time, the expansion of time and the restoration of time.

1.3 时间的变奏



2. The Omniscient Viewpoint and the Limited Viewpoint

To narrate a story means to construct a viewable text. Thence comes a crucial question: Who is to tell the story? One event may take on different hues from different perspectives, from which different meanings and conclusions may be drawn by different people. The charm of a narrative lies not only in which events are told, but also by who and from what perspective these events are observed and narrated; this brings us to the issue of narrative perspective. Narrative perspective, also known as narrative viewpoint, is the cut-in point for observing or narrating a story. Generally, the narrative viewpoint can be divided into two broad types: the omniscient viewpoint and the limited viewpoint.


The films about revolutionary history in the “Seventeen-year Period” mainly narrated stories from the omniscient viewpoint or a combination of the limited and omniscient viewpoints. The creator tended to let the narrator hide behind the text, highlight the charm of the characters and promote the plot development through the plot itself.


The filmmakers in the “Seventeen-year Period” focused on “telling the story” rather than “how to tell it”, so they were relatively conservative in the exploration of narrative viewpoints, yet this did not affect the quality of the works in that period. In fact, they produced many excellent works living up to their age and created a glorious era marked by the “Red Classics”.


Journal of Chinese Film Studies


Journal of Chinese Film Studies立足中国,面向国际,旨在搭建一流国际学术平台,发表国内外高水平的中国电影研究成果,加强不同文化背景的研究者之间的对话和沟通,促进国内外电影研究界开展交流与合作,推动中国电影研究的全球发展。想与国内外知名学者一起探讨中国电影吗?赶快行动投稿吧!







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Narrative Time and Narrative Viewpoints in Films About Revolutionary History During the “Seventeen-year Period” (1949–1966)


