
James Keogh & Brian Yecies :怀旧与想象交织的中国梦——冯氏喜剧《私人订制》中的文化批判

JCFS Journal 2022-11-17

To cite this article:

Keogh, James and Yecies, Brian. "Chinese Dreams of Nostalgia and Fantasy: Cultural Critique in Feng Xiaogang’s Personal Tailor (2013)" Journal of Chinese Film Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2022, pp. 95-116. https://doi.org/10.1515/jcfs-2021-0032

About the Authors

Brian Yecies 布莱恩·耶西斯

Professor of Communication and Media, University of Wollongong, Australia


Originally from Arizona, Dr. Yecies has over 20 years’ experience teaching and researching Asia’s transnational film and digital media industries and cultural policy. He is also a chief investigator on the 2017-19 Australian Research Council Discovery Project ‘Digital China: From Cultural Presence to Innovative Nation’.

James Keogh 詹姆斯·基奥

Communication and Media, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia


Abstract and Keywords


This study sheds new light on Feng Xiaogang, one of China’s most successful film directors, through an investigation of how Personal Tailor (2013) engages with the guiding rhetoric and ideals underpinning the “Chinese Dream”. The authors demonstrate how the hybrid political–commercial–artistic critique of the Chinese Dream in Personal Tailor offers poignant commentary on China’s quest for national rejuvenation during a period when China continues to struggle with increasing social and economic inequalities. By foregrounding these complex tensions between political and economic rationalism, and their intersections with an imagined nostalgia as a key story-telling trope, this study shows how Feng and Personal Tailor are expanding the boundaries of contemporary Chinese cinema in a new era of globalized commercial culture. 

Keywords: Chinese cinema, Chinese Dream, Feng Xiaogang, nostalgic fantasy, Personal Tailor (2013) 




A Glimpse of the Article

This study investigates the influence of an important contemporary Chinese filmmaker Feng Xiaogang, whose work has yet to be explored fully in English, and the dynamic ways in which he is shaping Chinese cinema. In 2013, Feng’s satirical “dream” comedy, Personal Tailor (Si Ren Ding Zhi), a sequel of sorts to his The Dream Factory (1997), was released to negative criticism by commentators writing in both English-language and Chinese outlets, despite its relative success at the box office. The film deserves a thorough investigation – not least because its satirical messages encompass a range of contemporary issues that are unfolding in an increasingly commercialized and complex social environment. 
We focus on the content of a pivotal speech given in January 2013, a message reinforced at the 19th National Party Congress held in October 2017 and republished in April 2018 in Qiushi, the official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Clearly, there are strong linkages between Personal Tailor and this speech, which have yet to be analyzed in full. A major leitmotif of the film is the utilization of nostalgia as a tool for promoting optimism and creating an emotional buffer against China’s turbulent past – an effect achieved through Feng’s distinctive blend of comedy and satire. By exploring this aspect of one of China’s most successful commercial directors, the authors aim to offer film and creative industry scholars, as well as general readers interested in China, insights into how, as a creative artist, Feng has responded to China’s recent social and economic transitions. 


Main Melody Comedies and China’s National Dreams 


The Personal Tailor team members are reminiscent of the “One-Day Dream Trip personnel in The Dream Factory who go to extraordinary lengths, and seemingly unlimited expense, to realize the fantasy for their customer, even if in several cases the client comes to regret the fantasy once it becomes reality (McGrath 2008, 176). Each of these dreams, and the physical and psychological spaces they inhabit, offer sharp insights into the lives of ordinary Chinese citizens and the major social and cultural issues that affect them, such as corruption, hyper-commercialization, the growing wealth gap, and environmental degradation. 
Made immediately following the 2013 speech, Personal Tailor explores the implications of these challenges for China, adding as a very contemporary twist the commodification of the Chinese Dream as a product placement in and of itself. The Chinese Dream as envisaged here draws on a national ethos like the well-known American Dream that came to prominence in the 1950s. Xi’s version of the Dream represents an extension of government rhetoric regarding national rejuvenation that has been familiar to Chinese audiences since Mao. The film depicts the lucid “dreams” cherished by ordinary Chinese - aspirations that the Party-state has promised to fulfill through policy development. The black-and-white prologue sequence of Personal Tailor, as well as all five of its remaining segments (shot in vivid color), can be interpreted as a reflection of Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation achieved through a modern socialist market economy. 


Popular Films as Commercial–Cultural Hybrids


While New Year Films incorporated domestic and local elements while maintaining a commitment to state propaganda and ideology, their sponsors’ primary aim was always to achieve commercial success. Since the 2010s, China’s film industry has been experiencing an unprecedented transformation that is an inevitable by-product of the Party-state’s adherence to a market-driven rationale as power, money, and commercial aims align. Over the past two decades, the Communist Party of China has regarded political ideology as central “to the Chinese export profile” (Keane 2007, 117). For this reason, government-backed main melody-style films that strongly promote state ideals are often stigmatized as part of the “Old China.” China has produced few “cross-over” feature films that appeal to both Chinese and Western audiences, primarily because comedies (as well as other genres) are notorious for being difficult to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers in the global trade. 
Feng has been a key figure in commercializing main melody drama and other films with a strong propaganda element. Maintaining “core socialist values” while also reflecting a “harmonious culture” - while subtly questioning and even undermining these values -Personal Tailor offers concrete evidence of the implementation of the concept of soft power in an era that is “characterized by a coexistence between an effort to reimagine and reestablish a sense of historical continuity and linearity, and a desire to create new fissures and offshoots that would promote new social, political and cultural changes …” (Fan et al. 2015, 319). 


Personal Tailor: Fulfilling the Dream 


The use of black-and-white cinematography in the prologue fantasy sequence communicates a sense of aesthetic and rhetorical tension, and evokes the “heightened self-reflexivity concerning the cinematic and photographic mediation of history” and “attention to the influence of visual representations on our historical consciousness” (Li 2012, 248). Following the monochromatic prologue, the film’s visual style abruptly transitions to a brightly colored seaside setting, featuring clear blue skies, vivid green palm trees and manicured lawns covered with iridescent flowers - all surrounded by crystal-clear ocean with gently breaking surf. The next and longest fantasy sequence, titled “Honest Instincts,” features a chauffeur (Fan Wei) who is concerned to test his own moral resilience after three of his previous employers, all high-ranking politicians, are arrested on corruption charges.
片头的想象场景通过黑白摄影传达了一种美学和修辞上的张力,并唤起了“对影视化和图像化的历史中介的高度自我反思”和“对视觉表征如何影响我们的历史意识的关注”。黑白色调的片头过后,影片的视觉风格突然过渡到色彩鲜艳的海边场景,湛蓝的天空、鲜艳的绿色棕榈树和点缀着彩虹色花朵的修剪整齐的草坪——所有的一切都被水晶般清澈的海洋包围着,被浪花轻轻地拍打着。接下来便是最长的一个想象片段,题为《性本善》,讲述了一名司机(范伟 饰)在此前的三名雇主(均为高级政客)都因贪污被捕入狱后,不禁担心自己能否经受住道德上的考验。

As a filmmaker, Feng’s stance on these issues appears to be marked by ambiguity, mediated through satire and humor, contributing to a wider neoliberal discourse that aims “to endorse the government policy of economic [and cultural] reform while posing as its critic by demanding legal-political freedom and protections compatible with the global capitalist system in which China is integrated economically but not yet politically” (Zhang 2008b, 52). However, we believe that Feng goes further than this, pointing out the dilemmas involved in embracing the marketization model and, in particular, the contradictions inherent in Xi’s anti-corruption campaign in a society that is being encouraged to embrace the new economism.
Conclusion 结语
To sum up, despite some of the negative criticism of Personal Tailor, Feng’s “dream” film cinematizes collective understandings of the Chinese Dream by addressing some major social and cultural concerns in contemporary China. The current transformation of the film industry is illustrated through the fantasy enactment sequences, as questions of economic, cultural, political, and counter-political capital are seamlessly integrated into their respective narratives. In this way, the film cleverly subverts the narrow brand of state ideology found in the Chinese main melodies of the late 1990s (investigated elsewhere), demonstrating that Feng is not a slave to the market or the Party. Simply put, he is a savvy filmmaker who negotiates these complex elements and meets the demands of both political and commercial interests like few other filmmakers. 



Journal of Chinese Film Studies立足中国,面向国际,旨在搭建一流国际学术平台,发表国内外高水平的中国电影研究成果,加强不同文化背景的研究者之间的对话和沟通,促进国内外电影研究界开展交流与合作,推动中国电影研究的全球发展。想与国内外知名学者一起探讨中国电影吗?赶快行动投稿吧!









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