
厉震林| Digital Technology and Changes in Performance Esthetics

JCFS Journal JCFS Journal 2022-12-21

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About the Author

Zhenlin Li, Doctor of Philosophy, is deputy-director of the Academic Board of Shanghai Theatre Academy (STA); dean, professor, and doctoral supervisor of Department of Film Studies, STA. He is also in the Chang Jiang Scholars Program as a distinguished professor. His academic interests include the culture and esthetics of performing and directing as well as the histories of Chinese films and Chinese culture. He has published 20 individual books and 320 academic papers. He has won many awards including Science Research Famous Achievement Award in Higher Institution and Shanghai Famous Achievement Award in Philosophy of the Social Sciences.


To Cite This Article:

Li, Zhenlin. "The Development of Digital Technology and Changes in Performance Esthetics" Journal of Chinese Film Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2022, pp. 149-164. https://doi.org/10.1515/jcfs-2022-0018

Abstract and Keywords

Abstract: One of the particular characteristics of Chinese films is that they are based on the unique sources of Chinese cultural thought. This article examines the main spiritual ideas of traditional Chinese culture through the lens of the three relationships between heaven and man, humans and other humans, and man and himself. It explores how Chinese films made in different cultural contexts and historical backgrounds have expressed the spirit of Chinese culture through both inheritance and transformation. We approach this issue by focusing on expressions of the traditional concepts of “the unity of man and heaven,” “vigor andpromise,” “balanced harmony and the golden mean,” and “the unity of body andmind.” 

Keywords: Chinese films, cultural spirit, unity of body and mind, unity of heavenand man, vigor and promise



A Glimpse of the Article


Three Reforms of 

Performance Esthetics

In the history of Chinese films, performance esthetics have undergone two major reforms. One was caused by the transition from silent films to films with sound. At the time, many performers were unaccustomed to the new requirements this change brought to performing.


The other major change occurred during the revolution of Chinese performance esthetics in the 1980s. This is when the documentary-style performances became dominant, replacing the styles common during “the Seventeen-year Period (from 1949 to 1966)” of Chinese films. 


Recently there has been a third reform, a systematic one shaping everything from technology to esthetics. During all previous cinematic revolutions—whether from silent to sound, black-and-white to color, or the shift to widescreen and letterboxing—the mechanical and lens special effects only affected how performances manifested.



There are many driving forces behind the symbiosis of digital technology and film performances. On one hand, cinemas must figure out reasons for viewers to watch films in theatres in the midst of emerging new forms of entertainment. Innovating the types of images seen by audiences has become the foundation of the film industry. Films as immersive experiences are a promising direction for this type of innovation. Surround sound as well as digital technologies such as 3D visual effects, 4K HD resolution, and 120 frames per second (fps) are major vehicles for creating immersive experiences which can never be provided by computers, phones or televisions. These immersive experiences cater to audiences’ demands for innovation, bringing forth the transformation from movie fans to cinephiles inreception esthetics. The application of digital technology has given rise to new modes of virtual acting including synthetic performances, 3D tracking, the dynamic capture of motions and facial expressions, post-production retouching of fine layers, and so forth. Special effects have permeated acting. Cinematic technology is driven by the evolution of film industry. The development of technologies, from changing the sense of space through high- and low-speed photography to promoting film esthetics to a previously unimagined levels through the upgrades of the digital era, not only gives the film industry legitimacy and superiority in society and the market, but also influences social values and the relationships between different cultural strata.



New Requirements for Performance

Mojin-The Lost Legend


The first requirement is that film esthetics are getting into a state of “doing as people like” in response to the spectacle of the swelling film industry. 


The second requirement brought by digital technology is the idea that performances must be accurate, adequate, and to the point. This is because the high-definition of images and 3D digital effects make even miniscule aspects of the performance crystal clear to the audience.


The third requirement is that green- and blue-screen performances must vary greatly from traditional performances shot on location or in the studio.


The fourth requirement created by digital technology is that there can be no real “acting partners” on set when acting.



The first requirement is that film esthetics are getting into a state of “doing as people like” in response to the spectacle of the swelling film industry. Performance has become an element in the spectacle of films. Actors “co-act” with virtual spaces, moving in and out of the reality. A certain type of exaggeration and embellishment, including both more romance and more pretense, has developed in documentary-style performances. This has created a stylized and cartoonish performance format. The combination of human performance with “surreal” and “supernatural” subjects in spectacular movies has driven actors’ performances to accord with the new esthetics, thus altering the documentary-style performing mode. Certain kinds of films, such as sci-fi movies, disaster films and thrillers, are closely connected with digital technologies. These include films like Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons (Xiyou Xiangmopian, 2013), Mojin-The Lost Legend (Guichuidengzhixunlongjue, 2015), Time Raiders (Daomubiji, 2016), Monster Hunt (Zhuoyaoji, 2015), Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe (Jiucengyaota, 2015). In such films, actors and actresses must interact with spectacular scenes, virtual acting partners, and supernatural images. They must also take into account human acting’s place in the entirety of film grammar and vocabulary. In accordance with the respective esthetic formats of films, they must adopt certain performance grammars, whether normal or bizarre, whether diverging from or according with traditional ones. In these spectacular films, the contexts of performance are both augmented and defamiliarized. The standards for performers’ body shapes and postures have also been raised. Scenes are usually presented in full shots, and actors’ and actresses’ bodies are emphasized, which means they need to behave naturally. Human performance has become alternatively an organic component of, or a reconstructed object for, digital technology. This means actors’ bodies must be of full creativity to produce esthetic power in digital spaces.



Attributes of Performances in the Era of Digital Technology



First, actors must be highly focused on performing.


Next, digital technology ensures that actors must be highly imaginative in their performances. 


Actors must be outstanding at comprehending the films they are making


Finally, actors must be full of emotions.



Actors must be outstanding at comprehending the films they are making. Without any visual cues, directors must usually verbally explain both the virtual environment and the characters. Sometimes, actors may not be able to fully understand verbal descriptions of scenes, especially when it comes to supernatural spectacles or actions. However, even if the verbal depiction is abstract, the performance still must be specific. In most circumstance, an actor probably will not be able to completely translate a director’s explanation into their performance completely because that demands such superb levels of comprehension. Wei addresses this problem: “Switch (Tianji Fuchunshanjutu, 2013), a Chinese film packed with CG effects, fails to tell a logical story, and the actors’ and actresses’ performances are incomprehensible and do not convey emotion. Without physical sets, actors forgot to communicate authentically or display expressions of emotion. Additionally, the only source the actors could turn to for similar acting experiences was their predecessors’ recordings. This meant that when they displayed various types of feelings, they simply repeated and imitated what had come before” (Wei 2015, 134). In this case, because of insufficient comprehension of what the film was supposed to be like, “the actors’ and actresses’ performances are incomprehensible and do not convey emotion” and, as a result, performers “simply repeated and imitated what had come before” (Wei 2015, 134). This reminds us that successful use of digital technology requires corresponding improvements in performance methods.



Conclusions: A Qualitative Analysis

Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons


It is normal in the film industry that technology keeps developing and being revolutionized. Driven by both the film industry and esthetics, cinematic technologies and arts are progressing towards perfection. Connected to these developments, performance esthetics are also undergoing changes. Still, their underlying principles remain unshattered. Performance remains centered on actors and their inner worlds. The depth of a performance continues to be about its strength and the breadth of a performance concerns sociological issues. Finally, the ontology of performance attributes consists of nothing but a human giving a performance. That said, with digital technology, the acting “figure” can be produced digitally. Humans can have relationships with virtual characters. Actions that humans could never accomplish can be portrayed with technology. Compared with those conducted in front of green- and blue-screens, performances in LED virtual studios are much more complicated. In this setting, actors and actresses move in and out of both real and unreal settings. The final performance is created in coordination with virtual camera systems, spatial positioning systems, real-time rendering systems and so on. This challenges and redefines some theories and principles of performing. In this context, the boundaries between the technology and the art of performance are blurring. The two are now trending to merge with the boost of ever-advancing technologies. The technological transformation of art and the estheticization of technology is becoming the new normal. Performers in films must now learn and master technologies as part of their art, so that technology can help empower the art of performing. This is an inexorable trend. Digital technologies are ubiquitous in the age of immersive films. In the context of the interaction between art and technology, Chinese films should use technology as a springboard to create new Chinese forms of expressions. They should use digital technology as a breakthrough that can serve as a path for Chinese performance esthetics to be recognized by the international community. Chinese culture’s traditional emphasis on the spirit of a whole picture, the use of intentional empty spaces, the focus on the smallness of humans in comparison to heaven and Earth, the fascination with adding finishing touches, the seemingly causal form of narration, etc., can all be combined with special effect techniques. Doing so would make Chinese film performances more vivid, touching, and impressive. Thus, Chinese films will be able to exhibit a cartoonish style on one hand, while approaching realism on the other. This would help integrate East Asian film discourse with global film discourse in an age where films are under great changes.




Journal of Chinese Film Studies


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