
胡智锋,陈寅:A Theoretical System for Chinese Films and Television

JCFS Journal JCFS Journal 2023-12-30

To Cite This Article

Hu, Zhifeng and Chen, Yin. "Constructing a Theoretical System for Chinese Films and Television: A Review of Academic Views of China’s Mainstream Film and Television Since 2017" Journal of Chinese Film Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 2023, pp. 329-351. https://doi.org/10.1515/jcfs-2023-0034


About the Author


Zhifeng Hu

Zhifeng Hu, professor and doctoral supervisor at Beijing Normal University, and the Former Deputy Secretary of the party committee and vice president of Beijing Film Academy. Hu is the convener of the Drama and Film and Television Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, vice chairman of China Television Artists Association, a member of the 11th National Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and was the director of the Chinese Collegial Association for Visual Art. He is the first distinguished professor to be “Changjiang Scholar” of the Ministry of Education in the academic field of media in China, and a senior visiting scholar at Harvard University. Hu has engaged in teaching and research on film and television culture, film and television art, and media art for many years. He has undertaken more than 40 major national social science projects and published over 400 academic papers. His achievements have won many national and provincial awards, and he has visited over 40 countries in Asia, Europe, the United States, Africa, Australia, and other continents for lectures and academic exchanges.



Yin Chen

Yin Chen, lecturer and master's supervisor of Shanghai Film Academy, Shanghai University, and PhD of Beijing Normal University. His main areas of research are television and online audio-visual literature and art, media art and culture.



Abstract and Keywords

Abstract: Since 2017, new achievements have been made in the field of mainstream Chinese films and television: specifically, in the interpretation of strategic policies,research on creation and production, and foundational theoretical research. These achievements have chiefly been embodied in the following areas: reaching historical achievements and changes in comprehensive, systematic and in-depth interpretation and analysis of China’s mainstream films and television; focusing on the creative practices, innovations and trends in China’s mainstream films and television; elucidating the remarkable characteristics of development; distilling the Chinese school and Chinese model; proposing a series of original academic discourse; forming a series of important theoretical achievements; and completing the first stage of constructing a system for Chinese films and television in the new era.

Keywords:Chinese characteristics; Chinese school; construction of film and television theoretical system; mainstream films and television; the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

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关键词:十九大 主旋律影视 影视理论体系建构 中国学派 中国特色


A Glimpse of the Article

Interpretation of Strategic Policies: Adhere to the Chinese Path and Highlight the Chinese Model

Since 2017, academic research and theoretical development in the field of China’s mainstream film and television have been very active. Studies of China’s mainstream film and television have made new achievements in policy interpretation, research in creative production and basic theoretical research, producing original academic discourse and constituting a series of important theoretical achievements.

These academic achievements are not only a positive response to and highly refined summation of the empirical phenomenon of Chinese film and television in the new era (i.e. since the 19th Party Congress in 2017); they are also a profound and theoretical response to the prospering of film and television creation and production under the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

This has seen preliminary construction of a theoreticalsystem for Chinese film and television in the new era, becoming an importantcomponent in the building of Chinese film and television culture and the development of academic and discursive systems for film and television with Chinese characteristics.



1. Interpretation of Strategic Policies: Adhere to the Chinese Path and Highlight the Chinese Model

Since 2017, China’s film and television industry has ushered in a historic transformation from being a major country in films and television to a strong country in films and television. Focusing on the construction of a strong cultural country and a country strong in film and television has become the main theme, main task, and main direction of research in the field of Chinese film and television since 2017. In terms of strategic policy interpretation, this has mainly been reflected in a comprehensive, systematic, and in-depth interpretation and analysis of the historical achievements and changes made in the field of film and television under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Guided by important policy documents on the development of film and television, work in this area has explored the paths and methods by which to achieve high-quality development of film and television and build a strong country in film and television.



2.Research on Creative Production: Focusing on Chinese Stories and Interpreting Chinese Characteristics

Research on creative production has focused on creative practice, innovative phenomena, and trends in the field of mainstream Chinese film and television in the new era. It has also elucidated the significant characteristics of the development of mainstream Chinese film and television in the new era. With the continuous promotion of innovative practices in films and television dramas in the new era, academic discussions and theoretical research on new mainstream films and mainstream TV dramas are increasing, and a preliminary system of academic discourse on new mainstream films and television dramas has been formed. The new forms, features, and phenomena of creative production in the field of mainstream film and television have also received close attention and deep interpretation, making important theoretical contributions to promoting the innovative development of Chinese films and television in the new era.



3.Foundational Theoretical Research: Condensing the Chinese School and Contributing Chinese Wisdom

In terms of foundational theoretical research, the most prominent and important contribution has been the formation of the new era Chinese film school, which has provided comprehensive academic support for the construction of the discipline,theory and discourse of new era Chinese films and television. On the basis of both intellectual inheritance and innovation, a series of new concepts, categories, and expressions has been created in the field of mainstream film and television research, exploring in a preliminary way the standards and systems of Chinese film and television commentary in the new era, and contributing Chinese wisdom to the research of world film and television theory.




The distinctive contribution of this paper has been to provide an overview of the academic research and theoretical construction in the field of film and television, the mainstream of China since 2017, highlighting cultural consciousness and confidence, and unwaveringly exploring China’s unique path. The academic field of Chinese film and television in the new era is deeply rooted in China. Based on Chinese experiences and values, this article has distilled the Chinese school and Chinese model, demonstrated the Chinese style and tenor of academic research in the field of mainstream Chinese film and television, and gradually opened up a way for the development of film and television research with Chinese characteristics.



Journal of Chinese Film Studies


主编:王海洲 金海娜

Journal of Chinese Film Studies立足中国,面向国际,旨在搭建一流国际学术平台,发表国内外高水平的中国电影研究成果,加强不同文化背景的研究者之间的对话和沟通,促进国内外电影研究界开展交流与合作,推动中国电影研究的全球发展。期刊由德古意特(De Gruyter)出版社出版,目前已进入Scopus索引。想与国内外知名学者一起探讨中国电影吗?赶快行动投稿吧!







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Constructing a Theoretical System for Chinese Films and Television: A Review of Academic Views of China’s Mainstream Film and Television Since 2017


