
周星,欧阳羽虹:The Expression of Values, Humanity and Aesthetics

JCFS Journal JCFS Journal 2024-01-13


About the Author

周星 Xing Zhou

Xing Zhou is the Director of Art Education Research Center, Beijing Normal University, Second-level Professor, PhD Supervisor, Director of Asian and Chinese Film Research Center and Director of the Ministry of Education Drama, Film and Television Professional Teaching Steering Committee.


欧阳羽虹 Yuhong Ouyang 

Yuhong Ouyang is a postgraduate student in film studies who enrolled in 2021 at the School of Arts and Communication.


To Cite This Article:

Zhou, Xing and Ouyang, Yuhong. "The Expression of Values, Humanity and Aesthetics: The Appearance of Chinese Films in the New Stage" Journal of Chinese Film Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 2023, pp. 353-366.https://doi.org/10.1515/jcfs-2023-0032


Abstract and Keywords

摘    要:21世纪以来中国电影从主旋律电影到新主流电影的发展变化,带来中国电影成为全球第二大市场及艺术创作类型多样化和精神内涵的跃进。党的十八大以来,中国的新主流电影越来越占据影像创作的主导位置,并且产生了许多优秀的作品。中国主流价值观的坚守,多层次和多样的类型创作使新阶段的中国电影成为中国文化的重要代表。新主流电影在价值观呈现、人性表现与家庭伦理呈现、审美表现上的进步,不断推动着中国电影向着更好的阶段发展迈进。

关键词:中国电影;影像分析;新主流电影; 主流价值观

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Abstract: Since the turn of the 21st century, the creative focus of Chinese films has developed from “main theme films” to “new mainstream films”; this change has led to the transformation of Chinese films as the world’s second largest market, enabling the diversification of artistic creative types and the expression of spiritual connotations. Since 2012, new mainstream films in China have increasingly occupied the leading position in film creation, with many outstanding works being produced. The adherence to China’s mainstream values, as well as the multi-tiered and diverse types of creation, make Chinese films in this new stage an important representative of Chinese culture. The progress of new mainstream films may be seen in relation to the following aspects: cultural values, the expression of humanity, family ethics, and aesthetic expression, all of which are constantly advancing the development of Chinese films.

Keywords: Chinese films, image analysis, new mainstream film, mainstream values


A Glimpse of the Article

In recent years, Chinese image culture is marked by three notable features: An adherence to Chinese local values, an in-depth expression of China’s real life and humanity as well as an exploration of the artistic diversification of Chinese film aesthetics. By reviewing the representative works of Chinese cinema in recent years and focusing on their performance in these three aspects, we can outline the trajectory of progress in Chinese cinema.

近年来的中国电影文化或者中国影像文化,有着 3 个突出的特点:即坚守中国本土的价值观,进行中国现实生活和人性的深入表现,对中国电影审美的艺术多样化探索等。梳理近几年中国电影出色的作品,聚焦它在这3个方面的表现,可以勾勒出中国电影不断进步的轨迹。

1. 新主流电影的价值凸显

The Prominence of Cultural Values in New Mainstream Films


In recent years, China’s new mainstream films have created a new category of classical cinema, due to their attention on artistic expression and cultural values.近年来,中国新主流电影因注重艺术性和价值观表现而产生了不少电影新经典。

(1) The Unique Creation of Omnibus Films


Omnibus films are a unique genre of Chinese new mainstream films. The National Day film series, which begins withMe and My Motherland, is a collaboration of multiple types of directors, performed by multiple types of stars. All of them are created around a unified theme that echoes the rhythm of the times. This type of film is a unique Chinese creation, whether in terms of form, artistic expression, theme exploration, or cultural environment.



(2) The Spiritual Realm of War Films


From the Me and My Motherland series, we can see the changes in the development of Chinese new mainstream films: They tend to reflect grand themes in an artistic way that is easy for ordinary people to accept. That is to say, new mainstream films are more focused on presenting people’s daily lives and their personalities, integrating grand themes into daily situation, in which modern people are more likely to resonate. The diversity of artistic expression also enables films closer to the times, while the educational effect is produced in a more subtle and silent way. In recent years, the creation of new mainstream films with war as its theme has become more evident in this regard, especially the two films The Battle at Lake Changjin and The Battle At Lake Changjin II (Changjinhu zhi shuimenqiao).从《我和我的祖国》系列中可看到,中国新主流电影在发展中的变化,是宏大主题的体现更多偏向于采用常人百姓内心能够接受的艺术表达方式,着意于人们日常生活和个性的呈现,这使得宏大主题丝丝入扣的表现情境能使现代人产生感悟。艺术表现的多样性也使得它们更多地和时代切近但教化性得以隐蔽。在这方面,近年来战争题材新主流电影的创作则越来越明显。尤其是《长津湖》《长津湖之水门桥》两部作品。


(3) The Combination of Genre Films and Mainstream Values       类型与主流价值观表现结合的佳作

In terms of artistic expression, new mainstream films are increasingly focus on the combination of genre films and the expression of human nature and emotions while carrying forward mainstream values. In this regard, the filmImpasse (Xuanya zhi shang, 2021), which was released on May 1st, 2021, performed quite well. 在艺术表现上,新主流电影在弘扬主流价值观的同时越来越注重与类型电影样式的结合、人性情感的表现。关于此,2021年五一档期的《悬崖之上》表现得相当出色。


2. 现实表现中的人性深度展示

Deep Display of Humanity in Real Life

(1) Full Demonstration of the Pioneering Spirit of Ordinary People


In recent years, in the development of Chinese cinema, realism films have meticulously demonstrated humanity in and authenticity of real life. In such works as Nice View (Qiji benxiaohai, 2022), Dying to Survive (Wo bubshi yaoshen, 2018), So Long, My son (Dijiutianchang, 2019), and Better Days (Shaonian deni, 2019), filmmakers are shown to be committed to revealing the contradictions in real life and digging into the diversity of ordinary people’s lives. 




(2) An In-depth Revelation of Contradictions in Real Life


Director Wen Muye’s another impressive film,Dying to Survive, is not only an in-depth portrayal of contemporary life, but also an excellent work on complex humanity and reality. 此前更为出色的文牧野导演的电影《我不是药神》,既是对时代生活的深入表现,也是对复杂人性和现实把握出色的作品。

(3) A Detailed Portrayal of the Triumph of Justice over Evil


The combination of realistic expression and the adherence to mainstream values leads to a representative film,Wolf Warriors II (2017) directed by, and starring, Wu Jing. 现实表现和主流价值观坚守的结合,成就了一部颇有代表性的影片,这就是2017年吴京导演和主演的《战狼2》。


3. 家庭伦常情感表现的复归

The Re-emergence of Family Ethics

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of films with realistic themes regarding traditional family ethics, which has gained popularity among the audiences for revealing people’s diverse attitudes and lifestyles in real life. For example, Hi, Mom (Nihao lihuanying, 2021) directed by Jia Ling is a realism creation that reflects people’s expectations for a better life and their intertwined senses of guilt towards their parents. 近年来关于现实表现的创作也有家庭伦理传统得以复归的类型,这种对于现实生活中人们多样心态和多样生活的揭示都获得了大众的欢迎。比如贾玲导演的《你好,李焕英》,是一部在某种程度上反映人们对生活的期望和愧疚交织情感的现实创作。


4. 艺术审美表现更具特色

More Distinctive Artistic Aesthetic Expression

In recent years, the creation of new mainstream films in China is broad in its horizon, in-depth in its content, diversified in its real-life expression, and distinct in its local characteristics. We see that Chinese film constantly breaking through with daring creative choices. For example, in the animated filmNe Zha (Nezha zhi motong jiang shi, 2019), the rebellious protagonist sends out a shocking call of “I am the master of my own destiny”; Another animated film with distinct reginal flavor, I Am What I Am (Xiongshi shaonian, 2021) showcases the spirit of the grassroots people who break through and fight for victory; There has also been a return to a more lyrical expression, from Kaili Blues (Lubian yecan, 2016) directed by Bi Gan, to Dwelling In The Fuchun Mountains (Chunjiang shuinuan, 2019) that depicts the scenery of the regions south of the Yangtze River Jiangnan. All these factors contribute to a unique, artistic landscape presented by Chinese films.近年来中国新主流电影的创作越来越具有开阔度、深入性、触及现实生活的多方面以及本土特色日渐鲜明。我们看到中国电影不断有突破自身的大胆创作。比如:动画电影中有《哪吒魔童降世》的个性化张扬,即“我命由我不由天”的惊天呼唤;同时又有地域性特色鲜明的 《雄狮少年》表现底层人民在生活之中突破自我和以生命搏击获取胜利的创作;在艺术创作中从毕赣的 《路边野餐》一直到描写江南的《春江水暖》抒情的诗意影像也在回归。这使得中国电影的艺术表现呈现出不一样的风景。




5. 结语


Focusing on the theme of this article, it is confirmed that the new mainstream film has become a symbol. This type of film leaves enough space for creators to produce diverse works based on local culture. Under the premise of adhering to Chinese cultural values in mainstream films, filmmakers attempt different types of artistic creations and create the uniqueness of Chinese films, showing the grand united front of new mainstream films. From a deep analysis, the in-depth exploration of reality is a key factor in its continuous progress. Moreover, the breakthrough in the portrayal of family ethics and individuality have also made Chinese films more adaptable to the times. The progress and relative maturity of Chinese film art has allowed Chinese cinema to overcome various difficulties steadily and move forward to a new stage. It may be expected that Chinese cinema will continue to achieve new heights.本文所论的主题,证实新主流电影已经成为一种标识,其成就了一种最大限度地容纳创作者依托本土文化的多样态创作,和各种电影人在这其中对中国价值观坚守的前提下,以尊重自我的创造、尝试不同艺术类型创作并且创造中国电影的独特性,显示出新主流电影的大统一战线的景观。而深究起来,其中对于现实表现的深入性是其不断进步的重要因素。对于家庭伦理生活和个人性表现的突破和进步,又使得中国电影具有了更好的时代适应性。中国电影艺术表现的进步和相对的成熟度,使得中国电影能稳扎稳打地克服各种困难,向着新阶段迈进。可以预期,中国电影会向着新的高潮不断地挺进。


Journal of Chinese Film Studies


主编:王海洲 金海娜

Journal of Chinese Film Studies立足中国,面向国际,旨在搭建一流国际学术平台,发表国内外高水平的中国电影研究成果,加强不同文化背景的研究者之间的对话和沟通,促进国内外电影研究界开展交流与合作,推动中国电影研究的全球发展。期刊由德古意特(De Gruyter)出版社出版,目前已进入Scopus索引。想与国内外知名学者一起探讨中国电影吗?赶快行动投稿吧!







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The Expression of Values, Humanity and Aesthetics: The Appearance of Chinese Films in the New Stage


周星,欧阳羽虹:The Expression of Values, Humanity and Aesthetics

JCFS Journal JCFS Journal

