
Nankai University(南开大学)

Cathy Scholarship Cathy 2023-02-11

Nankai University, located in Tianjin City, is a national key university directly under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It is a national "double first-class" university, a national "Project 211" and "Project 985" university. It has been selected in the National "Qomolangma Plan", "Strong Foundation Plan", "2011 Plan", "111 Plan", Outstanding Legal Talents Education and Training Plan, the National Public graduate Program for Building high-level universities, the National Demonstration University for Deepening Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform, the host university of Chinese Government Scholarship for international students, and the degree authorization independent review unit. Member of the International Forum on Public Universities.

Nankai University was founded in 1919 by Yan Xiu and Zhang Boling adhering to the idea of saving the nation through education. In 1937, the campus was bombed by the invading Japanese army and moved south. The private Nankai University, Peking University and Tsinghua University were merged in Changsha to form the National Changsha Temporary University. 1938 It was moved to Kunming and renamed National Southwest Associated University. In 1946, he returned to Zimbabwe to restore the school and became a national university. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has undergone the adjustment of colleges and departments and become a national key university with equal emphasis on arts and science. Since the reform and opening up, Tianjin Institute of Foreign Trade and China Tourism Management Executive Institute have been incorporated.

As of December 2022, the University covers an area of 4,431,200 square meters, of which the Balitai Campus covers an area of 1,216,600 square meters, the Jinnan Campus covers an area of 2,458,900 square meters, and the Teda College covers an area of 67,200 square meters, with a total floor space of 1,950,900 square meters. It has 28 professional colleges and 97 undergraduate majors. It has 10 first-level disciplines authorized for master's degree and 24 professional master's degree authorization points. There are 32 first-level disciplines authorized for doctoral degree, 1 second-level disciplines authorized for doctoral degree, 4 professional doctoral degree authorization points and 28 post-doctoral research mobile stations. There are 2,275 full-time faculty members and 33,269 registered students, including 17,187 undergraduates, 11,348 postgraduate students and 4,734 doctoral students.

