
Follow Me Becoming My Agent

Cathy Scholarship Cathy 2023-05-05
How it Works

Help your students study in
China and grow your business easily.

How To Earn Profit

Anyone Can Join!

No matter you are foreign students studying in China, a teacher in your country or someone never does the business of study in China, you can easily join iAgent platform, you will have a unique invitation arranged by our system and you can easily promote invitation on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, WeChat in and other social media, to attract and convince more students to submit applications on CUCAS and fill in your invitation, students will get discount by doing this. And you will earn profit.

Complete Your Tasks Fast and Easily in Spare Time

In the account of individual iAgent, you can submit inquiries for new students easily in your spare time. CUCAS counselor will send an email containing application plan, application form, and document list for your students to your email, so you can collect documents and payment from your students easily, and submit applications via email easily.

Get Instant Bonus and High Commission

Individual iAgent can get reward right after you paid and submitted application, and our system supports you to settle more commission in iAgent directly after your student registered in university. We also cooperate with some universities to launch more and more special programs which have high commission to help you make more profit easily.

