
Apply To Chinese Universities For Free

Cathy Scholarship Cathy 2023-08-25

Apply To Chinese Universities For Free

CUCAS has established cooperation with 600+ universities in China and helped thousands of international students get admission to Chinese universities every year. We selected some universities from these and show them in the form of a topic. If you submit applications to the universities on the topic before December 31, 2023, you can enjoy the opportunity to apply to Chinese universities for free. There are 50 self-financed setas and 50 scholarship seats for free application. If you want to study in China, CUCAS has the most choices, seats, and the lowest fee, it is the best choice!

* Application Time: August 10 - December 31, 2023

Apply Self-financed Programs for Free 

There are 27 universities that can apply to self-financed programs for free, including top ones like Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji University, Zhejiang University, etc. There are many majors to choose from, such as the Chinese language program, computer science and technology, business administration, civil engineering, and so on.

Apply Scholarship Programs for Free 

There are 6 universities that can apply to scholarship programs for free, the scholarship can cover up to full tuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance, and medical insurance, including Shanghai Jiaotong University, East China University of Political Science and Law, Northeast Forestry University, etc. And there are a variety of majors for you to choose from, for example, international business law, business administration, international economics and trade, forestry engineering, and so on.

Why Apply Through CUCAS

CUCAS was founded in 2008 in Beijing and is the strategic partner of CEAIE (China Education Association for International Exchange). With 600+ partner universities in China (including top ones like Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, and Tongji University) and helping thousands of international students get admission to Chinese universities every year, CUCAS is the biggest online platform for students to study abroad in China.

  •  Timely Information (Keep Updated With 600+ Universities)
  •  Accessible Consulting Service
  •  Easy Online Self-Application
  •  Detailed Guide For Pre-Preparations
  •  More Activities When Students Reached China
  •  Accommodation Booking Service Without Service Fees
  •  Accessible While Studying In China
  •  Low Service Fee($50-$150)
  •  Knows China Very Well(CUCAS Team Has A Lot Of Chinese People)
  •  Low Tuition Fees

