
院长家书 | 疫情当下,致MED学子的一封信






“During this period, we, especially medical students, have seen and truly experienced the power that medicine gives to society and the responsibility it assumes.”

Dear students,

The spread of COVID-19 pandemic cases is tugging at our heartstrings. Currently, the pandemic is raging in Hong Kong. Although Longgang and Shatin, where the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong locates, are only 1 hour away, we can only care about each other from afar. Today, let us wish Hong Kong wins the battle against the pandemic and look forward to seeing Professor Tam and our Hong Kong colleagues soon!

Currently, we can feel the warmth of spring on campus already but can only meet with each other online. To keep everyone safe, I hope you understand our university's decision at this extraordinary time. Even though we encountered many difficulties, I have seen the actions of our university during the pandemic. Online teaching is in good order. I want to thank every faculty member for their tremendous efforts and thank our students for their great cooperation.

People have seen the efforts and pressures of healthcare workers in the pandemic. Whether nucleic acid testing or vaccine research and development, these are battlefields. During this period, we, especially medical students, have seen and truly experienced the power that medicine gives to society and the responsibility it assumes.

I understand that you are facing a number of challenges. You need to stay motivated, stay focused, deal with the challenges of being in front of a computer all day in the process of online teaching... In addition to studying, you may have to readjust to your home environment, overcome loneliness and isolation, etc...

What can we do during this challenging time?

We need to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The School of Medicine has made improvements to the mode of online teaching, including enhance the teaching tools, the content and the form of courseware, and the different way of discussion. We will also collect feedback from students on this basis and continuously optimize them.  And we’re also going to launch a series of online activities to accompany with you through this emergency period.

We should also reflect on the new demands of the changing times on us and develop new adaptive skills. Such as how to searching, understanding, and evaluating the required information from the electronic resources and applying that knowledge to problems solving. As healthcare disciplines increasingly intersect, including engineering, robotics, and data science, it also requires us to master more knowledge. The epidemic period has also prompted changes in the way of medical education. Whether it is pre-clinical teaching, or clinical training, residency training, examinations and assessments, we all need to actively keep pace with the times. I believe that our persistence and hard work will surely usher in victory.

If you have any questions or need help, you are welcome to contact me or the teachers at any time. I look forward to reuniting with you all on campus soon.










