
ReCharge ReConnect festival report #2 Ambient & Experimental

ReCharge ReCharge充电 2023-10-26

Live sets


The second report of ReCharge ReConnect online festival brings an eclectic line up spanning from sound healing ambient, experimental sound, drone, theatrical electronica, 8bit, and acid techno, a pure blended cocktail for home bound ReChargers.

Paul Yip

Healing sound JourneyWhy did you decide to share this video now for ReCharge ReConnect online festival ?


Can you tell us a bit about the video? 

Field Recording X Ambient


Is there something you would like to see more of in the new world of tomorrow ? 


Do you have a tip to give the readers about what you personally like to do to ReCharge your energies ? 



Modular Ambient Live Set

Why did you decide to share this video now for ReCharge ReConnect online festival ?

之前曾经答应过主办方的现场演出,但是由于上海的疫情,一切都取消了。所以我很荣幸以线上的形式参加Recharge 的音乐节。

Can you tell us a bit about the video?  

很显然,我的视频是在家里完成的。用到了minibrute 2S 和eurorack 作为主要设备。风格以氛围+舞曲为主。视频一共构思和准备了2天,其中有过很多次修改,但最后录制的时候一气呵成。我把这首曲子送给上海。

Is there something you would like to see more of in the new world of tomorrow ? 


Do you have a tip to give the readers about what you personally like to do to ReCharge your energies ? 

我很喜欢ReCharge 的概念,它很自由很多元化。更重要的是它具有很强的包容性,融合了各种艺术表现形式。我很希望能够继续与ReCharge 保持合作。



Ambient Atmospheric Live Set

I decided to share this video for the ReCharge ReConnect online festival because I thought it would be a suitable fit with the other artists I saw included in the curation. The video content is composed of live improvisation on the electric Chinese lute with ambient elements bubbling beneath. The material began during an artist residency in Hebei Province and I plan to release a studio version of the material this year. The title of the ReCharge ReConnect festival is interesting because it is important to take time to do both in order to have a healthy balance in life. I think we could all benefit from more recharging and reconnecting in the future. 



1. Because I did it

2. No

3. Tomorrow is illusion

4. 顺其自然


Noise Arcade

Clouds TravelsWhy did you decide to share this video now for ReCharge ReConnect online festival?

That’s simple, you asked. The lineups you’ve had for the previous ReCharge events have been interesting. Unfortunately, since I’m based in a different city, it’s difficult to make it your events and this seemed like a good opportunity to get involved.

Can you tell us a bit about the video?

It’s the first time I’ve tried to make a video of me playing. Turns out the basics of making the video weren’t too difficult. It’s amazing what you can do with just a smartphone, computer, and audio interface. Maybe next time I’ll figure out how to make it more visually interesting.

Is there something you would like to see more of in the new world of tomorrow?

I would like to see more of the world outside of Beijing… Other than a few short trips last year, I’ve barely left the city in the past two and a half years.

Do you have a tip to give the readers about what you personally like to do to ReCharge your energies?

How to ReCharge my energy… I drink a lot of coffee every day. It’s probably an unhealthy amount too, but it works. Besides my caffeine addiction, making music after work usually does the trick as well.

  Matt Fraktal & *LL

Into The Void

I regularly record game sessions, these are the last recorded last October.

Live is more designed as a musical program or sound collage of several patches made with a semi-modular synthesizer.

In the world of tomorrow, I would like to see the people of the earth come together in conscience to reflect on the adaptation of the greatest challenge of all time: global warming and shrinking resources at a time when the world's population has almost 9 billion mouths to feed.

Unfortunately, I believe that this will not happen and that we are in the early stages of the extinction of the human race because the human being is imprisoned in the certainty that nature belongs to him and has forgotten, in his selfishness, that he belonged, in fact, to nature.

To recharge my energies I do sports, hiking and meditation.

Music takes a smaller part in my life because the problems of the world are affecting me more and more.

Music is made to soften morals and thus men, but they are too busy with their own egos.

Why waste time softening them, rather gain it by recharging me and doing good with my loved ones.

Dusha Na Dne

Lena Kilina and Aline Vieira

Why did you decide to share this video now for ReCharge ReConnect online festival ?

This video is a recording of my sound art project called |Dusha Na Dne| which was formed in Brazil with a brazilian sound producer Aline Viera and recently performed on Sao Paulo independent radio platform "Veneno.radio". I decided to share this piece with ReCharge audience because part of my life path belongs to China and especially Shanghai, so it makes sense and I feel at least virtually connected to my beloved city. 

Can you tell us a bit about the video? 

This video was a recording of |Dusha Na Dne| interview on the brazilian radio and live streaming of our sound performance.

Sound duo |Dusha na Dne| from Russian language can be translated as "soul on the bottom". Our duo will present a sonic experiment with electronic instruments and vocal textures including sound dark wave, audio poetry experiments. The collaborative project explores the notion of East but not limited by the geographical borders. Through a multilingual approach ranging from Chinese to Portuguese and Russian, the sound duo |Dusha na Dne| takes the audience on a journey to the far corners of the world, to understand grotesque of sense of belonging.

Is there something you would like to see more of in the new world of tomorrow ? 

I am contemporary nomad bound by my motherland's roots, which lies in Far Eastern Russia (Siberia) on the border exploring the forever changing spaces of collective past, present and future via various forms of narration: sound, visuals and performance. Passing very tragic moments of nowdays life such as war and pandemia , I still believe in site-specific work that represent socio-historic precedents enriched by local mythology. I want to see peaceful collaboration between the East and the West, drown in spatial narratives of a new Enlightenment of post-everything.

Do you have a tip to give the readers about what you personally like to do to ReCharge your energies ?

No tips. Believe in something real what makes sense for you. Kill your ego with respect. Be punk but with empathy. I dont know what can recharge all this lost humanity but somehow we should try to not give up. At least not today.

4 Channels Club

Funked Up 8bit Live set

Why did you decide to share this video now for ReCharge ReConnect online festival ?



Can you tell us a bit about the video?  

这是我在家里的一个Live Set,设备很简单,用了4台任天堂Gameboy游戏机,一个Mini KaossPad 2和Korg KM-402 DJ Mixer。这个Set是完全即兴完成的,没做任何提前计划,表演了一些老作品也有一些未发表过的作品。所有音乐都是在Gameboy游戏机上用LSDJ(Little Sound DJ)写完的,属于硬件8-bit电子音乐,录制视频时用LSDJ的Live模式完成了所有的表演,用DJ混音台的效果器做了一些声音处理,Mini KaossPad 2只用来播放了最后一首曲目《Galaxy》的人声采样。

Is there something you would like to see more of in the new world of tomorrow ?


Do you have a tip to give the readers about what you personally like to do to ReCharge your energies ?


Bitting Eye & Project Soda

Why did you decide to share this video now for ReCharge ReConnect online festival?

It was a great way to share music and visual art with a group. The feeling was very much like a community effort and seeing everyone online during the event made it even more of a connection between people all over the world. 

Can you tell us a bit about the video?  

Project Soda (aka Arne Venema) and Biting Eye (aka Ben Bridges) are Hong Kong based live music and visual artists. We prepared the live set with an emphasis on uplifting electro music utilising analog drum machine and synthesiser as well as digital sampler and FM synthesizer to give clear and dynamic sound. The best of both worlds in analogue and digital. The music was inspired from Anime and futuristic video games that we were sampling audio from for the vocal sections. We wanted to share our love for the genre and also create a danceable and visually stimulating experience. The visuals were a mashup of anime, live recordings around Hong Kong and augmented reality tracking response captured on iPhone and then mixed with VJ software in layers to create the background images and animated robes we wore for the performance. 

Is there something you would like to see more of in the new world of tomorrow? 

More interaction between people living in different parts of the world through media broadcasts like this helps connect people and is really refreshing to see, hear and take part in. 

Do you have a tip to give the readers about what you personally like to do to ReCharge your energies ? 

I myself spend a lot of time at the beach in Hong Kong taking in the sunshine and listening to the waves.  Frequent visits to the seaside where I can breathe in time with the rhythm of the ocean helps relax and recharge and keeps me focussed on things I am doing in the creative arts world. 

制作:Laurent Lettrée
编辑:Tārā, Makadamia 

For more information about ReCharge, 

please follow us


Special thanx to LiveCNMusic for reposting the event

