
New Scam Alert : Don’t Fall Victim to Fake Job Offers

GICexpat team GICexpat 2023-06-12


Finding a job can be tough now, even if you are eager to start working, remember to carefully evaluate all job postings, interviews, and offers.

Recently, some unlawful groups have falsely claimed to be recruiting on behalf of company and have privately charged job seekers fees, causing harm to their interests. 

HiredChina.com reminds you to avoid scams and find meaningful employment.

This article will focus on the reality of such scams.

1. The job is TOO good to be TRUE!

Be wary of jobs that pay extremely well for working from home or sites that promise a job position.

Also, if those companies hire you immediately without any job interview, be aware-it's probably a scam.

2. You are asked to send, cash or transfer money.

Finding a job on hiredchina.com is FREE of charge. It raises a red flag when the company or employer ask you to pay for training fees or tax fees or anythings before entering the new company.

3. The company doesn’t have a legitimate website.

When you look at the company’s website, check if it has an index that tells you what the site is about or if it contains information only about the job you are interested in. 

Scammers often create quick, basic web pages that seem legitimate at first glance.

Please do not believe them and avoid being deceived. 

You can also send to service@hiredchina.com to file a complaint, and we will handle it promptly.

Stay safe, and stay alert!


June 2, 2023


Editor: CH


Press “wow” 

