
School Suspends Classes for 4 Days as Students Develop Fever

GICexpat team GICexpat 2023-12-20


Review:WHO Urges Reinforcement of Masks, Social Distancing&Staying Home

In recent weeks, several regions have entered the high season for respiratory infections, leading to an increase in hospital outpatient visits and emergency room admissions. The number of children infected with respiratory diseases has also risen, resulting in "fever" making headlines on social media platforms.

Recently, a primary school in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province, announced a four-day suspension of classes for an entire grade.

According to the school's notification, on November 23, the class teacher reported several students with fever symptoms. Following an investigation, multiple students were found to have a temperature exceeding 38℃ and had taken leave due to fever.

Upon receiving the report, the school immediately informed the local district's disease control center. In accordance with the disease prevention and control guidelines provided by the Yuecheng District Disease Control Center, as it is currently the peak season for influenza, preventive measures, including a four-day class suspension, were deemed necessary for the affected class. Therefore, the class will be suspended from November 24 to November 27, with classes resuming on November 28 (Tuesday).

Yesterday afternoon, the National Health Commission held a press conference, inviting relevant experts to discuss the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases during the winter season in China.

According to Mi Feng, the spokesperson for the National Health Commission, respiratory infections have entered a peak season as various regions across the country transition into winter.

Monitoring data indicates that recent respiratory infections are primarily caused by influenza, along with other pathogens such as rhinovirus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus, and adenovirus. The continuous rise in acute respiratory diseases in China is attributed to the overlapping presence of multiple respiratory pathogens. 

It is crucial to implement effective epidemic prevention and control measures in densely populated areas like schools, kindergartens, and nursing homes, while minimizing personnel movement and visitations.

The public is advised to adhere to hygiene practices such as wearing masks, ensuring proper ventilation, and practicing frequent handwashing. Vaccination among high-risk groups, including the elderly and young children, is strongly encouraged. Individuals experiencing respiratory symptoms should take necessary precautions, maintain social distancing, and avoid cross-infection within households and workplaces.

Editor: CH


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