
Teachers’ Remarks | 张立萍:建立起自己的思想体系

CUHKSZMUS 香港中文大学深圳音乐学院 2023-03-10



Musical artists are engineers of human souls. For young students who are yearning to enter the hall of music, wise sayings and heartfelt advices from mentors are their “lighthouse” during the long voyage. It’s a fortune for students to have good teachers; It’s a glory for the school to have a group of masters. For this purpose, we take advantage of the abundant global resources of music masters in the School of Music to carry out Art Lighthouse Project and start a series of “Teachers’ Remarks” column.

In this issue, we invited Prof. ZHANG Liping, the associate dean of School of Music. Let’s listen to Prof. ZHANG’s “remarks”!



“Through your perception, you can collide with all these ideas and establish your own thinking system. Your perception of the world, life, society, and nature can build up your own system of thought.”

——Prof. ZHANG Liping


本期《师说心语》专栏让我们听听我院副院长张立萍教授对 “大学的学习时光中最重要的是什么?”、“大学要培养的是什么样的人?”是如何解答的。对于同学们的疑惑如:怎么能像张老师唱《茶花女》的high降e一样游刃有余?用美声唱法唱中文歌时如何咬字更清楚?声乐学习到什么阶段可以开始唱咏叹调?课下自己练声时怎么确定自己练的对不对?以上这些问题,张教授都给出了非常专业细致的回答,让我们一起看看吧!

True knowledge is not that you know it, but that you utilize it to help yourself make the correct judgments and choices and to solve practical issues. Knowledge does not necessarily give us cognitive competence, but cognitive competence definitely includes effective knowledge, which can help us judge, choose, act, change, and solve practical issues.

In this issue, let’s hear from Prof. ZHANG’s remarks and see what kind of views she has on the question “What’s the most important thing during university?” and “What specific student qualities does the university aim to cultivate?” And in terms of the students’ doubts, like how to present the high e flat in The Lady of the Camellias with such ease as Prof. ZHANG does? How do students enunciate clearer when singing bel canto? At what stage of vocal music learning can students start singing arias? How can students determine if they’re training in the right way when doing vocal practices after class? Prof. ZHANG shared her insights on these questions. Let’s have a look!




Prof. ZHANG Liping

Associate Dean





ZHANG Liping is currently serving as an Associate Dean (Faculty) at the School of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She is a leading soprano who performed at the world’s major opera houses including the Royal Opera Covent Garden, the Metropolitan Opera New York, the Opera de Paris, the Gran Teatre del Liceu Barcelona, the Bayerische Staatsoper, and the Deutsche Oper Berlin, to sing under the baton of Loren Mazel, Daniel Oren, James Colon, Kirill Petrenko, Nicola Luisotti, Edo de Waart amongst others; and to sing opposite esteemed artists such as Placido Domingo, Leo Nucci, Roberto Alagna, Marcello Alvarez, Marcelo Giordani, etc.

In 2009, she was the first Chinese vocal artist signed by Warner Classics. Her solo album of Bel Canto arias released by EMI was among the best sellers that year. In 2013, she was signed by Universal Music Group (UMG) becoming the only Chinese artist to join the prestigious international label at the time. In 2014, DECCA released her solo album of Schubert’s Leider; In 2015, her Chinese Art Songs album was also released by DECCA and won the best classical vocal award at the 10th China Golden Record Award. Her opera aria album Verdi Arias was released by DG Records in February 2018.

In 2005, she served as a jury member for the 3rd International Vocal Music Competition organized by the Ministry of Culture of China. In 2008, she has been invited to sit on the jury of the National Young Singers Grand Prix organized by CCTV, and the Golden Bell Awards in 2017. She had the honor to serve as the President of the jury at the 2019 International Music Competition in Harbin. She is proud to partake and to share her expert options at these important domestic and international events, representing the Central Conservatory.

She is a member of the 12th and 13th CPPCC National Committee from 2013-2021, and a member of the 6th, 7th, and 8th Council of the China Musicians Association from 2004-2020.






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