
Teachers' Remarks II|李彪:将想法和创新能力付诸于实践

CUHKSZMUS 香港中文大学深圳音乐学院 2023-08-17

音乐艺术直抵人类灵魂,音乐艺术家是人类灵魂的守望者、工程师。对憧憬踏入音乐殿堂的青年学子来说,引路人的心声、箴言就是他们漫漫求索路的“灯塔”。学子遇到好老师是一种幸运;学校有一群大师是一种荣光。香港中文大学(深圳)音乐学院音乐大师云集,发挥他们的领头、启迪作用,持续实施“艺术灯塔计划”,意义重大,影响深远。有鉴于此,我院在“师说心语” 的基础上,正式启动“师说心语II”专栏系列访谈。


Music and art have a profound impact on the human soul. Musicians and artists are the guardians and engineers of this profound realm. For young students who aspire to enter the realm of music, the heartfelt voices and wise sayings of mentors are their "lighthouses" in their exploration. It's a fortune for students to have good teachers, and it's a glory for the school to have a group of masters. The School of Music, CUHK-Shenzhen boasts an abundance of music masters, and we harness their leadership and enlightening roles by implementing the significant and far-reaching "Art Lighthouse Project". The "Teachers' Remarks II" interview series is now officially launched building on the success of the previous column.

In this issue, we invited LI Biao, Lecturer of Opera & Voice at the School of Music, CUHK-Shenzhen. Let's listen to Mr. LI's "remarks"!

李彪 老师  Mr. LI Biao  



Our students should dare to dream and to act. They can explore new things they have never tried before. Once they have their own ideas and innovative abilities, they can put them into practice.

— LI Biao


Sometimes, bold ideas just popped into our minds. However, the fear of failure often holds us back, making us hesitant to move forward. It's only when we challenge ourselves to try new things and delve into unexplored territories that we can truly discover our potential and explore brand new versions of ourselves. By transforming our thoughts into practice and converting theories, concepts, and plans into tangible actions, we're fueled by a positive spirit that drives us to continuously seek growth and progress. Whether in academics, artistic creation, or social practices, we will approach the unknown with full confidence and determination.

本期“师说心语II”专栏让我们听听李彪老师对于 “新时代下大学培养人才的意义、使命是什么?”、“青年人应如何在大学里担当使命?” 是如何看待的。对于同学们的疑问如 “如何解决高音难问题?”、“唱歌中气息有哪些技巧?”他是如何解答的。除此之外,李老师还给学习声乐学生分享了哪些建议,让我们一起来看看吧!

In this issue, let's hear from Mr. LI Biao and see what views he has on the questions “What is the significance and mission of nurturing talent in universities in the new era?” and “How should young people fulfill their mission in universities? ” Mr. LI also shares insights on addressing students' questions such as “How to overcome difficulties with high notes?” and “What are the techniques for controlling breath while singing?” In addition, he offers some advice to vocal music students and encourages them to explore various approaches. Let's take a look together!




LI Biao

Lecturer of Opera & Voice


李彪,青年男高音,香港中文大学(深圳)音乐学院青年教师,意大利米兰音乐学院、首都师范大学音乐学院双硕士,奥地利蒂罗尔国际音乐节、西班牙特内里费歌剧院青年艺术家以及法国里昂国家歌剧院青年艺术家。李彪是法国里昂国家歌剧院青年艺术家计划十年来签约的唯一亚洲歌手,他旅居欧洲八年,合作过的指挥和导演有Gustav Kuhn、Giampaolo Bisanti、Andriy Yurkevyvch以及Mario Pontiggia等,合作过的乐团包括意大利博洛尼亚歌剧院交响乐团、意大利米兰I pomeriggi Musicali交响乐团、奥地利蒂罗尔音乐节交响乐团等。作为轻型抒情男高音,他旅居欧洲期间曾出演罗西尼、莫扎特、多尼采蒂等作曲家的歌剧20余部,包括《塞维利亚的理发师》《意大利女郎在阿尔及尔》《女人心》《唐帕斯夸莱》等,其中《灰姑娘》曾在欧洲多家歌剧院演出30余场。李彪还多次举办个人音乐会、参加宗教音乐会演出。

2020年起,他将事业重心转入国内并尝试抒情男高音的角色,曾在杭州新古典音乐节同我国著名歌剧导演李卫合作出演了古诺的歌剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》以及普契尼的歌剧《艺术家的生涯》,演出登上央视音乐频道并获业界好评。他曾获意大利第三十三届“Pietro Boni”国际声乐比赛第三名、第八届“Magda Olivero”国际声乐比赛第二名、捷克国家歌剧院“Prix Shimizu”世界男高音国际比赛十佳男高音,此外他曾担任第23届“Pietro Argento”上海赛区、新加坡SMC国际音乐大赛的评委。

LI Biao, a young tenor, Vocal & Language Preparation/Diction lecturer at the School of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He has received a dual master’s degree from Milan Conservatory (Conservatorio di Musica "Giuseppe Verdi"di Milan), Italy, and Music College of Capital Normal University. LI is the Young Artist contracting with Tiroler Festspiele of Austria, Auditorio de Tenerife of Spain, and Opéra National de Lyon of France (being the only Asian artist contracting with it under the Young Artist Program in the last ten years). He resided in Europe for 8 years, and worked with many famous conductors and directors, including Gustav Kuhn, Giampaolo Bisanti, Andriy Yurkevyvch, and Mario Pontiggia. He also collaborated with many well-known orchestras, such as the Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna in Italy, the Orchestra I Pomeriggi Musicali in Milano, Italy, and the Orchestra at Tyrolean Festspiele Erl, Austria. While residing in Europe, as a leggiero tenor, LI performed more than 20 operas written by Rossini, Mozart, Donizetti, and other famous composers, including Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville), L'italiana in Algeri (The Italian Girl in Algiers), Così Fan Tutte (Women Are Like That), and Don Pasquale, among which La Cenerentola (Cinderella) has been performed for more than 30 times in multiple opera houses in Europe. In addition, he held several solo concerts and performed in many religious concerts.

Since 2020, he has shifted the focus to China and tried the role of the lyric tenor. Worked with Li Wei, a famous opera director in China, LI performed Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette (Romeo and Juliet), and Puccini’s La Bohème at Hangzhou Neo-Classical Music Festival, which have been broadcasted on CCTV Music Channel and earned high praise in the industry. LI won the third place in the 33rd “Pietro Boni” International Singing Competition, and second place in the 8th “Magda Olivero” International Singing Competition in Italy. He was one of the top ten tenors in the “Prix Shimizu” International Competition for Tenors of the World held by the National Theatre in Prague. He was the judge of the 23rd “Pietro Argento” International Vocal Music Competition (Shanghai Division) and SMC International Music Competition in Singapore.







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