
第二集:黄文亚 “Art Walk: Behind the Scenes”丨Episode 2 : Huang Wenya

CAFA ART INFO 中央美院艺讯网 2020-08-31

“Art Walk: Behind the Scenes” 

Episode 2 : Huang Wenya

艺术家生态图录 第二集:


(Time/时长:03' 23'')

Albert Camus once said that, no artist could live without reality. Art can question reality, but art cannot escape from reality. Compared with most mature artworks, the living conditions and life stories behind the art production seem to be more intriguing. Taking from the first-person perspective, CAFA ART INFO is now presenting you with our latest micro video program, “Art Walk: Behind  the  Scenes”. With a focus on individual artists’ life stories, we will take you on a tour to explore how an artist actually works and lives in real-life situations. This series will be filmed at a part of the artists’ studios in some art districts at Beijing. Each artist’s unique character will be revealed to our audience in a more realistic and tangible way. 




Huang Wenya: Performance as Art, 

Art as a Performance?


A screenshot of the video 


Born in Hunan province, China, Huang Wenya graduated from the School of Experimental Art, CAFA, in 2015, with a master’s degree. His works cover video, photography, installation and performance art. Now he works and lives in Beijing. Huang Wenya’s studio is located in the Caochangdi Art District, it’s on the third floor of an apartment building on the right. Huang Wenya grew up just like most contemporary artists with his father’s passion for art having a significant influence on him.



Screenshots of the video 


In the past decade, the artist has done a series of performance photographs. “The Smoke Series” is one of his most novel works which was created between 2011 and 2012. These photos involve a variety of scenes in which the artist holds a smoking torch in different locations. The torch shown in the image was made by the artist himself, with a baseball bat and an iron lunch box. The heavy smoke rises from the torch and penetrates various scenes and spaces. Sometimes it’s a lake within remote mountains, sometimes it’s within a city made of steel concrete structures. The artist attempts to express how he feels towards these various scenes.



Screenshots of the video 


This is “Seeing is not believing”, Huang Wenya’s video installation work in 2015. The stacked braille books are in response to the stories presented in the video. This artwork has led to him becoming more popular.  


Screenshots of the video 


We can see that, on the table, Huang’s sketches and notes are neatly laid out. This is the way he tries to show his students how to do a detailed drawing.


Screenshots of the video 


At the moment, along with making art, he also has a part-time job teaching the art basis course in a university. Huang has been thinking of selling his artworks so as to support himself as a freelance artist, and he attended many artist residency programs. In some way, he’s an intellectually active and ambitious artist. After this, Huang attended many artist residency programs. In some way, he’s an intellectually active and ambitious artist. 


Screenshots of the video 



Please stay tuned. Next time, we will take you to the artist Bu Yunjun’s studio.  




Artist Bu Yunjun 


Special thanks to the artist Huang Wenya   

鸣谢 艺术家黄文亚 

Strategy Planning Director: Zhang Yanzi 


Producer: Zhu Li  


English Producer: Sue Wang


Copy Writer: Zhang Yizhi  


Director / Videographer: Chen Peihua


Translator / Dubbing Specialist: Miao Yinan 


Post Production: Hu Sichen 


Technical Adviser: Yang Yanyuan 


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