
海外学声|疫情之下,世界名校艺术学生说(一)Overseas Art Students Under the Pandemic

CAFA ART INFO 中央美院艺讯网 2021-10-27

编者按/Editor’s Note:


With the grim situation of the COVID-19 pandemic spreading in the global community, students from overseas art schools are also facing increasing anxiety. How to solve the problems such as school suspension, graduation work as well as the dormitory closure? For international students from all over the world, when they confront various pandemic prevention policies in different countries, either staying where they are or going back to their own country, could be a tough decision for them. No matter what choice they make, they are under tremendous psychological and social pressure.


During this special period, CAFA ART INFO hopes to share real situations and opinions from this group of students. What is the status of the pandemic situation in the country they are staying? We pay attention to their current state. All questions are expected to be answered by them. All the concerns and encouragement we would like to share with them would be presented in these words. 


CAFA ART INFO: Can you briefly introduce your situation in studying abroad?

Andisheh Bagherzadeh:我是Andisheh Bagherzadeh,伊朗人,目前是意大利佛罗伦萨美术学院的一名学生。过去的七年中,我一直在意大利生活和学习。我的作品着眼于民族身份和移民问题,以及二者间的微妙平衡与相互影响。或许在这个特殊的时期,我比以往任何时刻都更需开始思考和反馈这一概念。

My name is Andisheh Bagherzadeh and I’m an Iranian art student from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze in Italy, I’ve lived and studied in Italy for the past 7 years. My work has always focused on the concept of national identity and immigration, the subtle balance of the two and how one affects the other, perhaps in this time more than ever I’ve begun thinking and reflecting on this concept.

Cai Shen:我目前在美国纽约的帕森斯设计学院读研究生,本科毕业于中央美术学院。

I am Cai Shen graduated from the Central Academy of Fine arts, pursuing my Master Degree in Parsons School of Design in New York City, the U.S.


Julia:我来自中国上海,现在在哈佛大学Regional Studies East Asia项目学习东亚艺术史, 我的研究方向是清晚期中国艺术和现当代东亚艺术。


Coming from Shanghai, I am a first-year master’s student in the Regional Studies East Asia program at Harvard University. I focus on East Asian art history, with research interests in late imperial Chinese art and modern and contemporary East Asian art.


Shuo Yin:我目前是华盛顿大学绘画专业的二年级研究生,我来自中国。


I’m currently a second year MFA candidate in Painting + Drawing studying at the University of Washington and I’m an international student from China.


Effie Gu: 我是Effie Gu,是一名专门做演出的艺术导演与视觉设计师,在英国伦敦读二硕,就读于Architectural Association, 目前刚结束线上毕业答辩。


I’m Effie Gu, I’m an art director and set designer, currently engaged in the Architectural Association in London for my second MFA. I just finished my final jury online last week.


CAFA ART INFO: Where are you currently? How does the COVID-19 pandemic directly influence you? What are your current life situation and mental health?

Andisheh Bagherzadeh:随着病毒的扩散以及人们的禁足,几乎很难感觉到自己是谁或者自己想成为谁这样的事。从某种程度上来说,在面对一些东西时,我们都变得很渺小。这也让我开始停止思考疫情对我个体的特别影响,转而思考它对我所在的社会产生了怎样的影响。当这种主观思想转变为集体和客观责任的次要之后,仿佛周围的整个社会都开始注意各自的角色并开始采取相应的行动。

As the virus spreads and people are ever more restricted, it almost feels as if who you are or who you want to be matters very little. In a way, in front of something this big we all become smaller. In a way I’ve stopped thinking about how it’s affecting me in particular but how it’s affecting my society. In a time like this subjective thought becomes secondary to collective and objective responsibility, it feels as if all of society around us is starting to view their role in all of this and are taking action accordingly.

 Andisheh Bagherzadeh, "Castelli di Carta",  a series of molds made from Andisheh's original passport in marble dust and resin with brass ink silkscreen, 80 x 50 x 15 cm.

《纸城堡》,由 Andisheh的护照原件制成的一系列模型,大理石粉尘及树脂、黄铜油墨丝网印刷

Cai Shen:目前还在纽约,等待着上网课。直接的影响就是学校全都关闭了,没有工作室和各种lab了,只能呆在自己的公寓里隔离,这样极大地影响了作品的创作。生活还是可以的,因为中国人在这方面意识觉醒的比较早,所以也提前购置了一些酒精、口罩等,但是公寓的公共场所也都关闭了,哪里都去不了还是有点闷闷。

I’m still in NYC now, waiting for online courses. The most direct influence is all the campuses were shut down since the coronavirus broke out in NY. As a result, we have to move our materials out of our studios and try to create at home, which also leads to another problem that we have no access to any lab now. 

However, I am good in my apartment, since as a Chinese person with an awareness of this situation, I have prepared some supplies in advance. But all the amenities were closed inside the building, so I still feel a little bit bored at home.

Julia:现在在波士顿。由于新冠疫情,学校要求我们从原来的研究生博士生宿舍中搬出来,转移至在Radcliff Quadrangle的本科生宿舍。由于原来的宿舍是一层楼共用一个厕所,搬到新的宿舍以后,我们每个人有一个套房(有客厅)和单人厕所,这样可以防止接触和感染。一日三餐都可以在楼下取,保持社交距离(social distancing)就可以。吃的虽然不是热的,但是水果蔬菜肉类都有,可以保证营养。之后学校也给我们每个人配了一台冰箱和微波炉。

I’m currently in Boston. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the U.S, the Graduate School of Arts and Science at Harvard University asked that we pack and move to undergraduate dorms located at the Radcliff Quadrangle during the spring break. Having moved to our new rooms, we each get a suite with a living room and a bathroom of our own to prevent contact and thus infection. Everyday we are able to get our three meals in the dining hall downstairs and bring the packaged food upstairs to eat. Nutrition is guaranteed even though it is not hot food. Three days after we have moved in, the school provided each of us with a small fridge and a microwave so that we can heat soup and sandwiches on our own.


Empty undergraduate dorms area by Julia


Dorm Entrance

Shuo Yin:我住在西雅图,这里确诊了美国首例新冠肺炎病例,目前已有逾 2400 人确诊。疫情发展速度很快,但它并没有令我恐慌。可能是因为 2003 年在北京度过了数月社 区隔离的生活,我养成了对类似危机状况的预警心理。


I’m living in Seattle, where the first case of coronavirus in the United States was reported. And over 2400 people have now tested positive. The situation is developing rapidly, although I’m not frightened as I realize how severe it is. I lived in Beijing when there was the SARS outbreak in 2003. My family stayed under quarantine for several months. Maybe that experience enabled me to be always precautious about such a condition.


Effie Gu:目前留守伦敦。因为疫情的影响,我之后的所有的演出和展览都被暂停了,毕业的材料也无法上交到学校,还在等待学校答复。我的签证是到今年7月的,本来想利用这4个月找工作的,但是很多公司都关门了,尤其是我这个行业是需要面对面才能进行的,所以我很担心,希望疫情快点结束吧!


Currently I’m staying in London. Due to the impact of the epidemic, all my performances and exhibitions are suspended, and I could not submit my materials for graduation to the school either, although I am still waiting for the reply from my school. My visa is going to expire in July this year. I wanted to use these 4 months to find a job to stay here, but most companies have closed, especially in my industry which requires face-to-face communication.


Effie and her cat are working together during the quarantine period.


CAFA ART INFO: What is the current pandemic prevention policy in the country you are studying/staying?

Cai Shen:拿纽约市来说,目前算是强制隔离了。最繁华的第五大道上面都没有人了。


In NYC, the government has enforced everyone to stay at home for quarantine. There is no one on the Fifth Avenue which is usually the most crowded place.

Rudy W. Giuliani在Twitter上分享周六下午四点半的纽约第五大道

Rudy W. Giuliani shared a view of the Fifth Avenue at 4:30 PM on a Saturday

Source: Rudy W. Giuliani Twitter Screenshot



Most of the stores in Massachusetts are closed now, except some restaurants that do delivery and supermarkets and pharmacies that provide essentials.


Shuo Yin:联邦层面政府并未强制采取任何措施。各个州则出台了各自应对的政策或指导意见。比如,华盛顿州已发布居家隔离的命令,并且一般商业活动需停摆两星期。


I don’t see much being enforced on the federal level. Each state is in charge of its own policy/guidelines respectively. For instance, the Washington State governor has issued a two-week stay-at-home order and non-essential business is to be closed for at least 2 weeks.

Effie Gu:英国的政策,一言难尽啊!保护好自己最重要。

British pandemic policy is hard to tell! The most important thing is to protect yourself.


CAFA ART INFO: How is your university responding to the outbreak of the pandemic? Does your school start a contactless model, such as online classes?

Andisheh Bagherzadeh:是的,我的学校关闭了,并且所有邀请我参与的展览,还未取消的也都延迟了。但是出于某种原因这并没有让我感到很难过。仔细思考这个问题后,我觉得这个原因可能在于在很长时间里,我第一次感觉到我身在一个团体、团队以及一种共同力量中。这个团体中的人们面临着和我同样的苦难,感受着和我一样的疼痛,并且体会着和我一样的挣扎。


Yes, my university is shut and all of the shows I was invited to participate in are postponed if not cancelled. But for some reason this doesn’t make me terribly sad, perhaps thinking about it thoroughly I believe the reason is that for the first time in a long time I feel like I’m in a group, a team, a collective force that is feeling the same hardship, the same pain and the same struggle.


Cai Shen:已经准备开始网上授课了。


We have already prepared for online courses.




Our university announced online learning on March 10th and all libraries closed after the end of that week.



Outside view from Julia's room


Julia can get breakfast every day from the university.

Shuo Yin:华盛顿大学目前处于有限运行状态,并已采取社交距离措施。春季学期开始以后所有课程将转为远程教学。

The UW is now under restricted operations where social distancing is applied, and classes will be presented remotely once the spring quarter begins.

Effie Gu:线上组会,连毕业答辩都变成线上了。

Using online meetings, even the graduation jury is online.


At the very beginning of the pandemic, Effie was directing.


In this special period, will the school support you in terms of medical advice or hospitalization if you were feeling unwell?

Cai Shen:有的,作为帕森斯设计学院的学生,交了的医疗保险里,是包括对冠状病毒的测试的,但前提是必须在纽约,并且也提供了一些心理咨询帮助。


Well, as a student in The New School, our health insurance covers COVID testing, as well as some mental health support if anyone develops symptoms and is in New York.


Julia:学校的健康中心一直提供线上咨询,如果有不适可以及时咨询。但貌似如果想检测COVID-19 并不是那么容易。


The university health center provides online consultation service all the time, so if you are feeling unwell, you can get help easily. However, if one wants to be tested for COVID-19, it is usually not that easy.


Shuo Yin:对于当前的疫情,华大发布了许多有关健康和预防措施的信息。目前我的健康状况良好。


The UW has announced information on health and prevention in response to the current situation. I’m still healthy.


Effie Gu:学校有发邮件通知,需要学生汇报他们目前所在的地点。如果有身体不适或者紧急情况可以联系学校老师。


My school has e-mail notifications that require students to report where they are currently. We can contact staff in the school if we have a medical condition or emergency.


CAFA ART INFO: Do you confront various social and public pressures in the different stages of the pandemic before and after the international outbreak?

Andisheh Bagherzadeh:这是一场悲剧,我希望它永远不会发生。但是事已至此,我也看到了世界对此的反应,我不禁觉得这是第一次我们以照镜子一样的方式看待彼此。在异国他乡,外来人从来不容易,我相信我也不是唯一一位有此感受的人。但有一点肯定的是,很多人会通过暴力的言语或者动作来表达他们对“不同”的敌意,而大多数这种行为往往会因恐惧而加剧。但如果在这一切发生之前,人们已经看到了自己与他者之间的界限与差异,那么现在,也许在很长一段时间中,我们会首次因为对更强大、更危险事物的恐惧而团结在一起,而通过保护自己而保护他者的行为也会变得更有意义。


It is a tragedy and I wish it had never happened. But being here now and seeing the world react, I can’t help but feel that it might be the first time we look at each other the way we would in a mirror. Being an outsider in a foreign country is never easy and I’m surely not the only person that feels or has felt this. But one thing is for sure, many people feel the need to pronounce their hatred for the different through violent actions and words, most of this behaviour is fuelled by fear, but if before all this started, people viewed boarders and divisions between themselves and others, now maybe for the first time in a long time we are all united through fear of something bigger, something that feels truly dangerous and the act of protecting others by protecting ourselves has become ever more meaningful.


2020年1月28日,中国青年Lou Chengwang在Twitter上发布照片,纸上用法语写着“我不是病毒”,随后引发广泛社会关注。

On 28th Jan 2020, Chinese young man Lou Chengwang posted a photo with "I am not a virus" in French on Twitter, which later arose a large-scale of social awareness.

Source: Twitter Screenshot

Cai Shen:当然有。就拿该不该戴口罩和能不能戴口罩来说,在纽约市以及学校决定停课前,我都没有敢带过口罩,因为有太多的案例说亚洲人因为戴口罩,而被殴打。更可笑的是,大概在停课前一天,又有一位亚洲女性因为没有戴口罩被打,而且就在我住处的附近。

Of course, I do. For example, should I wear a mask and can I wear a mask. Before the quarantine, I never wore a mask in public, because I am so afraid as a lot of Asian people were attacked when they were wearing masks. More ridiculous, before the day of quarantine was announced, an Asian woman was beaten as she didn’t wear a mask and the location is just meters from where I live in.




I am not someone who regularly comments upon articles or news in my friends’ circle, but I would read my friends’ sharing on social media. I also discuss with my best friends here at Harvard about the reports by both the Chinese and Western media and the different positions each takes. As a Chinese student who has studied in North America for more than eight years, I listen to all kinds of opinions and voices, and would not steadfastly take on one position over the other. I do think pressure to some extent exists. Everyone would feel stress under such uncertainties. Yet with regards to racism and violence, Cambridge is mostly populated by students and people with a higher education level, therefore incidents as such are probably less likely.

Shuo Yin:可能因为最近并未直接接触他人,我并未在日常生活中感受到针对我种族身份的仇恨或暴力。但新闻以及社交媒体就不同了,在那里人们发布有关疫情源头的指控, 阴谋论的说法也在获得认同。我担心这种现象朝失控的方向发展。

Probably because I bare meet anyone in person nowadays, I do not sense any hatred or violence towards me in terms of my racial identity in my daily life. However, it’s a totally different world in the news or social media. Accusations and claims have been made regarding where did the virus come from and conspiracy theory is getting its audience. I’m worried about such phenomenon being turned into an uncontrollable situation.


Effie Gu:主要的压力来源于国内的亲朋好友们吧。给家里人做了很多思想工作,因为我选择了不回国待在这里,一方面认为飞机上感染率很高,更重要的是不想放弃这里的一切,对一些人来说选择回国是暂时的,对我来说可能就是永远回不来了,因为签证7月到期。


The main pressure comes from my friends and family from China. I have done a lot of work to persuade my family, because I chose not to return home but to stay here. On the one hand, I think the infection rate on the flight would be very high. More importantly, I don’t want to give up my career here. Maybe choosing to go back to China is temporary but for me it may be that I can never come back because my visa expires in July.


CAFA ART INFO: How do you plan to spend this special period?

Cai Shen:在家待着,不出门。正好还可以补觉,哈哈。作为艺术生真的太缺睡眠了。


Stay at home and have a nice sleep every day. As a student of Fine Arts, I lack sleep.




On weekdays, I still have to attend regular classes and the amount of homework has increased a bit because some activities that can be done in class cannot be carried out at this point of time. Therefore, we need to prepare write-ups or summaries ahead of time. Meanwhile, I am involved in some projects of the Harvard FAS Chinese Media Lab (CAM Lab). Every week we have an online meeting and for the rest of the week we complete tasks on our own. But overall, because of the closure of libraries, a lot of the tasks become quite difficult.


Shuo Yin:我目前正尽量保持健康,并且尽可能多地完成我的毕业作品。另一方面,保持社交距离让我有更多时间阅读,我觉得这也不错。


For now, I’m trying my best to keep myself from being sick. And I’m going to keep working on my thesis project as much as possible. On the other hand, maintaining social distancing gives me more time to stay at home reading and doing literature reviews. It’s a bonus I guess.

Effie Gu:准备在家提升软件技能,创作一些平时没有时间去做的有趣的想法。以及用Vlog的形式记录每天的生活。


I’m staying at home and preparing to improve my software skills and I realize interesting ideas that I don't usually have time to do. And I record my daily life in the form of Vlog.


CAFA ART INFO: Will the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic influence your art creation?

Cai Shen:是也不是。我已经创作了一些作品,在纽约市执行隔离前,但那个作品是根据国内的疫情情况而创作的,感受是不同的,更像是第三人称。如果要再次创作有关的作品,从第一人称的口吻来叙述,还需要斟酌。

Maybe yes or maybe no. I have completed some works related to that, before the quarantine in New York City. However, this work was based on the situation in China, so for me, it is different, more like storytelling from the third person. If I make something else from this, that will be a huge change, since I am the one in this story.

Cai Shen,《无题》

Cai Shen, Untitled


I have already made an experimental project based on the COVID-19 pandemic in China, but I lost the chance to work at the studio before I can further develop it. And this video was just shot for an experiment too. There is still a large space for me to improve it. This project is untitled yet, and not so mature enough. But it is the first work I made to engage in social events.



The content of this work is, hanging a printing machine on the wall beyond a reachable height, as soon as someone comes nearby, it will scan a real mask inside the machine and then print it out. In this work, I want to use an ironic way to mimic the supposed manufactory of masks on a large scale. The floating mask will give the audience an illusion that this is gifted by someone, while the gift is a fake mask.

Cai Shen,《无题》

Cai Shen, Untitled


I don’t paint or do art but I am planning to write some reflections of this period if time permits.

Shuo Yin:我目前的系列作品旨在探讨身份认同的问题,在我看来它与表现的思想性、文化及种族认同密切相关。这次的疫情及其后续发展让我从表现手法的角度更多地思考现实与印象之间的关系,这些思考将为我接下来的作品提供探讨的角度以及素材。附件里的水彩速写是一些之后作品的草稿,它们可被视为基于报道本次疫情新闻的二次创作。

The current body of work that I’m making is about identity issues, which, in my practice, has a lot to do with the philosophy of representation, cultural and racial recognition. The outbreak of the coronavirus and its follow-up inspired me to think about facts vs. impressions from the perspective of representation. I think it will open up new discussions and provide materials for my upcoming pieces, for which I’ve made several watercolor sketches as preliminary studies and attached with the email. Those can be seen as derivative works of the news covering the outbreak of the pandemic.

Shuo Yin, Mask, watercolor on paper, 28cm x 22cm

Shuo Yin, Treatment, watercolor on paper, 28cm x 22cm

Shuo Yin, Self-masked, watercolor on paper, 28cm x 22cm

Effie Gu:肯定会的。我的项目本来就在研究社交媒体之下的“回声室”效应,现在大众都隔离在家,和互联网分裂化个体化的进程是非常有相似之处的。接下来我会在我未来的创作中考虑加上这些元素。


Definitely. I was originally researching the "echo room" effect with social media for my previous project. Now the public is isolated at home, this process is similar to the transforming of splinters and the individualization of the internet. So I’m considering adding these elements to my future works.


CAFA ART INFO: Will you graduate this year? Will the degree show be changed or postponed?

Cai Shen:明年才毕业。好像听说学校的毕业展览改成线上展览了

No, next year. But I have heard that the thesis show might be an online exhibition.



I plan to graduate next May, but if I want to go back to China during the summer there are more uncertainties at play. In the field of humanities, we need to write a 100-page thesis in order to graduate.

Shuo Yin:我今年六月毕业。因为疫情所限,毕业展的负责人取消了原定于两星期前的工作室访问。目前尚不清楚毕业展是否延期,希望近期会有消息公布出来。

I’m graduating this year in June. Due to the situation of the pandemic, the curator cancelled our first in-person studio visit two weeks ago. It’s unclear at this moment whether the graduation exhibition will be postponed. Hopefully more information will be available soon.

Effie Gu:很庆幸我在3月3日的时候结束了我的毕业演出,那个时候伦敦的感染人数还是个位,但是还担心做演出会不会交叉感染所以在现场准备了口罩和消毒喷雾。但是当时大家都不是很重视这次的疫情,所以没有用到这些东西。

Fortunately, I finished my graduation performance on 3rd March. At that time, the number of infected patients in London was still tiny, but I was worried that my crew and audience would be cross-infected, so I prepared masks and disinfection sprays at the entrance. However, at that time, people did not pay much attention to this epidemic, so these things were not used.


View of Effie's performance

Interview conducted by CAFA ART INFO

Dates: 2020/03/23 – 2020/03/27

Edited by Sue and Emily Weimeng Zhou

Image provided by the interviewees

(Except for special annotations)



















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为使真正的艺术爱好者能够有机会深入了解展览、作品、艺术家及背后的故事,CAFA艺讯网启动全新项目「TRAVEL WITH ART」,联合众多著名策展人、艺术家、设计师、建筑师、人文学者等一同为大家呈现多元的线上&线下艺术活动!



For genuine art lovers who would like to know more about exhibitions, artworks, artists as well as stories behind them, CAFA ART INFO initiates a brand new project to invite you to visit exhibitions.








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