
控制变量选择问题: 如何鉴别好或不好的控制变量?附上14篇相关文章!

因果推断研究小组 计量经济圈 2022-05-11



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关于变量问题,列举几篇文章,若有需要可以进一步搜索。1.什么时候应该使用回归分析?控制变量意味着什么?2.如何选择正确的因变量(控制变量),让你的计量模型不再肮脏,3.调节变量, 中介变量和控制变量啥区别与联系? 4.控制、调节和中介变量,系说,5.核心解释变量A不显著, 但加入变量B后, 为什么A和B都显著了?6.被解释变量比解释变量的层级更高的模型设定合理么?7.审稿: 协变量何时重要? 哪个重要, 有多重要?8.三张图秒懂, 混淆, 中介, 调节, 对撞, 暴露, 结果和协变量的复杂关系,9.因果推断专题:6.再谈混淆变量,10.什么时候需要标准化回归模型中的变量?11.因果推断专题:1.混淆变量,12.虚拟变量回归模型是什么? 政策评估的前件,13.11种与机器学习相关的多元变量分析方法汇总,14.回归中各变量的数值相差过大有事, 又有什么问题?

如果觉得中文读起来不顺畅的话,可以看看《Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist‘s Companion》里的一个chapter,原文如下:
We have made the point that control for covariates can make the conditional independence assumption more plausible. But more control is not always better. Some variables are bad controls and should not be included in a regression model even when their inclusion might be expected to change the short regression coe¢ cients. Bad controls are variables that are themselves outcome variables in the notional experiment at hand. That is, bad controls might just as well be dependent variables too. Good controls are variables that we can think of as having been fixed at the time the regressor of interest was determined.
The essence of the bad control problem is a version of selection bias, albeit somewhat more subtle than the selection bias. To illustrate, suppose we are interested in the effects of a college degree on earnings and that people can work in one of two occupations, white collar and blue collar. A college degree clearly opens the door to higher-paying white collar jobs. Should occupation therefore be seen as an omitted variable in a regression of wages on schooling? After all, occupation is highly correlated with both education and pay. Perhaps it's best to look at the e¤ect of college on wages for those within an occupation, say white collar only. The problem with this argument is that once we acknowledge the fact that college a¤ects occupation, comparisons of wages by college degree status within an occupation are no longer apples-to-apples, even if college degree completion is randomly assigned.

be outcomes in the causal nexus. In many cases, however, the timing is uncertain or unknown. In such cases, clear reasoning about causal channels requires explicit assumptions about what happened first, or the assertion that none of the control variables are themselves caused by the regressor of interest.

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