

2016-09-27 Eric Z 英语学习笔记

十月读书群会读何伟的中国三部曲,因为十一我要去土耳其玩,提前把这River Town读完了,写一篇读书笔记分享给大家。

1. 有关作者Peter Hessler (何伟)

  • 1969年出生的美国作家,记者

  • 2000年加入The New Yorker, 2000-2007年负责报道中国

  • 出了4本书,三部曲:River Town (2001), Oracle Bones (2006), Country Driving (2011)。2013年出版了文集Strange Stones.

2. River Town 《江城》

如作者在Author’s Note中所说:

This isn’t a book about China. It’s about a certain small part of China at a certain brief period in time, and my hope has been to capture the richness of both the moment and the place.

Rather than an inquiry into a source or a destination, this is an account of what it was  to spend two years in the heart of the great river’s current.

注意这里的inquiry是“offical investigation”的意思。

我们就当作是看一个老外在1996-1998年的中国游记就好了。因为内容简单,语言也是plain English,我们可以读的快一些 — 甚至不用读!利用跑步走路等车上厕所的时间听一听audiobook就好了(听完回头再翻一下书)。

在这个过程中我们可以学习一些于中国有关的事物的表达,学习一下作者的写作手法,顺便积累一些单词 — 尤其是那些“很容易读懂,但是自己很难写出来”的地方。

3. 学点英文


It was the sixtieth anniversary of the Long March, the six-thousand-mile trek that the Red Army had made during the most critical part of the civil war, when the Kuomintang was on the verge ofdestroying Mao Zedong’s forces. Against all odds the Communists had marched to safety, over the mountains and deserts of western China, and from Yan’an they had steadily built their strength until at last their revolution carried the nation, driving the Kuomintang to Taiwan.

这段话读起来很容易,但是要让我们写的话恐怕就要啰嗦很多。这里的trek就把“跋山涉水”那个场面体现了出来,随后是两个地道的表达on the verge of, against all odds。最后的两个小词和carry和drive我们可能就想不到可以这样用。


  • 这段话写得好不好?好在哪?

  • 如果让我写的话我会怎么写?

  • 这段话中有没有值得“偷”的地方来让自己的表达更地道?

  • 这段话中有没有值得“占为己有”的地方,以后写到xxx话题的时候可以用上?


At the start of the year, the freshmen had military training. Each class formed a regiment, boys and girls together, and People’s Liberation Army soldiers came to teach them how to salute, goose-step, execute turns, and stand at attention. During their military training they also learned songs — that seemed to be a way to make Communism fun. Our students were always singing patriotic songs for one organization or another.

这里我们就学到了“踢正步” (goose-step) 和 “站军姿” (stand at attention) 的地道表达。



Erhu means “two strings”—that is all. It is a simple name for a simple musical instrument: a cylindrical wooden sound box covered by python skin and topped by an upright handle with two strings stretched taut along its length. It looks something like a crude two-stringed violin. But that pair of strings has a rich soulful range and the erhu, played well, makes haunting music.


It was similar to what the Chinese writer Lu Xun once remarked: “People with good memories are liable to be crushed by the weight of suffering. Only those with bad memories, the fittest to survive, can live on.


It was recommended that we use literature to introduce important grammatical points, but this was an idea I didn’t like. I knew that I was an uninspired teacher of the language’s technical aspects, and I also knew that Shakespeare is an even worse grammar instructor than me. And I had studied literature for too long to use it as a segue to the present perfect tense.


the worser, more nearer, more strong, To who, my lord?, I know not what you meane, I know not why…

关于I know not why的语法解释,来自Shakespeare’s Grammer

为什么莎士比亚的语法这么“糟糕”呢?感兴趣的可以看一下Shakespeare’s Grammer这本书(我没有读过,只是在google books上看了一小部分),另外推荐看一下这篇文章 


每天读点书,顺便学点英文。读书只是一个起点,我们从作者的观察中学会从另一个角度看事情。之前也推荐过另一位《纽约客》驻华记者欧逸文(Evan Osnos)的 Age of Ambition, 那个读起来就稍微有点难度,读一读Peter Hessler的作品是一个不错开始。

广告 / 10月我们一起来读中国


