

王文 人大重阳 2021-02-05





很高兴受邀发言。在这里又见到李成教授、Zack Cooper博士等老朋友。这一节讨论的题目是美国总统选举中的中国牌我想借此表达个观点:


I'm very glad to be here. It's very delighted to met Professor Li Cheng, Dr. Zack Cooper and other old friends again. The topic of this section is "the China topic in the US presidential election". I would like to express five oints. 

First, so-called "China card" played by the two presidential candidates did not work. President trump in particular.

By criticizing China, he tried to divert voters' attention from its failure to fight the Pandemic, hoping to create an "enemy" of China to unite the American society. China is not fooled. "China" didn't become the No. 1 topic before the election day. The first topic is the new coronavirus and the personal scandal of the two candidates. China has not launched a fierce battle with the United States. Instead, it has reacted politely, and is not willing to lead the focus of American public opinion. At the same time, there are too many domestic problems in the United States, including political infighting, economic recession, social disintegration, racial discrimination,out of control of the Pandemic situation, and so on. This fully shows that the general election strategy of playing the "China card" has failed.

Second, President Trump's strategy of trying to fight a "new cold war" with China also failed. According to the four standards of the definition of "cold war" in the international academic circles, they are all-round confrontation, ideological opposition, two camps and "decoupling" of economy. But at present, the state of China and the United States is far from the new cold war. Despite Trump's every day pointing at China, China has maintained restraint. Except for the foreign ministry's forced response, Chinese leaders have been silent to the U.S. This is not to dare, but to have more strategic thinking and not to fall into a new cold war. Instead, China has been calling for cooperation between the two countries.

Fortunately, the two societies have been cooperating. The trade between China and the U.S is growing year on year, better than that in 2019; the amount of capital IPO raised by Chinese companies going to the U.S for listing in the first eight months exceeds the total amount in 2019.  U.S. assets (such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase) also have more holdings in China's financial market than in 2019. Behind this lies China's strategy of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up and the attraction of China's market.

Third, China-US friction will become the new normal in the next 10 years or more. I call it "competiration (competition-cooperation)". China has made adequate psychological preparations. China can understand America's anxiety. The US has long suspected that China will replace US leadership. Time will prove. In fact, China has always been a strong supporter of the international order led by the U.S after World War II. During the international financial crisis in 2008 and the new Pandemic in 2020, the situation in the U.S would be even worse without China. For example, in the past eight months, China has exported more than 40 billion masks to the U.S, more than 100 per capita. China is not afraid of the U.S, but hopes to use pragmatic actions to dispel the anxiety of the U.S.

Fourth, China does not expect to be a good friend of the U.S in the short term, but it is also unwilling to be an enemy of the U.S. China will not be the second Soviet Union or the second Iran. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1979, China has been reluctant to regard the U.S as the enemy. Of course, China is unlikely to become an ally of Japan, Britain or Australia. China's strategy is to seek common ground while reserving differences with the U.S, cooperate as much as possible and compete in a limited way. China has the ability to defend its core interests. If the United States wants to suppress China, it will pay a greater price.

Fifth, the US strategy of treating China as an enemy will certainly not make the America greater again. There are many enemies of the U.S, including Isis and Al Qaeda overseas, as well as domestically the new coronavirus, ethnic issues, gun issues, Wall Street issues, and so on. Only by working hard to solve those problems will make America greater again. If China is suppressed, the U.S. economy will become worse and worse, its interests will be more and more damaged, and the international order will become more and more chaotic, which will only make the U.S smaller and smaller in the end.

At present, China has basically controlled the Pandemic situation. China's economic growth in the third quarter was 4.9%, the best in the world. China will become the world's largest consumer market in 2020. China is still an opportunity for the United States and the world.

American friends need to know that times are different. Great power relations have long gone beyond realism, and no one can be the next hegemonic country. China will not be. On the contrary, human beings need to save themselves in the context of climate change and virus erosion. In such a rescue, China-US cooperation became much more important than before.






// 人大重阳    









