

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

日前,美国前第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)发表演讲炮轰现任总统特朗普。

随后,特朗普在推特上发文反击:“谁来向米歇尔解释一下,如果不是你丈夫奥巴马的工作(不称职),我特朗普也不会在这里,在这个美丽的白宫中。”(Somebody please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful White House, if it weren’t for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama.)

President Trump Responds To Michelle Obama’s Democratic Convention Speech (From: TODAY)


Trump hits back at Michelle Obama, Andrew Cuomo and John Kasich on Twitter.

The New York Times

President Trump returned fire at several of his political foes — including the former first lady Michelle Obama and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York — after they issued a stinging indictment of his leadership during the first night of the Democratic National Convention.

Facing an onslaught of criticism that his failure to contain the coronavirus had left more than 170,000 Americans dead and millions unemployed, the president took to Twitter, often his preferred medium for sparring, to fight back.

Most extraordinary was his engagement with Mrs. Obama, who used her headlining speech to question his temperament for the office and urged Americans to vote for former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. “like our lives depend on it.”

“Somebody please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful White House, if it weren’t for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama,” Mr. Trump, who has generally avoided engaging with Mrs. Obama, tweeted.

He then alluded to Mr. Obama’s decision to wait until April to endorse his onetime running mate. “Biden was merely an afterthought, a good reason for that very late & unenthusiastic endorsement.”

The president also took aim at Mr. Cuomo, who had used his convention speech to decry the Trump administration’s “dysfunctional and incompetent” response to the coronavirus pandemic.”

Mr. Trump called Mr. Cuomo “a horrible Governor” on Twitter and suggested that he was responsible for rising crime, criticized him for taking on the National Rifle Association and charged that he was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people in New York nursing homes.

The president also lashed out at former Gov. John R. Kasich of Ohio, a Republican who endorsed Mr. Biden in a video at the convention. Mr. Kasich, who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2016, said he was putting his country ahead of his party in the video.

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Trump hits back at Michelle Obama, Andrew Cuomo and John Kasich on Twitter.

The New York Times

President Trump returned fire at several of his political foes — including the former first lady Michelle Obama and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York — after they issued a stinging indictment of his leadership during the first night of the Democratic National Convention.

特朗普总统对他的几个政敌--包括前第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)和纽约州州长安德鲁·M·库莫(Andrew M. Cuomo)--进行了反击,因为他们在民主党全国代表大会的第一个晚上对他的领导力发出了刺耳的控诉。

return fire

字面意思就是表示“开枪回击;开火还击”,英文解释为“If you return fire or you return someone's fire, you shoot back at someone who has shot at you.” 当然,此处指的是在推特上“回击”,下文更直接用了fight back。

foe /fəʊ/

表示“敌人;仇敌”,英文解释为“Someone's foe is their enemy.”


此处作形容词,可以指“激烈的;刺人的,让人苦恼的”;sting本身作动词,可以指“(昆虫、植物或动物)叮,刺,蜇”,也可以表示“(伤害人的话)刺痛,使苦恼”,英文解释为“If someone's unkind remarks sting, they make you feel upset and annoyed.”举个🌰:

She knew he was right, but his words still stung.


He was stung by her criticisms.


🎬电影《绝命海拔》(Everest)中的台词提到:Yeah. It's stinging,huh? 刺痛吧?


1)表示“起诉书;公诉书”,英文解释为“a formal statement of accusing someone举个🌰:

The charges on the indictment include murder and attempted murder.


2)表示“控诉;谴责”,英文解释为“a sign that a policy, system, society, etc. is bad or wrong”举个🌰:

This seems to me to be a damning indictment of the education policy.


📺美剧《邻家女特工》(Covert Affairs)第三季中的台词提到:Why are you turning this amazing news into an indictment? 为何要让这个惊喜的消息变成一场控诉呢?

Facing an onslaught of criticism that his failure to contain the coronavirus had left more than 170,000 Americans dead and millions unemployed, the president took to Twitter, often his preferred medium for sparring, to fight back.


onslaught /ˈɒnˌslɔːt/

1)表示“猛攻;攻击”,英文解释为“An onslaught on someone or something is a very violent, forceful attack against them.”举个🌰:

The press launched another vicious onslaught on him.


2)an onslaught of有“(常指难以应付的)大量”的含义,英文解释为“If you refer to an onslaught of something, you mean that there is a large amount of it, often so that it is very difficult to deal with.”如:the constant onslaught of ads on TV 电视上连续不断的大量广告。

🎬电影《铁拳男人》(Cinderella Man)中的台词提到:Braddock trying to survive this brutal onslaught 布洛克试图躲开这场残酷的猛攻。


spar作动词,表示“(友好地)争论,争辩”,英文解释为“to argue with someone but not in an unpleasant way”举个🌰:

He’s been sparring with the security guards.


📍今年3月份某人在回答记者的时候,就怼记者:“你是个糟糕的记者,这就是我想说的”时,福克斯新闻(Fox News)用了两个表达,分别是spar with和rip.

Most extraordinary was his engagement with Mrs. Obama, who used her headlining speech to question his temperament for the office and urged Americans to vote for former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. “like our lives depend on it.”

最特别的是他与奥巴马夫人的交锋,奥巴马夫人利用她的主旨演讲质疑他任职的喜怒无常,并敦促美国人把票投给前副总统小约瑟夫·罗宾内特·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.),“就像我们的生命取决于它”。


此处表示“战斗;交战”,英文解释为“fighting between two armies, etc.”举个🌰:

The general tried to avoid an engagement with the enemy.



1)temperament /ˈtɛmpərəmənt/ 表示“气质;性情;性格”,英文解释为“the part of your character that affects your moods and the way you behave”,如:a fiery temperament 暴躁的性情;

2)也有“易冲动;(性情)暴躁;喜怒无常”的含义,英文解释为“the tendency to get emotional and excited very easily and behave in an unreasonable way”。

“Somebody please explain to @MichelleObama that Donald J. Trump would not be here, in the beautiful White House, if it weren’t for the job done by your husband, Barack Obama,” Mr. Trump, who has generally avoided engaging with Mrs. Obama, tweeted.


He then alluded to Mr. Obama’s decision to wait until April to endorse his onetime running mate. “Biden was merely an afterthought, a good reason for that very late & unenthusiastic endorsement.”



表示“间接提到;暗指;影射”,英文解释为“to mention sth in an indirect way”举个🌰:

She sometimes alluded to a feeling that she herself was to blame for her son's predicament.



表示“(公开)赞同,支持,认可”,英文解释为“to say publicly that you support a person, statement or course of action”举个🌰:

I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.


🎬电影《侏罗纪公园》(Jurassic Park)中的台词提到:After careful consideration, I've decided not to endorse your park. 仔细考虑以后 我决定不为你的公园背书。


表示“事后想法,事后添加的事物(常指未经周密考虑)”,英文解释为“a thing that is thought of, said or added later, and is often not carefully planned”举个🌰:

They only invited Jack and Tom as an afterthought.


The president also took aim at Mr. Cuomo, who had used his convention speech to decry the Trump administration’s “dysfunctional and incompetent” response to the coronavirus pandemic.”



表示“(公开)谴责;(强烈)批评”,英文解释为“to strongly criticize sb/sth, especially publicly”举个🌰:

The measures were decried as useless.


Mr. Trump called Mr. Cuomo “a horrible Governor” on Twitter and suggested that he was responsible for rising crime, criticized him for taking on the National Rifle Association and charged that he was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people in New York nursing homes.

The president also lashed out at former Gov. John R. Kasich of Ohio, a Republican who endorsed Mr. Biden in a video at the convention. Mr. Kasich, who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2016, said he was putting his country ahead of his party in the video.

总统还对俄亥俄州前州长约翰·卡西奇(John R. Kasich)进行了抨击,他是一名共和党人,在大会上的一段视频中支持拜登先生。2016年竞选总统未果的卡西奇先生在视频中说,他把他的国家放在党派前面。

lash out

表示“(突然)狠打,痛打;抨击,斥责”,英文解释为“to suddenly attack someone or something physically or criticize him, her, or it in an angry way举个🌰:

I was only teasing him and suddenly he lashed out (at me) and hit me in the face.


Why's Jane in such a bad mood? She really lashed out at me when I was late for work.


🎬电影《男孩别哭》(Boys don’t cry)中的台词提到:从这里控制住,那样...那样我就不会去揍别人了 Gets a control of this thing inside of me so I don't, you know, lash out at someone.






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