

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,法国作家宝琳·哈曼吉(Pauline Harmange)出版了新书《我讨厌男人》。法国政府性别平等特别顾问拉尔夫·祖尔梅利(Ralph Zurmély)对此公开发声,呼吁出版商撤回该书出版。结果,该书销量不减,反而一路飙升。


French book I Hate Men sees sales boom after government adviser calls for ban

The Guardian

A French government official’s attempts to ban an essay entitled I Hate Men over its “incitement to hatred on the grounds of gender” have backfired, sending sales of the feminist pamphlet skyrocketing.

Pauline Harmange’s Moi les hommes, je les déteste explores whether women “have good reason to hate men”, and whether “anger towards men is actually a joyful and emancipatory path, if it is allowed to be expressed”. Its small French publisher, Monstrograph, called it a “feminist and iconoclastic book” that “defends misandry as a way of making room for sisterhood”.

Ralph Zurmély, a special adviser to France’s ministry for gender equality, called it an “ode to misandry”. Zurmély, in an email obtained by Mediapart, told Monstrograph that “incitement to hatred on the grounds of gender is a criminal offence”, and asked the publisher to pull the book from publication “on pain of criminal prosecution”.

The ministry subsequently said that the threat of prosecution was “a personal initiative and completely independent of the ministry”, but Zurmély told Mediapart that if Monstrograph continued to sell Harmange’s book, the publisher would be “directly complicit in the offence and I would then be obliged to send it to the prosecution for legal proceedings”.

Monstrograph stressed to French media that the book was not an incitement to hatred. “The title is provocative but the purpose measured. It is an invitation not to force oneself to associate with men or to deal with them. At no time does the author incite violence,” said its editor.

Harmange, a 25-year-old activist from Lille, said the book is an invitation to women “to imagine a new way of being, to take less account of the often unsupported opinions of men, to consider the adage ‘it is better to be alone than in bad company’ seriously, and to rediscover the strength of female relationships full of reciprocity, gentleness and strength”.

She criticised Zurmély’s response to her work. “A state official who has a power crisis facing an 80-page book released in 400 copies, I find that very problematic,” she said.

Monstrograph did initially set out to print just 400 copies when the essay was published in August, but after Zurmély’s attacks, the first three editions of the book have sold out, with almost 2,500 copies sold just two weeks after its release. A larger publisher, who has yet to be named, is now set to take the title on.

Harmange wrote on her blog that her head was “spinning” at the response to her work. “As a gigantic snub to this man who wanted to ban my words, this book which should have been printed only at 500, maybe 700 copies max, has been ordered more than 2,000 times … We have withdrawn the book from sale, not because we are afraid but because we can no longer keep pace [with demand]. (And not forever, I promise),” she wrote. “In all of this, I admit, there is still a little voice that gives me hope that all of you who have bought my book – just as one gives a middle finger to a cop – will find it interesting in spite of everything.”

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French book I Hate Men sees sales boom after government adviser calls for ban

The Guardian

A French government official's attempts to ban an essay entitled I Hate Men over its “incitement to hatred on the grounds of gender” have backfired, sending sales of the feminist pamphlet skyrocketing.



表示“煽动;鼓动”,英文解释为“If someone is accused of incitement to violent or illegal behaviour, they are accused of encouraging people to behave in that way.”



表示“煽动;鼓动”,英文解释为“to encourage sb to do sth violent, illegal or unpleasant, especially by making them angry or excited”如:to incite crime/racial hatred/violence 教唆犯罪;煽动种族仇恨/暴力。

🎬电影《碟中谍4》(Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol)中的台词提到:they will be branded terrorists out to incite global nuclear war 他们将被认定为煽动了全球核战爆发的恐怖分子。


on the grounds of

相当于because of表示“由于...的原因;以...为由”,英文解释为“for the reason that : because”。


表示“事与愿违,(计划或行动)发生意外,产生事与愿违的结果”,英文解释为“if a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one you intended”,举个🌰:

The company's new policy backfired when a number of employees threatened to quit.


🎬电影《被拒人生》(Freeheld)中的台词提到:Listen to me, listen to me, this is a circus, it's gonna backfire. 听我说,这有些儿戏了,会适得其反的。


pamphlet /ˈpæmflɪt/ 表示“小册子;手册”,英文解释为“a very thin book with a paper cover, containing information about a particular subject”。


动词,表示“剧增;猛涨”,英文解释为“If prices or amounts skyrocket, they suddenly increase by a very large amount.”如:the skyrocketing costs of health care 暴涨的医疗费用。

Pauline Harmange's Moi les hommes, je les déteste explores whether women “have good reason to hate men”, and whether “anger towards men is actually a joyful and emancipatory path, if it is allowed to be expressed”. Its small French publisher, Monstrograph, called it a “feminist and iconoclastic book” that “defends misandry as a way of making room for sisterhood”.

宝琳·哈曼吉(Pauline Harmange)的《我讨厌男人》(Moi les hommes, je les déteste)探讨了女性是否“有充分的理由讨厌男人”,以及“对男人的愤怒如果被允许表达,是否实际上是一条快乐和解放的道路”。它的法国小出版商Monstrograph称这是一本“女权主义和反传统的书”,“捍卫了厌男行为,为姐妹情谊腾出空间”。


emancipatory /ɪˈmænsəpəˌtɔːri/ 表示“解放的;有助于解放的”,英文解释为“giving people social or political freedom and rights”。


iconoclastic /aɪˌkɒnəˈklæstɪk/ 表示“反传统信仰的;反传统的”,英文解释为“strongly opposing generally accepted beliefs and traditions”举个🌰:

His plays were fairly iconoclastic in their day.



misandry /ˈmɪsəndrɪ/ 表示“厌恶男人,憎恨男人”(feelings of hating men)。

📍相反:misogyny /mɪˈsɒdʒɪnɪ/ 表示“厌女症;女人嫌忌”,英文解释为“Misogyny is a strong dislike of women.”

📺美剧《新闻编辑室》(The Newsroom)第一季中的台词提到:that might get an argument started about misogyny? 以引起一场厌女热潮。

Ralph Zurmély, a special adviser to France's ministry for gender equality, called it an “ode to misandry”. Zurmély, in an email obtained by Mediapart, told Monstrograph that “incitement to hatred on the grounds of gender is a criminal offence”, and asked the publisher to pull the book from publication “on pain of criminal prosecution”.

法国性别平等部特别顾问拉尔夫·祖尔梅利(Ralph Zurmély)称其为“厌男的颂歌”。祖尔梅利在Mediapart获得的一封电子邮件中告诉出版商Monstrograph,“以性别为由煽动仇恨是刑事犯罪”,并要求出版商将该书撤回出版,否则将面临“刑事诉讼”。

ode /əʊd/

表示“颂诗;颂歌”,英文解释为“An ode is a poem, especially one that is written in praise of a particular person, thing, or event.”

The ministry subsequently said that the threat of prosecution was “a personal initiative and completely independent of the ministry”, but Zurmély told Mediapart that if Monstrograph continued to sell Harmange's book, the publisher would be “directly complicit in the offence and I would then be obliged to send it to the prosecution for legal proceedings”.



complicit /ˌkɒmˈplɪsɪt/ 表示“同谋的;串通的”,英文解释为“If someone is complicit in a crime or unfair activity, they are involved in it.”

📍2017年,词典网站Dictionary.com公布了其评选出的2017年度词汇就是这个词,complicit 同谋。

2017年度词汇 (同谋 | 假新闻)

Monstrograph stressed to French media that the book was not an incitement to hatred. “The title is provocative but the purpose measured. It is an invitation not to force oneself to associate with men or to deal with them. At no time does the author incite violence,” said its editor.



表示“挑衅的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as provocative, you mean that it is intended to make people react angrily or argue against it.”举个🌰:

He has made a string of outspoken and sometimes provocative speeches in recent years. 



表示“慎重的,经仔细考虑的,有分寸的”,英文解释为“careful and controlled, or not fast”举个🌰:

Her response to their criticism was calm and measured.


associate with sb.

表示“与(尤指他人不赞同的人)交往”,英文解释为“to spend time with a group of people, especially people who are disapproved of”举个🌰:

I don't want my children associating with drug addicts and alcoholics.


🎬电影《记忆重现》(Rememory)中的台词提到:and think of a memory you associate with your youth. 去想一段有关你年少时的记忆。

deal with sb.

表示“(尤指工作上)与…打交道,对付”,英文解释为“to talk to someone or meet someone, especially as part of your job”举个🌰:

She's used to dealing with difficult customers.


Harmange, a 25-year-old activist from Lille, said the book is an invitation to women “to imagine a new way of being, to take less account of the often unsupported opinions of men, to consider the adage 'it is better to be alone than in bad company' seriously, and to rediscover the strength of female relationships full of reciprocity, gentleness and strength”.



adage /ˈædɪdʒ/ 表示“谚语;格言”,英文解释为“a wise saying”举个🌰:

He remembered the old adage "Look before you leap".



reciprocity /ˌrɛsɪˈprɒsɪtɪ/ 表示“互助;互惠;互换”,英文解释为“behaviour in which two people or groups of people give each other help and advantages”。

She criticised Zurmély's response to her work. “A state official who has a power crisis facing an 80-page book released in 400 copies, I find that very problematic,” she said.


Monstrograph did initially set out to print just 400 copies when the essay was published in August, but after Zurmély's attacks, the first three editions of the book have sold out, with almost 2,500 copies sold just two weeks after its release. A larger publisher, who has yet to be named, is now set to take the title on.



熟词僻义,表示“书”,英文解释为“a book”举个🌰:

Last year we published over a hundred new titles.


Harmange wrote on her blog that her head was “spinning” at the response to her work. “As a gigantic snub to this man who wanted to ban my words, this book which should have been printed only at 500, maybe 700 copies max, has been ordered more than 2,000 times … We have withdrawn the book from sale, not because we are afraid but because we can no longer keep pace [with demand]. (And not forever, I promise),” she wrote. “In all of this, I admit, there is still a little voice that gives me hope that all of you who have bought my book – just as one gives a middle finger to a cop – will find it interesting in spite of everything.”


snub /snʌb/

表示“冷落,怠慢”,英文解释为“to insult someone by not giving them any attention or treating them as if they are not important”举个🌰:

Her refusal to attend the dinner is being seen as a deliberate snub to him.







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