

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

当地时间18日晚,美国一名男子用绳子将自己吊在位于芝加哥的特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)16楼外。他自称是“黑人的命也是命(Black Lives Matter)”运动的一员,自己并不想自杀,只要求与特朗普对话,否则就隔断绳子。

'BLM supporter' dangles from Chicago Trump Tower demanding to speak to the President (From: The Sun)


Man hangs from 16th floor of Trump Tower in Chicago and threatens to CUT his rope unless he is allowed to speak to the president

Daily Mail

A man was seen dangling from a rope reportedly off the 16th floor balcony of Trump Tower in Chicago threatening to kill himself if he couldn't talk to the president on Sunday evening.

Police were called to the scene at 5.27pm following reports of the man hanging off the building. By midnight the man was still hanging there.

The man was in his 20s and was hanging off climbing rope and a harness and was demanding to speak to Donald Trump or the media.  

Photos and videos emerged on social media showing the figure scaling the tower in Chicago's downtown as frightened onlookers peered down. 

'CPD, SWAT, and CFD personnel responded to the call of an unknown male threatening suicide and dangling from a rope on the 16th-floor balcony of a residential building/hotel,' Chicago Police said to DailyMail.com in a statement. 

Police officers and firefighters were on the scene. Officers were seen on a terrace above the man, seemingly urging him to climb up, but he refused to move.

Police said the man threatened to kill himself and a negotiater was on the deck trying to get the man down. 

A video began surfacing online purportedly showing the man, who had an Eastern European accent, saying he didn't want to die but would cut the rope if he couldn't speak with the president. 

Due to the incident police have blocked off traffic around Trump Tower, which overlooks the Chicago River.

Trump is not in Chicago at the moment. The president attended a church service in Las Vegas Sunday morning and spoke at a rally in Carson City in the afternoon. 

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Man hangs from 16th floor of Trump Tower in Chicago and threatens to CUT his rope unless he is allowed to speak to the president

Daily Mail

A man was seen dangling from a rope reportedly off the 16th floor balcony of Trump Tower in Chicago threatening to kill himself if he couldn't talk to the president on Sunday evening.


hang & dangle

hang表示“悬挂,吊;吊着”,英文解释为“to fasten or support something at the top leaving the other parts free to move, or to be held in this way”举个🌰:

A heavy gold necklace hung around her neck.


dangle /ˈdæŋɡəl/ 表示“(使)垂下;(使)悬荡;悬挂;提着来回摆动”,英文解释为“to hang loosely, or to hold something so that it hangs loosely”举个🌰:

Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall.



tower大家熟知的就是“塔”,还可以解释为“塔楼,高楼;建筑物的塔形部分”,英文解释为“a tall, narrow structure, often square or circular, that either forms part of a building or stands alone”。

Police were called to the scene at 5.27pm following reports of the man hanging off the building. By midnight the man was still hanging there.


The man was in his 20s and was hanging off climbing rope and a harness and was demanding to speak to Donald Trump or the media.


harness /ˈhɑːnɪs/

表示“背带;安全带”,英文解释为“A harness is a set of straps which fit under a person's arms and fasten around their body in order to keep a piece of equipment in place or to prevent the person moving from a place.”

Photos and videos emerged on social media showing the figure scaling the tower in Chicago's downtown as frightened onlookers peered down.


'CPD, SWAT, and CFD personnel responded to the call of an unknown male threatening suicide and dangling from a rope on the 16th-floor balcony of a residential building/hotel,' Chicago Police said to DailyMail.com in a statement.


📍CPD:Chicago Police Department 芝加哥警察局

📍SWAT:Special Weapons And Tactics 特种武器和战术部队

📍CFD:Chicago Fire Department 芝加哥消防部门


1)表示“人员”,英文解释为“The personnel of an organization are the people who work for it.”举个🌰:

There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education.


2)表示“人事部门”,英文解释为“Personnel is the department in a large company or organization that deals with employees, keeps their records, and helps with any problems they might have.”举个🌰:

Her first job was in personnel.


Police officers and firefighters were on the scene. Officers were seen on a terrace above the man, seemingly urging him to climb up, but he refused to move.


terrace /ˈtɛrəs/

terrace /ˈtɛrəs/ 表示“露天平台,阳台;(房屋旁的)露台;草坪”,英文解释为“A terrace is a flat area of stone or grass next to a building where people can sit.”举个🌰:

Some guests recline in deck chairs on the sea-facing terrace.


Police said the man threatened to kill himself and a negotiater was on the deck trying to get the man down.



上文出现了balcony和terrace,此处又来一个deck,表示“(房屋的)露天平台,凉台”,英文解释为“a wooden floor built outside, where people can sit and relax”,也可以指“甲板,舱面”(a flat area for walking on, built across the space between the sides of a boat)。

A video began surfacing online purportedly showing the man, who had an Eastern European accent, saying he didn't want to die but would cut the rope if he couldn't speak with the president.



表示“显露,表露,浮现,公开”,英文解释为“to suddenly appear or become obvious after having been hidden for a while”举个🌰:

A rumour has surfaced that the company is about to go out of business.


🎬电影《斯诺登》(Snowden)中的台词提到:Rumors have surfaced that a rich supporter is hiding Snowden somewhere in the Hong Kong hills in a private mansion. 谣言表明,一位有钱的支持者把斯诺登藏在了香港的某个私人豪宅中。


表示“据称;声称地,谣传地”,英文解释为“If you say that something has purportedly been done, you mean that you think that it has been done but you cannot be sure.”如:documents that were purportedly smuggled out of China 据称已被偷运到中国境外的文件,举个🌰:

The study purportedly found that men married to smart women live longer.


Due to the incident police have blocked off traffic around Trump Tower, which overlooks the Chicago River.


block sth off

表示“封住(路);封锁(出入口)”,英文解释为“to close a road, path, or entrance so that people cannot use it”举个🌰:

All the roads out of the town had been blocked off by the police.



1)表示“眺望;(尤指)俯瞰,俯视”,英文解释为“to provide a view of, especially from above”举个🌰:

Our hotel room overlooked the harbour.


2)更常见意思,表示“忽视;忽略,没注意到”,英文解释为“to fail to notice or consider something or someone”举个🌰:

There is one key fact that you have overlooked.


Trump is not in Chicago at the moment. The president attended a church service in Las Vegas Sunday morning and spoke at a rally in Carson City in the afternoon.








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