

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


他在推特上表示,不要害怕新冠病毒,不要让它主宰你的生活...我现在比20年前感觉更好!(Don't be afraid of Covid. Don't let it dominate your life... I feel better than I did 20 years ago!)

随后,“美国队长”克里斯·埃文斯(Chris Evans)转发了该推文,喊话道,“不要害怕新冠病毒?!你有最好的医生,最好的药物,进行全天候护理。你以为每个人都能享受这样的待遇吗?!遗憾的是,你肯定知道这种差距,只是你不在乎罢了。”


Avengers star Chris Evans slams Donald Trump for ‘recklessly’ telling nation: ‘Don’t be afraid of Covid’


Marvel star Chris Evans has ripped into President Donald Trump for his controversial message telling Americans ‘don’t be afraid of Covid’ as he left the hospital yesterday. 

Trump, 74, was discharged from the Walter Reed Medical Center on Monday where he received the best healthcare and treatment after testing positive for coronavirus last week. 

Before leaving the military hospital, Trump tweeted in part: ‘Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.’ 

Reacting to the statement, a stunned Chris, 39, tweeted: ‘Don’t be afraid of Covid?! You’ve been under round-the-clock care by the best doctors using the best drugs. Do you really think everyone has access to that?!’ 

He added: ‘Sadly, I’m sure you’re aware of that disparity, you just don’t care This is reckless to a shocking degree, even for you.’ 

The Avengers actor had previously retweeted posts criticising the president for briefly leaving the hospital over the weekend to do a ‘drive-by’ where he greeted supporters outside the facility. 

More than 200,000 people have died from Covid-19 in the US, which has become one of the worst affected countries in the world. 

Rapper Cardi B also criticised Trump over the weekend and shared her theory that the president’s coronavirus diagnosis could be a stunt. 

The WAP rapper explained in a video: ‘It’s not far-fetched for the president to have coronavirus because coronavirus is really easy to catch. Some have passed away and some just get it like a regular cold, they lose they sense of taste and smell. 

‘Something is funny. It just feels like all this press and publicity that they doing around it, they recording and filming with the president, he’s taking the helicopter to go to the hospital.’ 

She continued: ‘It’s just funny to me. It’s not sitting right in my spirit. I just feel like he has to do something because that white supremacy thing that he said with the Proud Boys when he said “stand by”… it’s like he received so much bad press because of that, that now he’s just like let’s shift the focus.’ 

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Avengers star Chris Evans slams Donald Trump for ‘recklessly’ telling nation: ‘Don’t be afraid of Covid’


Marvel star Chris Evans has ripped into President Donald Trump for his controversial message telling Americans ‘don't be afraid of Covid’ as he left the hospital yesterday.

昨天离开医院时,唐纳德·特朗普总统告诉美国人“不要害怕新冠病毒”。漫威明星克里斯·埃文斯(Chris Evans)对其争议性言论进行了抨击。

rip into

表示“猛烈批评(某人/某事)”,英文解释为“to attack or criticize someone or something with great force”举个🌰:

She ripped into her opponent's proposals, calling them "completely unworkable".


Trump, 74, was discharged from the Walter Reed Medical Center on Monday where he received the best healthcare and treatment after testing positive for coronavirus last week.

现年74岁的特朗普在上周被检测出新冠病毒阳性后,周一从沃尔特里德军事医疗中心(the Walter Reed Medical Center)出院,他在那里接受了最好的护理和治疗。


表示“准许(某人)离开;解雇”,英文解释为“to give sb official permission to leave a place or job; to make sb leave a job”举个🌰:

Patients were being discharged from the hospital too early.


Before leaving the military hospital, Trump tweeted in part: ‘Feeling really good! Don't be afraid of Covid. Don't let it dominate your life.’

在离开军医院之前,川普在推特上说道:“感觉真的很好! 不要害怕新冠病毒。不要让它主宰你的生活”。


表示“统治;控制”,英文解释为“to have control over a place or person”举个🌰:

He refuses to let others speak and dominates every meeting.


Reacting to the statement, a stunned Chris, 39, tweeted: ‘Don't be afraid of Covid?! You've been under round-the-clock care by the best doctors using the best drugs. Do you really think everyone has access to that?!’



表示“目瞪口呆”,英文解释为“very shocked or surprised”举个🌰:

When they told me she was missing I was totally stunned.



表示“全天的,全天候的;不分昼夜的”,英文解释为“happening or done all day and all night”举个🌰:

He's very sick and needs round-the-clock care.



此处作名词,表示“ 使用或看见某物的权利或机会;(接近某地或某人的)机会(或方法);(使用某物的)权利”,英文解释为“the right or opportunity to use or look at something”举个🌰:

The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information.


He added: ‘Sadly, I'm sure you're aware of that disparity, you just don't care. This is reckless to a shocking degree, even for you.’



disparity /dɪˈspærɪtɪ/表示“(尤指不公正的)不同,差异”,英文解释为“a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one”,如:a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women 男性与女性在工资水平上的差异。


📍parity表示“(尤指薪金、权利或权力的)相同,相等,同等”,英文解释为“the state of being equal, especially having equal pay, rights, or power”举个🌰:

Women workers are demanding parity with their male colleagues.


还可以指两个不同国家的货币单位的“平价,等价”(equality between the units of money from two diffe-rent countries);


We now have gender parity among those who lead our teams around the world, and the highest-ever numbers of women in senior management. 目前在世界各地,我们已在许多团队的领导层中实现性别均等,高级管理层中的妇女人数比以往任何时候都多。

📍在2018年政府工作报告中,居民收入增长和经济增长基本同步;就处理为:Basic parity in personal income growth and economic growth.


reckless /ˈrekləs/表示“轻率的;鲁莽的;不顾后果的”,英文解释为“not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results of your actions”,举个🌰:

He was accused of causing death by reckless driving.


The Avengers actor had previously retweeted posts criticising the president for briefly leaving the hospital over the weekend to do a ‘drive-by’ where he greeted supporters outside the facility.


More than 200,000 people have died from Covid-19 in the US, which has become one of the worst affected countries in the world.


Rapper Cardi B also criticised Trump over the weekend and shared her theory that the president's coronavirus diagnosis could be a stunt.

说唱歌手卡迪·B(Cardi B)周末也抨击特朗普并说了她的推测,总统的新冠病毒确诊可能是一个噱头。


theory除了指“理论”,也有“(未证明的)意见;看法;推测”的含义,英文解释为“an opinion or idea that sb believes is true but that is not proved”举个🌰:

I have this theory that most people prefer being at work to being at home.



1)作名词,表示“引人注目的噱头”,英文解释为“A stunt is something interesting that is done in order to attract attention and get publicity for the person or company responsible for it.”如:如:a stunt pilot 特技飞行员,a publicity stunt 宣传噱头。举个🌰:

In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck.


2)作名词,表示“(电影中的)特技动作”,英文解释为“A stunt is a dangerous and exciting piece of action in a movie.”举个🌰:

He insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts.


3)作动词,表示“阻碍”,英文解释为“If something stunts the growth or development of a person or thing, it prevents it from growing or developing as much as it should.”举个🌰:

The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit.


📍 此前在俄网红庆生往浴池倒约30公斤干冰文中提到,许多人在那一出闹剧中受伤时,就出现过这一表达,Several people were injured during the stunt.

📍 而沙特石油公司让印度员工装扮成洗手液一文中也称这事为stunt, 原文:The oil giant explained that the stunt was an attempt to "emphasise the importance of sterilisation" in light of the coronavirus outbreak.

The WAP rapper explained in a video: ‘It's not far-fetched for the president to have coronavirus because coronavirus is really easy to catch. Some have passed away and some just get it like a regular cold, they lose they sense of taste and smell.



表示“牵强的;难以置信的”,英文解释为“very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe”如:a far-fetched idea/story 牵强的意见/难以置信的故事。

‘Something is funny. It just feels like all this press and publicity that they doing around it, they recording and filming with the president, he's taking the helicopter to go to the hospital.’


She continued: ‘It's just funny to me. It's not sitting right in my spirit. I just feel like he has to do something because that white supremacy thing that he said with the Proud Boys when he said “stand by”… it's like he received so much bad press because of that, that now he's just like let’s shift the focus.’

她继续说道:“我觉得这很有趣。我想法上接受不了。我只是觉得他不得不做点什么,对白人至上主义的事,对(极右翼组织)“骄傲男孩”(Proud Boys)所说的“待命/做好准备”...他好像因此事收到了太多的负面新闻,现在他只是想让我们转移一下注意力。”

sit right/well (with sb)

表示“(某人)可接受;受(某人)欢迎”,英文解释为“to be something that you agree or are pleased with”举个🌰:

Their decision/answer didn't sit well with the Board of Directors.


🎬电影《性本恶》(Inherent Vice)中的台词提到:that don't sit well with me. 我不能接受这样,

white supremacy

表示“白人至上论”(the theory or belief that White people are innately superior to people of other races)。

Proud Boys

Proud Boys:极右翼团体“骄傲男孩”,据了解起源于加拿大,于2018年被FBI列为极端主义组织。

相关背景:一个礼拜前,2020年美国总统选举首场电视辩论会上,特朗普被主持人问到“是否会谴责白人至上主义者和民兵组织”时,他提到“骄傲男孩,退后一步,做好准备(Proud Boys, stand back and stand by)。”该言论被认为是对该组织暴力行为的默许而饱受批评。






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