

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

当地时间11月3日晚, 美国大选进入计票阶段。



US election 2020: Why don't we know the result yet?


You might have reasonably expected to have some kind of clue about the results of the US presidential election by now.

◉ Okay, so who is going to be the next president?

We don't know, because not enough votes have been counted yet for either Donald Trump or Joe Biden to claim victory.

In fact, because of the time it takes to count the huge number of postal votes cast during this pandemic election, it could take days.

And if there are legal challenges to the results, it might even take weeks. This could get tricky.

◉ Not even a hint?

To become president, you don't actually need to win the popular vote. Instead, a candidate has to win the majority in a system called the electoral college, where each state gets a certain number of votes or "electors" roughly in proportion to its population.

So if you win that state, you win its votes (except Nebraska and Maine, but that's complicated). There are 538 of these state votes in total - the person who gets 270 will become president.

So despite a near record turnout this time, as usual it's just a few key battleground states whose voters will decide the election.

◉ So far:

· Mr Biden and Mr Trump are projected to win the states they were comfortably expected to win

· The race is still very close in a few crucial competitive states

· In some of those tight races, officials haven't even started counting postal votes, and those could change everything.

◉ Let's take a look at some of those states then.

· Florida: Projected for Donald Trump - in explaining the result, many are pointing to Cuban-American support in Miami-Dade county.

· Arizona: The state has not voted Democrat since 1996 but looks like a potential gain for Mr Biden, who went after young progressive Latinos living there.

· Wisconsin and Pennsylvania: These states haven't even started counting postal votes and that could take days.

◉ Story of the night in one line?

Donald Trump is doing better than expected and Joe Biden has failed to win those battleground states which count votes quickly, which means more uncertainty as we wait for a few key states.

◉ And in their own words...

Joe Biden addressed supporters saying: "We're going to win this" but also urged patience. Donald Trump said Republicans had won and falsely claimed fraud - as we know, votes are still being counted and there is no evidence of fraud.

◉ So what now?

We might not know for days. This looks like the most likely scenario as the battle is going to shift to the postal votes which are yet to be counted in places like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Lawyers could get involved. Donald Trump has said previously that he would mount legal challenges if the result is close. This means it could potentially take weeks.

Will uncertainty lead to unrest? There is definitely going to be uncertainty, but although many Americans have talked about their concerns it is too early to say if there will be any significant unrest.

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US election 2020: Why don't we know the result yet?


You might have reasonably expected to have some kind of clue about the results of the US presidential election by now.


◉ Okay, so who is going to be the next president? 那么,谁会成为下一任总统呢?

We don't know, because not enough votes have been counted yet for either Donald Trump or Joe Biden to claim victory.

我们还不知道,因为目前还没有统计到足够的票数,足以让唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)或者乔·拜登(Joe Biden)宣布胜利。

In fact, because of the time it takes to count the huge number of postal votes cast during this pandemic election, it could take days.


And if there are legal challenges to the results, it might even take weeks. This could get tricky.



表示“难办的;难对付的”,英文解释为“If a piece of work or problem is tricky, it is difficult to deal with and needs careful attention or skill.”举个🌰:

I'm in a tricky situation - whatever I do I'll offend someone.


◉ Not even a hint? 一点迹象都没有?

To become president, you don't actually need to win the popular vote. Instead, a candidate has to win the majority in a system called the electoral college, where each state gets a certain number of votes or "electors" roughly in proportion to its population.



可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“暗示,提示,示意”,英文解释为“something that you say or do that shows what you think or want, usually in a way that is not direct”举个🌰:

Did she give you any hints about where she was going?



表示“比率,比例”,英文解释为“the number, amount, or level of one thing when compared to another”举个🌰:

The proportion of women to men at my college was about five to one.


The chart shows how weight increases in proportion to height.


So if you win that state, you win its votes (except Nebraska and Maine, but that's complicated). There are 538 of these state votes in total - the person who gets 270 will become president.


So despite a near record turnout this time, as usual it's just a few key battleground states whose voters will decide the election.



表示“到场人数;(尤指)投票人数”,英文解释为“the number of people who are present at an event, especially the number who go to vote at an election”举个🌰:

Good weather on polling day should ensure a good turnout.



等同于battlefield表示“战场”,battleground state 战场州,一般指的就是摇摆州(swing state),据维基百科:In American politics, the term swing state (or battleground state) refers to any state that could reasonably be won by either the Democratic or Republican presidential candidate by a swing in votes. 摇摆州,也称战场州、游离州或紫州,是指美国总统选举中,那些没有一个单一的候选人或政党拥有压倒性支持度以取得选举人票的州。这些州是两个主要政党在总统选举中的争取目标,因为赢得这些州的选举人票对获胜十分重要。

◉ So far: 到目前为止,

· Mr Biden and Mr Trump are projected to win the states they were comfortably expected to win

- 拜登先生和特朗普先生都预计将赢得他们所预期的州的选票。


表示“预计,推算”,英文解释为“to calculate an amount or number expected in the future from information already known”举个🌰:

Government spending is projected to rise by three percent next year.


· The race is still very close in a few crucial competitive states

- 在几个竞争激烈的关键州,战况仍然非常激烈。

· In some of those tight races, officials haven't even started counting postal votes, and those could change everything.

- 在一些竞争激烈的州,官员们甚至还没有开始统计邮寄的选票,而这些选票可能会改变一切。

◉ Let's take a look at some of those states then. 那我们就来看看其中一些州的情况。

· Florida: Projected for Donald Trump - in explaining the result, many are pointing to Cuban-American support in Miami-Dade county.

- 佛罗里达州。预计特朗普获胜 - 许多人指出是得到了迈阿密-戴德县(Miami-Dade county)的古巴裔美国人的支持。

· Arizona: The state has not voted Democrat since 1996 but looks like a potential gain for Mr Biden, who went after young progressive Latinos living there.

- 亚利桑那州。该州自1996年以来就没有投票给民主党人,但对拜登先生来说似乎是潜在的收获。

· Wisconsin and Pennsylvania: These states haven't even started counting postal votes and that could take days.

- 威斯康星州宾夕法尼亚州:这些州甚至还没有开始统计邮寄选票,这可能需要几天时间。

◉ Story of the night in one line? 用一句话来概括今晚的战况?

Donald Trump is doing better than expected and Joe Biden has failed to win those battleground states which count votes quickly, which means more uncertainty as we wait for a few key states.


◉ And in their own words... 而用他们自己的话说...

Joe Biden addressed supporters saying: "We're going to win this" but also urged patience. Donald Trump said Republicans had won and falsely claimed fraud - as we know, votes are still being counted and there is no evidence of fraud.


◉ So what now? 那现在呢?

We might not know for days. This looks like the most likely scenario as the battle is going to shift to the postal votes which are yet to be counted in places like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.


Lawyers could get involved. Donald Trump has said previously that he would mount legal challenges if the result is close. This means it could potentially take weeks.


Will uncertainty lead to unrest? There is definitely going to be uncertainty, but although many Americans have talked about their concerns it is too early to say if there will be any significant unrest.








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