

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


近日,白宫新闻发言人凯莉·麦肯内妮(Kayleigh McEnany)在接受采访时表示,手上有234页的证词可以佐证“选举舞弊”的事实,包括相同签名、重复计票、死人投票等。

Kayleigh McEnany runs through voting irregularities in 234 pages of sworn affidavits

📍affidavit /ˌæfɪˈdeɪvɪt/ 表示“(法庭上作证用的)书面证词”(a written statement that someone makes after promising officially to tell the truth. An affidavit can be used as proof in a law court.)


Election breathes new life into false ‘dead voter’ claims

Associated Press

As President Donald Trump continued to assert without evidence Tuesday that the presidential election was undermined by voter fraud, social media users falsely claimed that people had cast extra votes using the identities of dead people in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

There’s no evidence that this happened.

The false claim that deceased voters cast votes “comes up every election,” said Jason Roberts, a professor of political science at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Experts told The Associated Press that it is common for state voter rolls to include voters with birthdates that make them appear impossibly old, but these are usually explained by human error, software quirks or voter confidentiality issues.

Here’s a closer look at this dubious claim:

CLAIM: Dead people in Pennsylvania and Michigan voted in the 2020 presidential election.

THE FACTS: There is no proof of foul play involving deceased voters in the election, according to officials in both states.

One tweet that repeated the false claim stated: “These are some of the people who voted in #PA...840 were 101 years old or older, 39 lived through the Civil War, 45 were born in the 1800s.” The tweet had over 18,000 retweets.

“A similar complaint was brought before a PA court -- and soundly rejected,” the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General said in a statement. “The court found no deficiency in how PA maintains its voter rolls, and there is currently no proof provided that any deceased person has voted in the 2020 election.”

There was one incident in Luzerne County where a registered Republican reportedly attempted to apply for an absentee ballot in his deceased mother’s name, but he didn’t make it past the application phase. “This case is more proof our election will be protected by state and local officials alike,” Attorney General Josh Shapiro tweeted in October.

After social media users circulated videos that purportedly showed the names of dead voters in Michigan, The AP contacted one of the people named. She was very much alive and had just beaten her husband at cribbage.

According to experts, seeing strange birthdates on voter rolls that appear to belong to deceased registrants isn’t evidence of voter fraud, and there are multiple reasons why it can occur.

Tracy Wimmer, a spokesperson for Michigan’s secretary of state’s office, told The AP that on rare occasions a ballot received from a voter may be recorded as though that person is too old to be alive. This can occur when an incorrect birth year is entered on voter rolls.

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Hundreds of Thousands of Dead Voters Casting Ballots: Are Dead People Really Voting? - TLDR News


Election breathes new life into false ‘dead voter’ claims

Associated Press

As President Donald Trump continued to assert without evidence Tuesday that the presidential election was undermined by voter fraud, social media users falsely claimed that people had cast extra votes using the identities of dead people in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

由于美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)周二在没有证据的情况下继续断言总统大选被选举舞弊所破坏,社交媒体用户谎称有人用宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)和密歇根州(Michigan)死者的身份多投了票。


表示“(坚决)主张;断言”,英文解释为“to state firmly that something is true”,举个🌰:

French cooking, she asserted, is the best in the world.



1)表示“逐渐削弱;逐渐动摇”,英文解释为“If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts.”举个🌰:

Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.


2)表示“(通常以间接方式)动摇(某人的地位或权威)”,英文解释为“If you undermine someone or undermine their position or authority, you make their authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods.”举个🌰:

She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent.


There's no evidence that this happened.


The false claim that deceased voters cast votes “comes up every election,” said Jason Roberts, a professor of political science at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)政治学教授杰森·罗伯茨(Jason Roberts)说,去世选民投票的虚假说法“每次选举都会出现”。


deceased /dɪˈsiːst/ 表示“死去了的;已死的;亡故的”,英文解释为“A deceased person is one who has recently died.”如:her deceased friend 她已故的朋友。

Experts told The Associated Press that it is common for state voter rolls to include voters with birthdates that make them appear impossibly old, but these are usually explained by human error, software quirks or voter confidentiality issues.

专家告诉美联社(The Associated Press)记者,州选民名册上的选民出生日期让他们看起来年纪异常的大,这很常见,但这些通常由人为错误、软件缺陷或选民保密问题来解释。


作名词,表示“名单;花名册;登记表”,英文解释为“an official list of names”举个🌰:

Is your name on the electoral roll (= the list of people who can vote)?



📍take/call the roll表示“点名”(If you take/call the roll, you read aloud the names of all the people on the list to make certain that they are present.)举个🌰:

The teacher called the roll to see if any students were absent.


quirk /kwɜːk/

表示“怪癖;古怪之处”,英文解释为“an unusual habit or part of someone's personality, or something that is strange and unexpected”举个🌰

You have to get used to other people's quirks and foibles.



表示“秘密性,机密性”,英文解释为“the state of being confidential”如:patient/client confidentiality 为病人/委托人保密。

Here's a closer look at this dubious claim:



表示“半信半疑的,可疑的;不确定的;不可信的”,英文解释为“thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted”举个🌰:

These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.


🎬电影《唐璜》(Don Jon)中的台词提到:- Yo, Jonny, you coming out tonight? - That's dubious.-璜璜 你今晚出去吗 -不确定。

CLAIM: Dead people in Pennsylvania and Michigan voted in the 2020 presidential election.


THE FACTS: There is no proof of foul play involving deceased voters in the election, according to officials in both states.


foul play

表示“犯规行为;犯规动作;不正当的行为,严重犯规”,英文解释为“in sport, the act of playing unfairly or doing something that is against the rules”。

📍foul本身就有“犯规”的意思,可以作动词,名词和形容词,比如作动词,对 (某人) 犯规,In a game or sport, if a player fouls another player, they touch them or block them in a way which is not allowed according to the rules.

📍foul play另一个含义是“谋杀罪行,暴力致死行为”(a criminal act that results in serious damage or injury, especially murder)举个🌰:

It is not clear what caused the explosion, but the police do not suspect foul play.


📺美剧《犯罪心理》(Criminal minds)中的台词提到:- We're just trying to rule out foul play. 我们只想排除谋杀的可能性。

One tweet that repeated the false claim stated: “These are some of the people who voted in #PA...840 were 101 years old or older, 39 lived through the Civil War, 45 were born in the 1800s.” The tweet had over 18,000 retweets.

一条不断宣称这一错误说法的推文写道,“这是一些在宾州投票的人... 840人年龄在101岁以上,39人生活在内战期间,45人出生在19世纪”这条推文有超过18000次转发。


表示“发布在推特上的信息”,其实指的就是“推文”,英文解释为“a short remark or piece of information published on Twitter”;也可以作动词,指的就是“发推文,发推特”(to publish a short remark or piece of information on Twitter),retweet就是转发推文,举个🌰:

He tweeted that he was just about to meet the president.


“A similar complaint was brought before a PA court -- and soundly rejected,” the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General said in a statement. “The court found no deficiency in how PA maintains its voter rolls, and there is currently no proof provided that any deceased person has voted in the 2020 election.”



表示“不足,缺乏,缺少”,英文解释为“a state of not having, or not having enough, of something that is needed”举个🌰:

Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency.


There was one incident in Luzerne County where a registered Republican reportedly attempted to apply for an absentee ballot in his deceased mother's name, but he didn't make it past the application phase. “This case is more proof our election will be protected by state and local officials alike,” Attorney General Josh Shapiro tweeted in October.

据报道,在路泽恩县(Luzerne County)曾发生过一起事件,一名注册的共和党人试图以其已故母亲的名义申请缺席选举人投票(absentee ballot),但他没有通过申请阶段。“这个案件更加证明我们的选举将受到州和地方官员的保护,”司法部长乔什·夏皮罗(Josh Shapiro)在10月的推特上说。

absentee ballot

absentee本身表示“旷课者;旷工者;缺勤者”(someone who is not at school or work when they should be);

absentee ballot表示“(无法到达选举现场的人通过邮寄方式所投的)缺席选票,邮寄式选票”,英文解释为“a piece of paper on which people mark their votes and then send them by post when they cannot be present at an election”。

After social media users circulated videos that purportedly showed the names of dead voters in Michigan, The AP contacted one of the people named. She was very much alive and had just beaten her husband at cribbage.



circulate有“传播;流传;散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.


🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:If gossip of this nature were to circulate, 如果这种性质的八卦流传开来,


表示“据称;声称地,谣传地”,英文解释为“If you say that something has purportedly been done, you mean that you think that it has been done but you cannot be sure.”如:documents that were purportedly smuggled out of China 据称已被偷运到中国境外的文件,举个🌰:

The study purportedly found that men married to smart women live longer.



cribbage /ˈkrɪbɪdʒ/ 表示“克里比奇牌戏;一种由2人或4人玩的纸牌戏,先获得一定分数的一组为赢”,英文解释为“a game of cards for two to four, in which players try to win a set number of points before their opponents”。

According to experts, seeing strange birthdates on voter rolls that appear to belong to deceased registrants isn't evidence of voter fraud, and there are multiple reasons why it can occur.


Tracy Wimmer, a spokesperson for Michigan's secretary of state's office, told The AP that on rare occasions a ballot received from a voter may be recorded as though that person is too old to be alive. This can occur when an incorrect birth year is entered on voter rolls.

密歇根州州务卿办公室发言人特雷西·维默(Tracy Wimmer)告诉美联社,在极少数情况下,从选民那里收到的选票可能会被登记为这个人年纪过大以致不可能还活着。在选民名册上输入错误的出生年份时可能出现这种情况。








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