

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,Ampere推出了一款名为Shower Power的音箱,浴室专用,可以通过淋浴器的水流来给音箱充电,让你边洗澡边开演唱会。

Shower Power: The Hydropower Shower Speaker


This water-powered shower head speaker could sing backup for your morning routine

The Verge

Secret shower singers rejoice: a new water-powered Bluetooth speaker from Ampere could streamline your morning routine.

Shower Power attaches to your shower head, intercepting your water flow to power a hydroelectric generator that charges the battery of its Bluetooth speaker. The device is similar to earlier water-powered speaker Hyquadio, but Ampere offers more options for controlling its speaker, with physical playback controls on the device and a battery-powered remote if the speaker is out of reach.

When the speaker is attached and water is flowing, its 2500mAh battery should offer over 80 hours of playback at max volume. With water off, that number shrinks to around 17 hours at max volume.

You might expect the speaker to be powered indefinitely with water, but Ampere explains that due to the size of Shower Power’s impeller (the component rotated by water) it’s only able to meet the demands of the speaker’s battery indefinitely at around 60-70 percent volume.

Along with battery life, we’ll also need to test Shower Power’s audio performance. The device is advertised as having immersive sound and deep bass, but I’d expect it to sound differently depending on where you place it. Since shower heads come in as many varieties as showers, that could create a wide range of possible sounds.

Droplet, Ampere’s additional speaker accessory, could help in that department. It’s the same speaker as Shower Power, but not water-powered. The device can be connected to Shower Power and critically, it can be placed anywhere, filling out the sound in places Shower Power might miss perched on your shower head. If you’re willing to purchase the device separately of course.

Standalone water-proof speakers can also easily play music in your shower, but unlike Shower Power they’d have to be removed every time you need to charge them. Shower Power never has to leave your shower; its advantage is that it never requires you to remember a cable.

For interested shower vocalists and podcast devotees, Shower Power launches today on Kickstarter for $59 ($99 MSRP). You can add on the water-proof remote for $15 ($30 MSRP) or an additional Droplet speaker for $20 ($50 MSRP). Pre-orders will follow on Ampere’s site on November 15th and the device will go on sale in December.

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This water-powered shower head speaker could sing backup for your morning routine

The Verge

Secret shower singers rejoice: a new water-powered Bluetooth speaker from Ampere could streamline your morning routine.


rejoice /rɪˈdʒɔɪs/

表示“非常高兴;深感欣喜;充满喜悦”,英文解释为“to feel or show great happiness about something”举个🌰:

Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.


🎬电影《霍比特人:五军之战》(The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies)中的台词提到:Those who've lived through dragon fire should rejoice! 没葬身火海应该高兴啊。


表示“(常通过简化办事程序)使(机构)效率更高;简化”,英文解释为“to improve the effectiveness of an organization such as a business or government, often by making the way activities are performed simpler”举个🌰:

Leading organizations use software to streamline their workflow.


📍政府工作报告里“简政放权”通常会说streamline administration and delegate power.

Shower Power attaches to your shower head, intercepting your water flow to power a hydroelectric generator that charges the battery of its Bluetooth speaker. The device is similar to earlier water-powered speaker Hyquadio, but Ampere offers more options for controlling its speaker, with physical playback controls on the device and a battery-powered remote if the speaker is out of reach.

Shower Power固定在你的淋浴头上,截取水流为水力发电器(hydroelectric generator)供电,从而为其蓝牙音箱的电池充电。该设备类似于早期的水动力音箱Hyquadio,但Ampere为控制其音箱提供了更多的选择,设备上有实体的播放控制按钮,如果够不着音箱时,则有电池供电的遥控器可以控制。


表示“系,绑;连接;使附着;附上;固定”,英文解释为“to fasten, join, or connect something”举个🌰:

Use this cable to attach the printer to the computer.



表示“拦截,截住”,英文解释为“If you intercept someone or something that is travelling from one place to another, you stop them before they get to their destination.”举个🌰:

Gunmen intercepted him on his way to the airport.



hydroelectric /ˌhaɪdrəʊɪˈlɛktrɪk/ 表示“水力发电的,水电的”,英文解释为“producing electricity by the force of fast moving water such as rivers or waterfalls”如:a hydroelectric power station 水电站。


remote作名词可以直接表示remote control的含义,表示“遥控器”。

When the speaker is attached and water is flowing, its 2500mAh battery should offer over 80 hours of playback at max volume. With water off, that number shrinks to around 17 hours at max volume.



作动词,表示“(使)缩小,(使)变小”,英文解释为“to become smaller, or to make something smaller”举个🌰:

The productivity improvements have shrunk our costs by 25 percent.


You might expect the speaker to be powered indefinitely with water, but Ampere explains that due to the size of Shower Power's impeller (the component rotated by water) it's only able to meet the demands of the speaker's battery indefinitely at around 60-70 percent volume.

你可能希望音箱能在有水的情况下无限期供电,但Ampere解释说,由于Shower Power的叶轮(被水旋转的组件)的大小,它只能在音量60-70%的情况下持续为音箱电池充电。


表示“不确定地;不清楚地;无限期地”,英文解释为“for a period of time with no fixed end”举个🌰:

The negotiations have been put off/postponed indefinitely.



表示“叶轮”,英文解释为“An impeller or impellor is a rotor used to increase the pressure and flow of a fluid.”据维基百科,叶轮是一种用来增加流体压力和速度的旋转装置。


表示“组成部分”,英文解释为“The components of something are the parts that it is made of.”举个🌰:

The management plan has two main components


Along with battery life, we'll also need to test Shower Power's audio performance. The device is advertised as having immersive sound and deep bass, but I'd expect it to sound differently depending on where you place it. Since shower heads come in as many varieties as showers, that could create a wide range of possible sounds.

除了电池寿命,我们还需要测试Shower Power的音质。该设备被宣传为具有沉浸式的声音和重低音,但我希望它的声音会根据你放置的位置而有所不同。由于淋浴头和淋浴器一样有很多种类,因此可能会产生各种各样的音效。


表示“(尤指为了销售某物)登广告,做广告,宣传;公布;征聘”,英文解释为“to make something known generally or in public, especially in order to sell it”举个🌰:

We advertised our car in the local newspaper.



表示“沉浸式的;沉浸感的;身临其境的”,英文解释为“seeming to surround the audience, player, etc. so that they feel completely involved in something”如:an immersive theatrical experience 身临其境的剧场体验。

Droplet, Ampere's additional speaker accessory, could help in that department. It's the same speaker as Shower Power, but not water-powered. The device can be connected to Shower Power and critically, it can be placed anywhere, filling out the sound in places Shower Power might miss perched on your shower head. If you're willing to purchase the device separately of course.

Ampere附加的音箱配件Droplet可以在这方面提供帮助。它与Shower Power音箱一样,但不以水为动力。该设备可以连接到Shower Power上,关键是,它可以放置在任何地方,填补了Shower Power装在淋浴头上可能错过的其他地方的音效。当然,前提是你愿意单独购买这个设备。


表示“附件,配件,附属品;装饰品,配饰”,英文解释为“something added to a machine or to clothing that has a useful or decorative purpose”举个🌰:

She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories (= shoes, hat, bag, etc.).


perch in/on

表示“坐在…(的边缘)上;栖息于;停留于”,英文解释为“to sit on or near the edge of something”举个🌰:

We perched on bar stools and had a beer.


Standalone water-proof speakers can also easily play music in your shower, but unlike Shower Power they'd have to be removed every time you need to charge them. Shower Power never has to leave your shower; its advantage is that it never requires you to remember a cable.

独立的防水音箱也可以轻松地在你的淋浴过程中播放音乐,但与Shower Power不同的是,每次你需要充电时,它们都必须被移除。而Shower Power永远都不用从淋浴器上卸下来,它的优点是你不需要记住它的充电线的位置。


proof作形容词表示“能抵抗某物;能对抗某物;能防御某”,英文解释为“to be too strong or good to be affected by something bad举个🌰:

Their defences are proof against most weapons.


📍proof常见的用法就是和名词构成复合词:n.-proof 表示“耐…的,防…的,抗…的;不易受到…影响/破坏的”,如:a bulletproof car 防弹汽车,a waterproof jacket 防水上衣,a childproof container 防儿童开启的容器。

For interested shower vocalists and podcast devotees, Shower Power launches today on Kickstarter for $59 ($99 MSRP). You can add on the water-proof remote for $15 ($30 MSRP) or an additional Droplet speaker for $20 ($50 MSRP). Pre-orders will follow on Ampere's site on November 15th and the device will go on sale in December.

感兴趣的浴室歌手和播客爱好者们,Shower Power今天已经在Kickstarter上发布了,售价59美元(建议零售价:99美元)。你可以以15美元(建议零售价:30美元)的价格加购防水遥控器,或者以20美元(建议零售价:50美元)的价格加购一个附加Droplet音箱配件。预购将于11月15日在Ampere的网站上进行,该设备将于12月上市销售。


表示“歌手;(尤指)流行乐队的主唱”,英文解释为“a person who sings, especially with a group who play popular music”举个🌰:

She won the Grammy Award for Best Female Vocalist.



devotee可以表示“仰慕者,敬仰者,爱好者”(someone who enjoys or admires someone or something very much)或者“虔诚的宗教信徒”(a very religious person)。






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