

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


今天,我们来看一个很有意思的话题,Buy Nothing,什么都不用买,起源于社交软件Facebook上的本地群组活动,群组内的成员进行物物交换。什么意思?往下看你就知道了。


Inside the World of Buy Nothing, Where Dryer Lint Is a Hot Commodity

The New York Times

David Stahl did not need leftover pickle juice because, really, no one needs someone else’s used brine. But a few months ago, he decided to ask for some just to see if it was possible, posting a request to an Upper West Side chapter of Buy Nothing, a hyperlocal Facebook group.

It turns out, people are willing to give away (and take) just about anything, if you ask. A week later, Mr. Stahl walked 10 blocks to a stranger’s apartment lobby and retrieved a one-gallon Mt. Olive jar of the pale green liquid.

“The doorman thought that I wanted the glass because it was such a large glass. I was like, ‘No, I just really like pickle juice,’” said Mr. Stahl, 30, a water resources engineer. He drank the brine with a friend, using it as a chaser for shots.

Welcome to the wild world of Buy Nothing, a network of social media groups, mostly on Facebook, where people give and receive things, treating the stuff taking up space in their homes as gifts meant to be shared and treasured. Members are encouraged to offer their time and talents, too, and loan items that someone may need for just a few hours, like a car or a cake pan. Created in 2013 by two women in Bainbridge Island, Wash., it has grown to 6,700 independent Buy Nothing Facebook groups in 44 countries. The Buy Nothing Project recently developed an app that it will release more widely in a few weeks.

Giving away the stuff that you no longer want is nothing new. Charities like the Salvation Army and Goodwill rely on these kinds of donations. And social media has made it easier for people to find free stuff on sites like Craigslist or through groups like Trash Nothing. But Buy Nothing turns the act of decluttering into a way to meet and befriend your neighbors. Because each group is geographically limited, sometimes encompassing only a few city blocks, and members are allowed to join only a single group, an active group can become a tight-knit trading post where a decorative birthday banner could make the rounds, shared repeatedly for months until it mysteriously disappears, as happened in one Brooklyn group earlier this year.

“We have plenty right here within each of our local communities to sustain us,” said Liesl B. Clark, one of the founders of the Buy Nothing Project. In the language of Buy Nothing, everything we possess has value, if you can find the person who needs it. “If we can reuse and refurbish and fix and repair and just keep recycling these items, nothing needs to be discarded,” Ms. Clark said.

Terms like “curb alert” or “first come first serve” are discouraged. You are not putting your stuff on the street hoping someone claims it before the trash truck comes. Instead, you are intentionally “gifting” your possessions. In this version of a gifting economy, where all items are of equal value, members are not allowed to trade or barter, as each object is seen as a gift independent of anything else. Such restrictions can prove frustrating for a member who may want to, say, trade goods for services.

The giver is encouraged to let an offer “simmer” for a period of time, selecting a recipient for some reason other than being the fastest one to reply. Members who raise their hands ask to “be considered,” and may offer a compelling reason for wanting, say, a table lamp. Or maybe they’re asked to tell a joke, or pick a number, and a winner is chosen. If you’re the lucky recipient of said table lamp, you may feel inspired to write a “gratitude” post, sharing your joy and photographs of the lamp in its new home.

The result, say group members around the country, is a sense of community that is mostly fun, sometimes quirky, and occasionally irritating.

Buy Nothing is “the only reason why I’m still on Facebook,” said Mr. Stahl, who has been a member since March. “There is no community meeting place anymore,” he added, except on Buy Nothing, where a member of his group recently offered a half-eaten birthday cake — a gift members were happy to take.

And it’s not just partially eaten food that people want. Oh, no. The list goes on.

There is the standard fare: used furniture, clothing, baby items and household goods. But the surprising things are what keep it interesting. In one Los Angeles group, used makeup, including lip gloss, frequently makes the rounds. Income disparity comes into sharp focus, too. In Silicon Valley, one group member gave away a piece of artwork that had, apparently, been bought for $10,000, while in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia, members share essential items like canned food, cheese, milk and medical supplies.

Life lived in a gifting economy requires a measure of patience, a virtue that can be hard to find if you want to clean out your closet quickly.

“You have to let things simmer for a while. That can be a little annoying when you want something and you feel a little pressure that the group wants you to sit and wait,” said Janis Gross, 60, who teaches jewelry making and is a member of a Buy Nothing group covering Stuyvesant Town and Gramercy Park, in Manhattan.

Let the item simmer, as the group requests, and then you eventually have to choose one recipient among many. But how do you decide which stranger is deserving of your old ice-cube trays?

“It’s like getting picked for the basketball team — 10 people reply and how do you pick?” Ms. Gross said. “I don’t like the public nature of it. I don’t like having to say, ‘Sorry Mary, I’m going to give it to Fred.’”

Sometimes people don’t show up to claim their stuff, or make it difficult to arrange a time for a pickup. Private messages can get lost in Facebook Messenger, leading to confusion or disappointment. Some members seem to claim more stuff than others, simply because they spend more time on Facebook. When you know another member personally, which is likely when everyone lives in the neighborhood, you might offend a friend if you choose someone else to take your loot.

But for Ms. Clark, the public nature of the interactions is the point. The transparency allows members to keep one another in check. “Gifting communities are a window into human nature,” she said, adding: “We all have to get used to being uncomfortable in some situations.”

In a group that covers a large swath of Brooklyn, including Boerum Hill, Gowanus and Red Hook, a glass sex toy (unused, according to the giver) was a particularly popular item recently.

“The other day, somebody posted dryer lint,” said Susan Lightman, a member of that group. Dryer lint, she soon learned, has many uses, including as hamster bedding. “It’s just the randomness of it that is amazing.”

Ms. Lightman, who works in advertising, has given her fair share of random gifts, too, including a fish taco that she ordered but did not eat, and dirty water from her 30-gallon fish tank. Her husband doubted that anyone would want dirty fish water. But he was quickly proved wrong, as the nutrient-rich brew makes for excellent fertilizer.

“A lot of people were like, ‘Totally, I’m interested,’” Ms. Lightman said.

She left a bucket outside her building, so members could come by and scoop it out. The dirty water was such a hit that she began offering it regularly, periodically announcing, “It’s fish-poop water time!”

Within hours, her neighbors would come and take it all.

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Inside the World of Buy Nothing, Where Dryer Lint Is a Hot Commodity 在“什么都不买”的自由世界里拒绝“买买买”

The New York Times

David Stahl did not need leftover pickle juice because, really, no one needs someone else’s used brine. But a few months ago, he decided to ask for some just to see if it was possible, posting a request to an Upper West Side chapter of Buy Nothing, a hyperlocal Facebook group.

大卫·斯塔尔(David Stahl)不需要别人用剩下的泡菜汁(pickle juice),因为,说实话,谁会想要别人用过的盐水呢?但几个月前,他决定去问一问,看看有没有可能得到一些,于是便在Facebook的本地邻里群“什么都不买”(Buy Nothing)上西区分部发了帖子。


表示“剩下的,留下的”,英文解释为“A leftover part of something is the part that has not been used or eaten when the other parts have been.”如:some leftover chicken from last night's meal 昨天晚餐剩下的一些鸡肉。


表示“腌菜,泡菜;菜酱”,英文解释为“vegetables or fruit that have been preserved in a vinegar sauce or salty water”。


表示“(尤指用于腌制食物的)盐水”,英文解释为“water with salt in it, especially when used to preserve food”


表示“超本地化的,集中在特定小区域的网络释义”,英文解释为“relating to or focused on a very small geographical community, as a neighborhood”。

It turns out, people are willing to give away (and take) just about anything, if you ask. A week later, Mr. Stahl walked 10 blocks to a stranger’s apartment lobby and retrieved a one-gallon Mt. Olive jar of the pale green liquid.

事实证明,只要你愿意问,人们就愿意给你(和拿走)任何东西。一周后,斯塔尔步行10个街区来到一个陌生人的公寓大堂,拿走了一个装着淡绿色液体的一加仑Mt. Olive牌罐子。


表示“找回;收回,取回”,英文解释为“to find something and bring it back”,举个🌰:

It took four days to retrieve all the bodies from the crash.



📍recover表示“重新获得;寻回”,英文解释为“to get back something that was taken from you, lost, or almost destroyed”,举个🌰:

Two bodies were recovered from the wreckage.


“The doorman thought that I wanted the glass because it was such a large glass. I was like, ‘No, I just really like pickle juice,’” said Mr. Stahl, 30, a water resources engineer. He drank the brine with a friend, using it as a chaser for shots.



很神奇的一个词,在英式英语中表示“(饮过淡酒之后喝的)烈酒”,英文解释为“a small alcoholic drink that is drunk after a weaker alcoholic drink”,如:beer with a whisky chaser 喝过啤酒后接着喝的一点威士忌;

而在美式中则表示“(饮过一点烈酒后喝的)淡酒,饮料”,英文解释为“a drink with little or no alcohol in it that is drunk after a small strong alcoholic drink”,如:tequila with a grapefruit-juice chaser 饮过龙舌兰酒后接着喝的一杯葡萄柚汁。


shot本身作名词,熟词僻义,可以指“少量饮料;(尤指)少量烈酒”,英文解释为“a small amount of a drink, especially a strong alcoholic one”如:a shot of whisky 一点威士忌。

Welcome to the wild world of Buy Nothing, a network of social media groups, mostly on Facebook, where people give and receive things, treating the stuff taking up space in their homes as gifts meant to be shared and treasured. Members are encouraged to offer their time and talents, too, and loan items that someone may need for just a few hours, like a car or a cake pan. Created in 2013 by two women in Bainbridge Island, Wash., it has grown to 6,700 independent Buy Nothing Facebook groups in 44 countries. The Buy Nothing Project recently developed an app that it will release more widely in a few weeks.


Giving away the stuff that you no longer want is nothing new. Charities like the Salvation Army and Goodwill rely on these kinds of donations. And social media has made it easier for people to find free stuff on sites like Craigslist or through groups like Trash Nothing. But Buy Nothing turns the act of decluttering into a way to meet and befriend your neighbors. Because each group is geographically limited, sometimes encompassing only a few city blocks, and members are allowed to join only a single group, an active group can become a tight-knit trading post where a decorative birthday banner could make the rounds, shared repeatedly for months until it mysteriously disappears, as happened in one Brooklyn group earlier this year.

把你已经不想要的东西送出去并不是什么新鲜事。救世军(Salvation Army)和善意企业(Goodwill)等慈善机构靠的就是这些捐赠。而且社交媒体让人们可以更轻松地在克雷格列表(Craigslist)等网站上或通过“什么都不扔”(Trash Nothing)等群找到免费的东西。但是,“什么都不买”将清理物品变成了结识邻居并成为朋友的一种方式。因为每个群受到地域的限制,有的只包含几个街区,而且成员只能加入一个群,一个活跃的群可以成为一个来往密切的交易站,一张装饰生日派对的横幅可以在那里转手好几轮,反复使用几个月,直到它神秘地消失,就像今年早些时候在布鲁克林的一个群组里发生的那样。


表示“清除,清理(多余物品)”,英文解释为“to remove things you do not need from a place, in order to make it more pleasant and more useful”举个🌰:

I'm going to declutter before my family comes to visit.



表示“包含,包括(尤指很多不同事物)”,英文解释为“to include different types of things”举个🌰:

The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.


closely/tightly knit

表示“紧密相连”,相当于closely connected,如:a very close-knit family 关系紧密的家庭。

make/do the rounds

表示“交谈一圈;四处访问”,英文解释为“to talk to a lot of people”举个🌰:

I've made/done the rounds of all the agents, but nobody has any tickets left.


“We have plenty right here within each of our local communities to sustain us,” said Liesl B. Clark, one of the founders of the Buy Nothing Project. In the language of Buy Nothing, everything we possess has value, if you can find the person who needs it. “If we can reuse and refurbish and fix and repair and just keep recycling these items, nothing needs to be discarded,” Ms. Clark said.

 “什么都不买”项目的创始人之一莉丝·B·克拉克(Liesl B. Clark)说:“在每个本地社区,我们都有足够的资源来维持我们的生活。”用“什么都不买”的话来说,我们拥有的一切都是有价值的,如果你能找到需要它的人。克拉克说:“如果我们可以重复使用、翻新和修理,不断回收这些物品,就不需要扔掉任何东西。”


表示“拥有;具有”,英文解释为“to have or own something, or to have a particular quality”举个🌰:

I don't possess a single DVD (= I don't have even one DVD).



表示“再装修;整修;把…翻新”,英文解释为“to make a building look new again by doing work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning”举个🌰:

The developers refurbished the house inside and out.



表示“丢弃”,英文解释为“If you discard something, you get rid of it because you no longer want it or need it.”举个🌰:

Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box.


📺 美剧《黑名单》(The Blacklist)第一季中的台词提到:We use it once, and then we discard them. 我们用一次 就丢掉。

Terms like “curb alert” or “first come first serve” are discouraged. You are not putting your stuff on the street hoping someone claims it before the trash truck comes. Instead, you are intentionally “gifting” your possessions. In this version of a gifting economy, where all items are of equal value, members are not allowed to trade or barter, as each object is seen as a gift independent of anything else. Such restrictions can prove frustrating for a member who may want to, say, trade goods for services.


curb alert

一般就是不要的东西堆在外面,贴一个标语写着「Curb Alert」告诉别人,这东西不要了,随便拿。英文解释为“an announcement--usually through a listhost or website (e.g., Craigslist)--signaling the presence of stuff (e.g., furniture, appliances, toys) left outside a residence and free for your taking”。


表示“以物易物;易货贸易”,英文解释为“the act or system of bartering goods”举个🌰:

The currency has lost so much of its value that barter has become the preferred way of doing business.


The giver is encouraged to let an offer “simmer” for a period of time, selecting a recipient for some reason other than being the fastest one to reply. Members who raise their hands ask to “be considered,” and may offer a compelling reason for wanting, say, a table lamp. Or maybe they’re asked to tell a joke, or pick a number, and a winner is chosen. If you’re the lucky recipient of said table lamp, you may feel inspired to write a “gratitude” post, sharing your joy and photographs of the lamp in its new home.



1)表示“(分歧或消极情绪)酝酿,积聚”,英文解释为“If a disagreement or negative emotion simmers, it grows slowly stronger over a period of time and could become more serious at any moment.”举个🌰:

She's been simmering with resentment ever since the meeting.


2)表示“用文火炖;煨”,英文解释为“When you simmer food or when it simmers, you cook it by keeping it at boiling point or just below boiling point.”举个🌰:

Simmer the sauce gently for 10 minutes.


🎬电影《朱莉与茱莉亚》(Julie and Julia)中的台词提到:It's simmering. 水开了。

🎬还是电影《朱莉与茱莉亚》(Julie and Julia)中的台词:It took three of us, crammed into the kitchen over a pot of simmering water, 我们三个挤在厨房里,凑在一锅沸腾的水面前,


表示“接受者;领受者;承受者”,英文解释为“a person who receives something”举个🌰:

He was a recipient of the Civilian Service Award.



1)表示“令人信服的”,英文解释为“A compelling argument or reason is one that convinces you that something is true or that something should be done.”举个🌰:

Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.


2)表示“引人入胜的”,英文解释为“If you describe something such as a film or book, or someone's appearance, as compelling, you mean you want to keep looking at it or reading it because you find it so interesting.”举个🌰:

Her latest book makes compelling reading.


The result, say group members around the country, is a sense of community that is mostly fun, sometimes quirky, and occasionally irritating.



quirky /ˈkwɜːkɪ/ 表示“古怪的,独特的”,英文解释为“unusual in an attractive and interesting way”举个🌰:

He was tall and had a quirky, off-beat sense of humour.



irritating表示「恼人的,令人厌烦的」,irritate作动词,表示“激怒”,英文解释为“If something irritates you, it keeps annoying you.”举个🌰:

Their attitude irritates me.


Buy Nothing is “the only reason why I’m still on Facebook,” said Mr. Stahl, who has been a member since March. “There is no community meeting place anymore,” he added, except on Buy Nothing, where a member of his group recently offered a half-eaten birthday cake — a gift members were happy to take.


And it’s not just partially eaten food that people want. Oh, no. The list goes on.


There is the standard fare: used furniture, clothing, baby items and household goods. But the surprising things are what keep it interesting. In one Los Angeles group, used makeup, including lip gloss, frequently makes the rounds. Income disparity comes into sharp focus, too. In Silicon Valley, one group member gave away a piece of artwork that had, apparently, been bought for $10,000, while in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia, members share essential items like canned food, cheese, milk and medical supplies.

有常见的物品:旧家具、衣服、婴儿用品和家居用品。但让它变得有趣的原因是那些让人出乎意料的物品。在洛杉矶的一个群里,包括唇彩(lip gloss)在内的用过的化妆品经常被转手好几次。收入差距也清晰地进入了视野。在硅谷,一位群成员赠送了一件看来是以一万美元购买的艺术品,而在费城日耳曼镇社区附近,成员们分享了罐头食品、奶酪、牛奶和医疗用品等必需品。


熟词僻义,表示“常见的东西;供大众使用的东西(尤指娱乐活动)”,英文解释为“material provided for use, consumption, or enjoyment”。


disparity /dɪˈspærɪtɪ/表示“(尤指不公正的)不同,差异”,英文解释为“a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one”,如:a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women 男性与女性在工资水平上的差异。


📍parity表示“(尤指薪金、权利或权力的)相同,相等,同等”,英文解释为“the state of being equal, especially having equal pay, rights, or power”举个🌰:

Women workers are demanding parity with their male colleagues.


还可以指两个不同国家的货币单位的“平价,等价”(equality between the units of money from two diffe-rent countries);


We now have gender parity among those who lead our teams around the world, and the highest-ever numbers of women in senior management. 目前在世界各地,我们已在许多团队的领导层中实现性别均等,高级管理层中的妇女人数比以往任何时候都多。

📍在2018年政府工作报告中,居民收入增长和经济增长基本同步;就处理为:Basic parity in personal income growth and economic growth.

Life lived in a gifting economy requires a measure of patience, a virtue that can be hard to find if you want to clean out your closet quickly.


“You have to let things simmer for a while. That can be a little annoying when you want something and you feel a little pressure that the group wants you to sit and wait,” said Janis Gross, 60, who teaches jewelry making and is a member of a Buy Nothing group covering Stuyvesant Town and Gramercy Park, in Manhattan.

“你必须让事情慢慢酝酿。在你想要某样东西时,这可能会有点烦人,而且当群里的人要你耐心等待的时候,会让你感到有点压力,”60岁的詹尼斯·格罗斯(Janis Gross)说。他教授首饰制作,他所在的“什么都不买”本地群覆盖曼哈顿史蒂文森镇和格拉梅西公园地区。

Let the item simmer, as the group requests, and then you eventually have to choose one recipient among many. But how do you decide which stranger is deserving of your old ice-cube trays?


“It’s like getting picked for the basketball team — 10 people reply and how do you pick?” Ms. Gross said. “I don’t like the public nature of it. I don’t like having to say, ‘Sorry Mary, I’m going to give it to Fred.’”


Sometimes people don’t show up to claim their stuff, or make it difficult to arrange a time for a pickup. Private messages can get lost in Facebook Messenger, leading to confusion or disappointment. Some members seem to claim more stuff than others, simply because they spend more time on Facebook. When you know another member personally, which is likely when everyone lives in the neighborhood, you might offend a friend if you choose someone else to take your loot.

有时人们没有来领取他们的东西,或者很难安排领取时间。可能在Facebook Messenger里找不到消息了,从而导致搞错或失望。一些成员似乎比其他人要的更多,仅仅是因为他们在Facebook上花费的时间更多。当你私下认识另一位成员时——这很可能,因为大家都住在这一带——如果你选择把你的好东西给一个人,你可能会冒犯另一个朋友。


之前在“我不能呼吸了”美国警察暴力执法致黑人死亡文中就提到了,loot作动词,表示“抢劫(商店或房屋)”,英文解释为“If people loot, or loot stores or houses, they steal things from them, for example, during a war or riot.”举个🌰:

Gangs began breaking windows and looting shops.



📺美剧《破产姐妹》(2 Broke Girls)第四季中的台词提到:This is a disaster. And not the kind where I can loot. 这简直是一场灾难,而且还不是我可以趁火打劫的那种。

But for Ms. Clark, the public nature of the interactions is the point. The transparency allows members to keep one another in check. “Gifting communities are a window into human nature,” she said, adding: “We all have to get used to being uncomfortable in some situations.”


In a group that covers a large swath of Brooklyn, including Boerum Hill, Gowanus and Red Hook, a glass sex toy (unused, according to the giver) was a particularly popular item recently.



swath /swɑːθ/ 更常写作 swathe /sweɪð/ 表示“(土地的)一长条;一长片”,英文解释为“A swathe of land is a long strip of land.”举个🌰:

Year by year great swathes of this small nation's countryside disappear.


“The other day, somebody posted dryer lint,” said Susan Lightman, a member of that group. Dryer lint, she soon learned, has many uses, including as hamster bedding. “It’s just the randomness of it that is amazing.”

“前几天,有人发帖提供烘干机里的废棉屑,”该群成员苏珊·莱特曼(Susan Lightman)说。她很快了解到,烘干机废棉屑有很多用途,包括给仓鼠做被褥。“它的随机性令人感到神奇。”

Ms. Lightman, who works in advertising, has given her fair share of random gifts, too, including a fish taco that she ordered but did not eat, and dirty water from her 30-gallon fish tank. Her husband doubted that anyone would want dirty fish water. But he was quickly proved wrong, as the nutrient-rich brew makes for excellent fertilizer.



fertiliser /'fɜːtɪlaɪsə/ 表示“肥料”,英文解释为“a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully”,如:化学肥料 chemical fertilisers。

📍2018年政府工作报告中提到,化肥农药使用量实现零增长 achieved zero growth in chemical fertilizer and pesticide use.

“A lot of people were like, ‘Totally, I’m interested,’” Ms. Lightman said.


She left a bucket outside her building, so members could come by and scoop it out. The dirty water was such a hit that she began offering it regularly, periodically announcing, “It’s fish-poop water time!”


scoop sth. out

表示“用勺舀出”,英文解释为“to remove something that is inside something else with a spoon”举个🌰:

Cut the tomato in half and scoop out the seeds.


Within hours, her neighbors would come and take it all.










- 那年今日 -

2020 考个教资周杰伦都能帮上忙

2019 日本世界遗产冲绳首里城大火

2018 金庸之后 再无江湖

2017 库克:学编程比学英语更重要

2016 希拉里再陷邮件门


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