

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Queen strikes hopeful tone in first Christmas message since Philip’s death

The Guardian

The Queen looked back on a year marked by personal, as well as national, grief in her Christmas Day message – the first since the loss of her husband – yet strived to strike a more hopeful tone for the year to come.

As a second year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic drew towards its end, the 95-year-old monarch said she could understand the feelings of all those who have lost loved ones, having been bereaved herself in April. Nevertheless, she looked forward becoming the first British monarch to celebrate a platinum jubilee – 70 years on the throne – in 2022.

“Although it’s a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones. This year, especially, I understand why,” the Queen said in her annual televised address.

She wore the same sapphire chrysanthemum brooch as on her honeymoon in 1947, and displayed a framed picture of her and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, on their 60th wedding anniversary.

Her Majesty told the nation that she had drawn great comfort from the “warmth and affection” shown in the tributes to the Duke of Edinburgh’s life. “His sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation were all irrepressible. That mischievous, enquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when I first set eyes on him,” she added.

She also spoke fondly of Princes Charles and William, and their families, for their shared focus on climate change.

But there was no reference – either on screen or by name during the nine-minute broadcast – to her middle son Prince Andrew or Harry and Meghan; the trio having recently stepped back from royal duties.

The personal message is particularly apt given the upheaval many families have experienced during another year affected by coronavirus. The Queen acknowledged the impact of the Omicron variant, having cancelled her regular trip to Sandringham in order to spend Christmas at Windsor.

The Queen, whose speech was recorded in the White Drawing Room at Windsor Castle, said: “While Covid again means we can’t celebrate quite as we may have wished, we can still enjoy the many happy traditions.”

She added: “I am sure someone somewhere today will remark that Christmas is a time for children. It’s an engaging truth, but only half the story. Perhaps it’s truer to say that Christmas can speak to the child within us all. Adults, when weighed down with worries, sometimes fail to see the joy in simple things, where children do not.

“And, for me and my family, even with one familiar laugh missing this year, there will be joy in Christmas, as we have the chance to reminisce and see anew the wonder of the festive season through the eyes of our young children; of whom we were delighted to welcome four more this year.”

The Queen also hinted at the prospect of reuniting with loved ones in the new year.

She said: “February, just six weeks from now, will see the start of my Platinum Jubilee year, which I hope will be an opportunity for people everywhere to enjoy a sense of togetherness … and also to look ahead with confidence.”

And she added that, next summer, the nation will host the Commonwealth Games. “The baton is currently travelling the length and breadth of the Commonwealth, heading towards Birmingham, a beacon of hope on its journey. It will be a chance to celebrate the achievements of athletes and the coming-together of like-minded nations,” she said.

The Queen concluded: “I wish you all a very happy Christmas.”

The speech was broadcast hours after the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall arrived for their annual morning service at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, without the Queen.

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Queen strikes hopeful tone in first Christmas message since Philip's death

The Guardian

The Queen looked back on a year marked by personal, as well as national, grief in her Christmas Day message – the first since the loss of her husband – yet strived to strike a more hopeful tone for the year to come.



表示“(尤指长期或不畏艰难地)努力,奋斗,力争”,英文解释为“to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties”举个🌰:

In her writing she strove for a balance between innovation and familiar prose forms.


As a second year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic drew towards its end, the 95-year-old monarch said she could understand the feelings of all those who have lost loved ones, having been bereaved herself in April. Nevertheless, she looked forward becoming the first British monarch to celebrate a platinum jubilee – 70 years on the throne – in 2022.



monarch /ˈmɒnək/表示“君主”,英文解释为“The monarch of a country is the king, queen, emperor, or empress.”


表示“新近丧失亲人的”,英文解释为“A bereaved person is one who has a relative or close friend who has recently died.”如:recently bereaved families 刚刚痛失亲人的家庭。


表示“铂,白金”,英文解释为“a chemical element that is an extremely valuable silver-coloured metal, used in jewellery and in industry”如:a platinum wedding ring 白金结婚戒指。


jubilee /ˈdʒuː.bə.liː/ 表示“(重要事件的)周年纪念;纪念大庆”,英文解释为“(the celebration of) the day on which an important event happened many years ago”如:the Queen's diamond jubilee 女王登基60周年纪念。

“Although it's a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones. This year, especially, I understand why,” the Queen said in her annual televised address.


She wore the same sapphire chrysanthemum brooch as on her honeymoon in 1947, and displayed a framed picture of her and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, on their 60th wedding anniversary.

她佩戴了与1947年蜜月时相同的蓝宝石菊花胸针,并展示了她和爱丁堡公爵菲利普亲王(Prince Philip)在结婚60周年时的相框照片。


sapphire /ˈsæf.aɪr/ 表示“蓝宝石”,英文解释为“a precious stone, usually bright blue, that is often used in jewellery”如:a ring with a large sapphire 有一颗大的蓝宝石的戒指。


chrysanthemum /krəˈsænθ.ə.məm/ 表示“菊花”,英文解释为“any of several types of garden plant, including some with many small flowers and some with few but very large flowers”。


brooch /broʊtʃ/ 表示“胸针”,英文解释为“a small piece of jewellery with a pin at the back that is fastened to a woman's clothes”举个🌰:

She wore a small silver brooch.


Her Majesty told the nation that she had drawn great comfort from the “warmth and affection” shown in the tributes to the Duke of Edinburgh's life. “His sense of service, intellectual curiosity and capacity to squeeze fun out of any situation were all irrepressible. That mischievous, enquiring twinkle was as bright at the end as when I first set eyes on him,” she added.


Her Majesty

Majesty表示“(对国王、女王或王后的尊称)陛下”,英文解释为“the title used to speak to or about a king or queen  I was invited to tea with Her Majesty th”举个🌰:

I was invited to tea with Her Majesty the Queen.


The performance begins at eight o'clock, (Your) Majesty.



表示“狂热的;抑制不住的”,英文解释为“full of energy and enthusiasm; impossible to stop”举个🌰:

Even the rain failed to dampen his irrepressible spirits.



表示“(人、行为等)爱恶作剧的,好捣乱的,顽皮的,淘气的”,英文解释为“behaving in a way, or describing behaviour, that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage”

She also spoke fondly of Princes Charles and William, and their families, for their shared focus on climate change.


But there was no reference – either on screen or by name during the nine-minute broadcast – to her middle son Prince Andrew or Harry and Meghan; the trio having recently stepped back from royal duties.



trio /ˈtriːəʊ/ 表示“三人小组;三件一套;三合一”,英文解释为“A trio is a group of three people together, especially musicians or singers, or a group of three things that have something in common.”

The personal message is particularly apt given the upheaval many families have experienced during another year affected by coronavirus. The Queen acknowledged the impact of the Omicron variant, having cancelled her regular trip to Sandringham in order to spend Christmas at Windsor.



apt /æpt/ 表示“适当的,恰当的;合适的”,英文解释为“suitable or right for a particular situation”,如:an apt comment/description 中肯的评论/贴切的描述。


表示“剧变;激变;动乱;动荡”,英文解释为“a big change that causes a lot of confusion, worry and problems”如:a period of emotional upheaval 情绪波动很大的时期。

📍2020年8月《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述卡车业文章的标题就叫:The trucking industry is in the midst of upheaval—and hype 卡车运输业正在经历剧变,以及炒作。

The Queen, whose speech was recorded in the White Drawing Room at Windsor Castle, said: “While Covid again means we can't celebrate quite as we may have wished, we can still enjoy the many happy traditions.”

女王的讲话在温莎城堡(Windsor Castle)的白色画室(White Drawing Room)中录制。她说,“虽然新冠病毒再次意味着我们不能完全按照我们可能希望的那样庆祝,但我们仍然可以享受许多快乐的传统。”

She added: “I am sure someone somewhere today will remark that Christmas is a time for children. It's an engaging truth, but only half the story. Perhaps it's truer to say that Christmas can speak to the child within us all. Adults, when weighed down with worries, sometimes fail to see the joy in simple things, where children do not.



表示“令人愉快的;有吸引力的;迷人的”,英文解释为“pleasant, attractive, and charming”如:an engaging smile/manner/person 迷人的微笑/迷人的风度/魅力十足的人。

weigh sb down

1)表示“使(某人)感到沉重;压下,压倒”,英文解释为“if something weighs you down, it is heavy and difficult to carry”;

2)表示“使感到焦虑,使烦恼,使忧心忡忡”,英文解释为“if a problem weighs you down, it makes you feel worried and upset”,举个🌰:

He felt weighed down by his responsibilities.


“And, for me and my family, even with one familiar laugh missing this year, there will be joy in Christmas, as we have the chance to reminisce and see anew the wonder of the festive season through the eyes of our young children; of whom we were delighted to welcome four more this year.”



reminisce /ˌremɪˈnɪs/ 表示“(对愉快的往事)追忆,回忆,缅怀”,英文解释为“to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure”举个🌰:

My grandfather used to reminisce about his years in the navy.



表示“节日的;喜庆的;欢乐的”,英文解释为“having or producing happy and enjoyable feelings suitable for a festival or other special occasion”如:a festive mood/occasion 节日气氛/喜庆场合。

The Queen also hinted at the prospect of reuniting with loved ones in the new year.



表示“暗示,示意”,英文解释为“to suggest something in an indirect way, but so that someone can guess your meaning”举个🌰:

What are you hinting at?


She said: “February, just six weeks from now, will see the start of my Platinum Jubilee year, which I hope will be an opportunity for people everywhere to enjoy a sense of togetherness … and also to look ahead with confidence.”


And she added that, next summer, the nation will host the Commonwealth Games. “The baton is currently travelling the length and breadth of the Commonwealth, heading towards Birmingham, a beacon of hope on its journey. It will be a chance to celebrate the achievements of athletes and the coming-together of like-minded nations,” she said.



表示“接力棒”,英文解释为“a stick that is passed from one runner to another in a relay race”

the length and breadth

表示“四处,到处,遍及”,英文解释为“If you travel the length and breadth of a place, you go to every part of it.”举个🌰:

She travelled the length and breadth of China looking for her missing brother.


The Queen concluded: “I wish you all a very happy Christmas.”


The speech was broadcast hours after the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall arrived for their annual morning service at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, without the Queen.

讲话是在威尔士亲王和康沃尔公爵夫人抵达温莎城堡的圣乔治教堂(St George's Chapel)参加一年一度的晨祷后数小时播出的,女王没有出席教堂活动。









- 那年今日 -

2020 英国女王圣诞演讲

2019 圣诞致辞大比拼

2018 这是我听过最感人的礼物

2017 英音 VS 美音 圣诞演讲

2016 英国女王圣诞演讲

2015 China's Laboratory Safety


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